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Ebook346 pages6 hours


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Book 2. Since being able to shift shape, life hasn't been easy for 18 year old Kat. Her mate has been murdered and she is pregnant with twins.
Kat tries to make the best of a bad situation and decides to get on with her life. The problem is, her bad situation, is about to get a whole lot worse.
Shifters from a Scottish community arrive in the Forest of Dean looking for a murderer, a scent has led them to their community and they want justice.

PublisherK.A Jones
Release dateNov 21, 2012

K.A Jones

I like to think of myself as normal, but I’m discovering that not everyone has characters in their heads that like to plot and plan anything from revenge to a loving or lustful moment, when you really should be concentrating on other things. So, I guess the description of myself as normal, isn’t all that accurate.You may spot some of my work under the name of Kat Williams. I am currently writing a childrens series and thought it deserved to be written under another name, so without wanting to upset my husband, I thought it only right to take Kats name from the first series that I wrote.

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    Book preview

    Trusted - K.A Jones


    Forest of Dean Wolves


    Published by Kirstie Jones at Smashwords

    Copyright 2012. K.A.Jones

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted without prior written permission of the author.

    All or the characters are fictitious. The names of places are real but the author has adapted the places to bring the story to life for entertainment purposes only.

    Smashwords Edition Licensing Agreement.

    Please do not replicate or use any characters in this book without written permission from this author.


    I would like to say a huge thank you, to my husband Martin and friend Jeanette for proof reading Book 2. You have both been amazing at spotting my typos! Your support and encouragement has been valuable to me in ways that you will never know. Your work has not yet finished…get ready to proof read book 3.

    Thanks to Sarah Buckthought from Sarbucks Design ( for the artwork/cover.

    And lastly – Thank you to everyone who gave me such wonderful feedback about Book 1. You have made me believe in myself again. A priceless gift, that means so much.


    Chapter One

    T’is the season to be jolly. . . Yeah right. Jolly wasn’t going to be on the agenda for a very long time – if ever. How could it be? I glance out of the window one more time to Jase’s resting place and tears fill my eyes once again, just like I knew they would. I swipe them away with the sleeve of my jumper and look down at my tummy and give it a gentle rub Okay babies, Mummy is going to pull herself together and then we are going to go to Nana and Grandpa’s for Christmas Eve supper and pretend that everything is okay. I feel them move inside me, as if they are responding to my every word and it soothes me - makes me feel calmer. I guess it’s the knowing that despite loosing Jase, my sole mate, my . . . everything - they offer me hope and a lifeline because if it wasn’t for them growing inside of me I think I would have either gone mad or even considered . . . no, maybe not. I give myself a mental shake and tell myself not to go down that dark path again.

    Anthony knocks on the door to the little non-descript room. I must stop thinking of it as that now that Ant has made it into a cosy little room just for me. He called it my ‘time out room,’ but really it’s where I go to think, or where I can go to be on my own. I look out of the window and I can see where Jase was laid to rest.

    It’s hard with the guys living with here with me. I cry and they don’t know what to say or how to be with me, they try and offer comfort and give me a hug but I can feel them reigning in their emotions so that they don’t make me cry more. This is where I can go to cry in private when things get too much for me. In here, I don’t feel guilty for crying.

    He has made it really nice. I have a little two-seater sofa and coffee table, blinds and curtains at the windows and little reading lamps and a small bookcase filled with supernatural thriller books. I guess when he was choosing them he didn’t want any romantic books on the shelves that might make me upset. Anthony has put framed photos of Jase and me on the walls, photos from when we were younger right up to the days just before he died. Some days I cry just looking at them and other days I smile, and then I cry because he is gone.

    Anthony slowly pushes the door open and brings me back into the moment and out of my continual overwhelming grief. Are you ready to go? Or do you want a few more minutes? My eyes dart from him, then to where I know Jase is laying and back to Ant again. I draw in a fortifying breath and slowly push my self up and onto my feet. Just give me two minutes to put on something smarter than these. I point to my scruffy jogging bottoms that are stretched to the limit and my bobbled jumper that has seen better days. Ant smiles and steps into the room and offers me his hand which I gladly take. He slowly pulls me from the room and turns off the lamp before closing the door.

