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Ripple in Time Eternal
Ripple in Time Eternal
Ripple in Time Eternal
Ebook83 pages1 hour

Ripple in Time Eternal

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Zane and Motac are in a desperate situation as the eternals take over Supernova on Twine and prepare to conquer humanity. Not only that, Tink and Zoltan and Mirko are missing in action. Are they all dead? Or worse, are they possessed by the enemy?

Without his friends, Zane must find a solution to the eternal problem before it’s too late. Will humanity fall under the influence of the eternals? Or will Zane and Motac prevail against almost impossible odds? The one advantage they have is their love, for both each other and their friends.

But is that enough?

Release dateOct 27, 2012
Ripple in Time Eternal

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    Book preview

    Ripple in Time Eternal - Mark Alders

    Love conquers.

    The final episode has begun.

    Zane and Motac are in a desperate situation as the eternals take over Supernova on Twine and prepare to conquer humanity. Not only that, Tink and Zoltan and Mirko are missing in action. Are they all dead? Or worse, are they possessed by the enemy?

    Without his friends, Zane must find a solution to the eternal problem before it’s too late. Will humanity fall under the influence of the eternals? Or will Zane and Motac prevail against almost impossible odds? The one advantage they have is their love, for both each other and their friends.

    But is that enough?

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    Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Ripple in Time Eternal

    Copyright © 2012 Mark Alders

    ISBN: 978-1-77111-313-7

    Cover art by Carmen Waters

    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

    Published by eXtasy Books

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    Smashwords Edition

    Ripple in Time Eternal

    Diary of the Eternal War Three


    Mark Alders

    Chapter One

    Zane opened his eyes. It hurt to do so.

    A stranger, a man of ragged features and scars all over his face, looked down upon him. Welcome back to the land of the living, warrior Zane. I’m Kort—Kort Sirus, leader of the human resistance here at Super. Thanks to our dear doctor and his quick thinking injecting you with a preservative serum, you’re able to fight another day.

    Zane tried to get up. He couldn’t move. He tried to speak. Nothing. He called in his mind for Motac. No answer.

    Kort gestured for Zane to calm. It’ll take a few hours for your systems to come back to life, but for now you can see, think and breathe. More than many who have been murdered by the eternals for resisting them, that’s for certain.

    Zane looked at him intently.

    The man added, Don’t worry, the cat beings known as Tink and Mirko are safe. We organised an ambush, retrieving them from Banshan custody before they were killed.

    He opened his mouth. Again, no sound eventuated except a pained and barely audible moan. With that moan, Zane managed to utter, M…o…t…a…c?

    Kort shook his head. Dead, I’m afraid. We can’t take any chances here, Zane, you’ve got to understand that. Humanity is at war and as a result, all eternals, whether in a host or not, are destroyed on sight. Look, some have taken over people I have loved. When it comes down to it, we have to do what we have to do for the greater survival of our species.

    Zane couldn’t help but feel a great loss. Then again, if what the man said was true, why was it Mirko was still alive? He couldn’t live without Zoltan.

    I will leave you to rest, my friend. I’m sure you’ve got many more questions. Besides, Tink wants to see you as soon as you’re on your feet. He’s a mighty fine looking man, that one, and you’re lucky to have his attention, I must say.

    Before Zane could answer, either with a groan or a nod, Kort had left him. A door slammed with a metallic thud.

    For the longest time silence, haunting and somewhat scary, was Zane’s only companion as he lay there in the den of the human resistance. Then, from the corner of his eye, he was sure he saw movement in the darkness. Sure, he was on a makeshift bed, dim lights illuminating an otherwise dull and featureless room, but now he was certain he wasn’t alone. Who would be in here with him? And more importantly, why? No one would know he was here, would they?

    Zane tried to turn his head, to no avail. Suddenly a shadow came over him.

    He gasped.

    Shhh, a familiar voice said.

    When Zane was able to focus his eyes, to his delight it was Motac. I…I thought you were dead, mate.

    Takes a lot to kill me, beautiful. Motac transformed into his more slippery ethereal self. Let me enter you. I don’t think Kort was telling you the complete truth when he said the surgery was successful. I watched. They were like butchers compared to what I could have done for you if we were together.

    For some strange reason, Zane wasn’t too worried about himself—not since he’d seen Motac, anyway. He blurted, How did you survive whatever the Banshan had in mind for you after the extraction?

    Motac joined with Zane.

    Together they took in a deep breath. Then, in Zane’s mind, he heard the familiar and welcome voice of the man who had become an important part of him. I survived through sheer luck, really.

    Tell me about it. I ain’t goin’ anywhere in a hurry, am I?

    We need to get to a computer. I think there is more going on here that what Kort has told you.

    You may be right. Zane got up off the bed he’d found himself on. He ached, but not like before. The sensation was less intense, more like an uncomfortable feeling around his stomach where the knife had pierced him. With each passing second, his discomfort eased. A good ten or fifteen minutes later he was able to walk around the room without too much bother


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