    Anthony follows as I make my way up the stairs and heads off into the bedroom that he is using. I don’t know how he ended up taking a room upstairs, I think it’s because I keep having nightmares and waking up screaming or running before I’m fully awake enough to realise that it’s just a dream. I know that on a couple of occasions I was jostled awake by sliding. . . no - falling down the stairs and then the guys spending the rest of the night curled up on my bed or on the floor and having to be poked and prodded by Uncle Trevor every five minutes to make sure that my babies are okay.

    Since Ant moved into a room upstairs I haven’t fallen down the stairs and he is with me the moment the nightmares start. Waking me and holding me until I drift back off to sleep again. I have told him countless times that he doesn’t need to do this, but he disagrees and to be honest I can’t be bothered to argue anymore. It seems that the whole family agrees that Anthony needs a room close to me so that he can prevent me from falling down the stairs or having bad dreams, I’ve joked that I will get him a super hero cloak for Christmas, but in all honesty, I haven’t bought a single thing.

    On my bed I find a fancy gift bag, big bow - tied to the handles and a gift card stuck to the bag. I slowly lift the flap and pull out the small card.

    Dear Kat.

    I saw this and thought of you.


    Jules and Alex


    I take a peep inside the bag and find a lovely long black dress and a sparkly shrug, a new maternity bra and some bigger knickers. For the first time in a long time a genuine smile crosses my lips. The girl thinks of everything. I strip off my clothes and don the new items and look at myself in the mirror noticing the dark rings surrounding my eyes and how lifeless my hair is. I tug a brush though my hair, find a fancy clip and twist my hair up and secure it. I know that this kind gesture from Jules was an act of kindness, but I can’t help feeling that it is her way of saying Pull yourself together now Kat.

    Everyone will be together for the first time since Jase was murdered. I find a pair of comfortable flat shoes that go with my new outfit and go and find Anthony.

    He is sitting on his bed staring at the floor looking deep in thought. It’s a tough time for him too. He has been caring for me non-stop since Jase died and has become my full time carer really. When I’m resting or in my little room he works hard on the house trying to get it functional. Kyle, Ash and Uncle James and my Dad have been working on the barn conversion. I haven’t had a look at what they have been doing; I have gone outside a couple of times but can’t quite bring myself to go over to the barns. I cross the floor to him and wrap my arms around him pulling him close. We’ll get through this together Ant. The first of everything is always hard. I swallow hard, determined that I am not going to cry again today. He plants a kiss on my belly and wraps an arm around me and rests his hand on my tummy. Jase loved Christmas Kat. I feel his shoulders start to shake and know that these are the first tears that Ant has shed in front of me apart from the day that Jase died. I lean forward and kiss the top of his head being careful not to breathe in his scent and get fooled into thinking its Jase.

    I have had too many moments nearly kissing him after waking from a bad dream thinking it was Jase consoling me. Ant has always been the perfect gent and stopped me before I actually kiss him. Afterwards I always feel remorseful and deeply embarrassed, but Anthony assures me it’s just because I want it to be Jase there, holding me. I know he is right and after a few tears I feel better knowing that Ant won’t make a big deal out of it.

    I sit on the bed next to him and pull him closer still; wrapping my arms around him and let him gently lower me back onto the bed so that we are lying down. He nuzzles into my neck and I feel his warm, wet tears slide across my skin. I smooth his hair and whisper reassurances that everything will be okay. It has to be.

    I feel one of the babies move and so does Ant. He lifts his head up and shifts position so that he can place both of his hands on my tummy. His face is one of wonder as he gently moves his hands following the baby’s movements. Once the baby settles into what I assume is a more comfortable position Ant sits up and helps me to sit up too. He wipes away the tears that have fallen and rubs his thumb across my neck wiping away any evidence of his breakdown. We don’t speak about it. He simply takes in my appearance for the first time, noticing that I’m wearing the new dress and smiles. Are you ready to go Baby girl? I give a nod of my head and Ant helps me to my feet. I smooth my hands across his suit jacket and straighten his tie before we make our way outside.

    Now that I’m getting bigger, climbing into Anthony’s new Mitsubishi Outlander is somewhat an ordeal. Actually, climbing into any vehicle is an ordeal, I’m only about half way through my 20 week pregnancy carrying twins, but my belly is huge.

    Once I’m sitting comfortably in the car I allow myself to wonder how much bigger I am going to get and how much longer I will be able to take a ride in a car. Perhaps Anthony should’ve got a car with a tailgate that lowers so I could sit and roll into the car. The thought brings a small smile to my face and Ant notices What’s so funny? I was just wondering if I am going to fit in your car in another couple of months. A smile lights his face and he replies don’t worry Baby girl, we have a plan. I arch an eyebrow and wait. He arches his eyebrow back mimicking me and says well, when I say we, I mean Kyle . . . Kyle suggested removing the seats and hauling you in with a winch I give a half hearted laugh it might just come to that Ant. He pats my leg before starting up his car and heading over to my parents.

    I’m glad to see that my Mum and Dad have decorated the house. Everyone is tiptoeing around me, afraid that I will break - which given how I have been lately should come as no shock. I think it was my words of; Christmas is coming whether we like it or not, so we might as well face it head on! has prompted Mum and Dad into action. They probably saw it as a sign that I am coming to terms with losing Jase.

    Ant catches hold of my hand and we both take a steadying breath. We know that Samuel will be joining my family for supper. Whilst I know that he is not directly responsible for Jase’s death I still lay the blame at his door. His integration into my family has been one step at a time. I can tolerate him in short spells, usually two minutes at a time before his scent muddles my brain and causes me to have a full blown panic attack, bringing on my need to shift shape. In preparation for not having a panic attack, I chose to shift a couple of times today in the privacy of the forest that surrounds my house.

    Tonight is going to be a test of my own inner strength. He offered not to come tonight and even though the mere thought of him sitting at our table having a family meal does something to shred each and every nerve in my body, I have to give kudos to him for thinking of me. I agreed to his presence as he is slowly being accepted by the rest of the family and proving his worth. It seems that Samuel landed on his feet when Uncle Trevor and Aunt Eve offered him a place to stay so that he could recover from killing his own brother. Apparently his carpentry and plastering skills are exemplary and my Father has had him working on another property that he recently purchased. So he has been going to work and then training in the gym with the others and staying with my Aunt and Uncle. I hear regular reports on what a nice guy he is from my Aunts, whom all seem to have developed a soft spot for him, even Aunt Shannon, which is a complete mystery to me given that it was his brother who killed her son.

    Ant gave my hand a little reassuring squeeze before opening the door into the house. The happiness emanating from the house slams into our bodies and we freeze, not sure whether to continue on in or make a run for it. I look to Ant for guidance. He is really un-helpful and gives a shrug and mouths the words it’s up to you I close my eyes briefly and suddenly feel braver when I remember that Uncle George, Deano and Jake will be there for Christmas.

    They took care of Eli and disposed of his body, ensuring that there were no traces of DNA left. Uncle George, Deano and Jake are not related; they just banded together and have certain skills that ensure that crimes from wolf shifters are dealt with. They are excellent trackers and are the ‘go to’ guys if there is a problem. They deal out punishments, even death if they feel that the shifters crimes could result in our discovery by humans. They hunted Ellie’s rapist and Uncle George disposed of him at the crematorium where he works, but not before Deano and Jake had their fun with him. I’m sure that this information was only imparted to me so that I knew that my Dad wasn’t responsible for killing the male that raped Ellie.

    I somehow manage to get my feet moving and manage to make it into the house. Anthony tugs me into our old lounge where Kyle and Ash are waiting for us.

    They look so smart in their suits and ties. Kyle leans forward for a hug and I can smell Amber on his clothing. He kisses my cheek before releasing me and checks out my appearance Good job I’m taken Kitty Kat or I might make a play for you tonight. . . Looking hot. He steps away quickly before I can thump him. Ash steps forward and gently places a hand on my tummy and speaks to the babies I hope you two are going to behave tonight and not give Mummy heartburn. He cups my face in his hand and studies my face before saying it’s a full house tonight Kat and we are here for you. If you want to go, just say the word and we will all leave together. Got it? I give a quick nod of my head and he kisses my forehead before letting go. I love my guys.

    Now that we are all together I allow myself to breathe through my nose and sift through the assortment of smells. The first thing I notice is how delicious the food smells. No sign of Chilli-Con-Carne tonight, thank god. I think the spices don’t agree with me now that I am pregnant.

    Roast beef and all the trimmings fill my nose and I let out a happy sigh. The guys smile and Kyle gestures on his own tummy that it will be big after tonight’s feast, and it reminds me that I owe him a thump. I move as fast as I can muster and manage to catch him on his arm. He rubs it and frowns before asking me what was that for? Ant steps forward and says I told her about the winch idea and she wasn’t taken with it. his expression changes from a frown to a full blown smile Now, Now Kitty Kat, don’t be like that or Santa won’t come. I snap If you carry on calling me Kitty Kat I will definitely be on Santa’s naughty list for a very long time! he grins harder and says ah, but you have to catch me first and it’s going to be a while before you can manage it, so I plan on making the most of this advantage I have. The guys high five each other and I can see how my night is going to play out, them, making me the butt of their jokes, but me, secretly enjoying the normalcy of it.

    I take another shallow sniff of the air and find that Jules is here, Amber, Jade and their Mum too. I look to Anthony who nods his head in agreement. I draw a deeper nose full of air and find Samuels scent. Kyle takes my hand and links his fingers with mine and I hear him whispering we won’t let anything happen to you, you are safe. I promise. I open my eyes to see three pairs of eyes staring intently at me, trying to determine if I’m about to run for it. I blow out my breath through my mouth and lick my lips before taking another breath. I repeat the mantra in my head I can do this; I can do this, I can do this. Kyle sensing my internal battle is waning - smoothes the back of my hand with his thumb and croons well done Kat, you’re doing great.

    It takes a moment for me to realise that the house has fallen silent. They are waiting for me to make my move, bolt or stay. Talk about pressure! The guys take a step backwards letting me make the choice. It makes me proud to know that they will come with me if I decide to run.

    I hold onto Kyle’s hand and grip it tight. I might make it through first course if you promise to stay close. I’m sure I heard everyone in the house let out a collective sigh of relief. Anthony pulls me into a hug and whispers like glue baby girl, like glue we move in unison, Ant in front, Kyle and Ash on either side. It is the formation we take when we run in our wolf forms. Kyle flanks my side but hangs back a little bit protecting my rear at the same time, at least, that’s what I tell myself when I think about him being so close to my butt!

    Ant opens the lounge door and we hear the volume in the dining room increase. It is clear that they are trying to make everything as normal as they can and not to do anything that might cause me to run or have a panic attack. I anticipate that when we enter the dining room it will be my parents that greet us and slowly others will acknowledge our presence.

    I’m not disappointed with my newly acquired skills of reading a situation - either that or they are becoming so predictable. But then, if they are, then I guess they have all spoken and anticipated how I might react. The thought makes my tummy flutter, and not in a good way. I swallow the bile that is now threatening to come out and pause at the door. The guys step close, so that they are each touching me in some way - a hand on the small of my back, a rub on my arm, a squeeze of my hand, offering me reassurances, without words.

    Ant opens the door and my parents turn to greet us. Dad pulls me close and plants several kisses on the side of my head. When he steps back to take in my appearance his face lights up you look radiant Kat my appearance gets me another round of kisses on the side of my head and a kiss on the cheek. He steps away a little to allow Mum closer, she catches hold of a hand and pulls me towards her. Before kissing me she whispers well done, little steps at a time. If it gets too much, try going for a walk in the garden. I give a nod of my head and pull away. The guys step close and we slowly make our way towards the table.

    I frown when we get to where we would normally sit. I flick a glance towards my Mum but she is now heavily involved in a conversation and so is everyone else in the room. This - I hadn’t expected. My newly honed skills have failed me! Little name cards are placed around the table. I let out a sigh of relief. I have not managed to sit at this table since Jase died. Even though the chair was taken from the room, the empty space still remained. Just like the empty space in my heart. Right on cue the babies start to move around, reminding me that they are here and not to get too sad. They seem to have built in radar, picking up on my emotions and earlier Ants? I give a mental shrug and say to myself it’s just coincidence.

    Ant holds my elbow and leads me around the table until he finds my name. There are that many extra people to sit at the table tonight; it is difficult to say whose seat I really am sitting in. From the position of our seats I would think its Uncle Steve and Aunt Stella’s place at the table, even though they never join us anymore since leaving the pack. I am grateful that my parents have seated me close to them and relieved to see from the other name cards that tonight I am surrounded by my guys and Amber and Jade, along with their Mum Ruby. I wonder what their father makes of them coming over for supper on Christmas Eve, when really this is a time for family gatherings.

    I see Jules and Alex taking their seats close to ours. Jules looks amazing. Pregnancy clearly suits her. Her skin looks flawless and her hair shines under the lights. She beams a smile and comes over to stand by me. I stand and we compare baby bumps. Jules’ is compact and perfectly rounded. Mine looks colossal in comparison. Are you sure it’s only twins? she pats my tummy and lets out her tinkling laugh. Lets hope so, I don’t think I could stretch much further I gesture to my new clothes Thank you for the clothes Jules, they are perfect. Ant and Alex took me shopping and I couldn’t resist picking you up a few items. Ask Anthony for the rest when you get back, it should see you right for a little while at least. I start to protest about spending her money on me but she holds up a hand and says It’s already taken care of. I flick a quick glance at Anthony and see that he looks guilty. I’m guessing he played a big part in getting me this new outfit and probably the other items that Jules has mentioned. I decide to let it pass as I actually feel okay about being dressed up.

    Jules makes her way back to her seat and Lewis and Alex are waiting to greet me. I stand and go to them as others are starting to take their seats and still wanting to greet me.

    I make a decision to go around the table to greet everyone. This has one purpose, to get it out of the way. As I start to move I feel Ant press his hand into the small of my back letting me know he is with me. I turn and offer him a smile of thanks over my shoulder.

    As I make my way around the table giving hugs to my family and wishing them a ‘Merry Christmas’. I know that I am getting closer to Samuel without looking or breathing through my nose. The emotions in the room are becoming palpable. I feel tension rolling of those close to me. I see Uncle George, Deano and Jake move towards me out of the corner of my eye. They too - must be waiting for me to strike. I look up and pin them with a look. I give a brief nod of my head indicating that I am okay. Uncle George holds up his hands but slowly continues forwards showing he wishes me no harm. I get the feeling of being stalked and freeze on the spot. I try to look as if I am still in control and take measured breaths instead of the big gulps that I feel the need to take. Dad positions himself in front of Uncle George and nods for me to continue. All eyes are on me now. There is no escaping the worried glances from my family.

    I approach Samuel. He has his head bowed down and slowly raises it so that he can look at me. I see various emotions flash across his face, but the one that stays there is remorse. His eyes drift back down to my tummy and then flick back to my face. I get the impression that he is deciding whether to run or stay and face what ever I do next. I hear gasps from around the room as I thrust my hand in his direction. I hold it out to shake his hand This must be as awkward for you as it is for me. I’m not sure what the protocol is for this, but I hope you accept my hand shake as a step in the right direction. He stares at me for what feels like forever, before holding up a hand and shaking mine. He looks humbled and very quietly replies Thank you Kat. I move on and find Uncle Trevor who folds his arms around me and holds me until I stop shaking. I manage to make it back to my seat without running or having a panic attack. I feel good.

    The volume level slowly picks up in the room and I let out I sigh of relief. My eyes find Ruby’s and I feel her smile is one of approval. Amber and Jade decide to take the limelight and have loud conversations with everyone in the room. I’m glad that they are here really. They chatter incessantly, but it’s all good humoured stuff and quite entertaining.

    I sit listening to their tales. They show no malice towards Samuel, maybe they would if Jade had been raped by Eli, Samuels now rather dead brother, but I take notice that they go out of their way to include Samuel in their conversations. The food is bought into the room and in the usual rehearsed way . . . well, apart from me getting my own food instead of Jase getting it for me. The food gets dished up and everyone waits until the last person is seated before we begin to eat. Slowly others take Amber and Jades lead, and before long, the room is filled with conversations and what has just played out in front of them all, drifts into insignificance.

    Except I keep finding Samuel looking at me. He looks away when he see’s me - watching him - watching me.

    The babies shift position and I swear you could see my dress move. I rub my tummy and see Ash looking expectantly at me; I smile and glance down at my tummy. Ash thrusts his hand on my tummy and beams a huge smile steady on in there guys he admonishes, but even I can’t help smiling. The babies are going to wrap him around their fingers and run rings around him. I hope you are going to be around to keep these guys in check once they are born his smile drops and he looks studies my face looking as if I have just hurt him I told you Kat, I will always want to be a part of your life. Tears threaten to spill over, I manage to say a croaky thanks before Ash pats my tummy and says that’s better boys! he gives my knee a squeeze and Jade captures his attention, enabling me to get myself back under control.

    The main course goes without a hitch, although I do feel a bit achy after sitting for so long. I stand and make my way to the kitchen. Kyle has shadowed me this time and grabs a cold bottle of water from the fridge and hands it to me. Are you sure you won’t come here tomorrow for your Christmas dinner? Your Mum would be so happy. I shake my head and take a swig from the bottle. No, I just want to be alone tomorrow. Kyle sighs before asking do you think Jase would want you to be alone at Christmas? Kyle is probably the only one brave enough to ask such bold questions. Everyone else wants to pretend that my decision to spend Christmas day alone is because I’m tired because of the twins that I am carrying. I narrow my eyes at him and try for a firm voice but it comes out as a strangled whisper no, I don’t expect Jase would want me to be alone . . . my voice trails off and I struggle to finish the sentence. He pulls me close and surrounds me in his arms. I rest my cheek against his chest and he nuzzles the top of my head see how you feel tomorrow.

    We can hear Mums hostess trolley being loaded with plates and I know that there will be a flurry of activity in the kitchen in a few minutes. I glance at my tummy and wrap a defensive arm across it. I wrinkle my face at the thought of my Aunts and Mum coming in here and all having a poke and prod of my tummy. I cock my head to one side listening as the wheels start to turn on the hostess trolley. I tug Kyle from the kitchen and head out into the garden to get some fresh air.

    I lean against the brickwork of the house and close my eyes, letting the peace of the forest fill my senses. I breathe in the heavenly scents and let them wash away Samuels. You are doing great Kat, we can go back in or I can take you home. It’s your call. I open my eyes and study him, much the same way that he is studying me Just a few more minutes out here, please?

    My teeth start chattering after a while and Kyle opens the door and we make our way back into the dining room. I feel all eyes take in my appearance and feel the room relax, they have obviously seen that I haven’t needed to shift and that I haven’t ran. My eyes find Samuel; even he looks surprised that I haven’t panicked. Anthony stands to make it easier for me to return to my seat. Once I am sitting comfortably he leans in to ask if I am okay. I give his knee a gentle squeeze and give a little nod of my head before I place a gentle kiss on the side of his face Are you okay Ant? Do you want to get away yet? he lets out a little snort and miss your Mums Eaton Mess? No way! Mum pushes the trolley into the room, and sure enough dishes and dishes of Eaton Mess are strategically balancing on the trolley.

    Dad stands and hits his champagne glass with his spoon to gain everyone’s attention. My breath hitches and I feel panic starting to flare from deep within. I’m not ready to hear how we have to look to the future and what a good year

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