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His for the Taking
His for the Taking
His for the Taking
Ebook83 pages1 hour

His for the Taking

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HIS FOR THE TAKING – After meeting Jack online, Leah meets him in the flesh for the very first time on the sultry Island of Kos. Finding him to be as hot in real life as he is on the computer screen, Leah decides to live for the moment and leave her inhibitions at the airport!

“Someone will see Jack.” But even as she said it she knew she wanted the same thing and the thought of someone seeing them only added to the excitement.
Jack positioned Leah so that the cheeks of her ass were bare. He would have liked to spank her first but he would save that until another time, so instead stroked and squeezed them.


Katie is an overworked Policewoman taking a few minutes break in the deserted locker room at the Station when her sexy Sergeant strides in and takes control.

She could tell that her excited response was heightening his own arousal. With a desire filled growl, he reached out and cupped both of her breasts, tenderly massaging the smooth skin as his eyes drank in the spectacle of her semi nakedness.


Jared returns home from Special Ops to take the woman who always snubbed him into his bed, for one night only. She plans to marry and he wants the marriage to be scarred by the memory of their love-making.

She was engaged to someone else, could she get away with it? One night with Jared Hunter would be wild; he wouldn’t be an easy man to satisfy. He would demand every ounce of passion from her and leave her raw and wrung out.


Layla can hardly believe her luck when she lands the sexy, gorgeous Nate. He is one of a kind and she finds him leading her to places she never thought she’d go. Will she be brave enough to follow him?

“I need you to be sure about this.”
“I am Nate.” She returned his intense gaze.
“Really? I want you to do this because you want it. It doesn’t work for me any other way. I need you to want it, and want it from me.”
“I do want it, I’m just a bit nervous. Remember, I’ve never done this before. It’s a big first for me.” She smiled sweetly at him, knowing that her sweetest, primmest smiles always turned him on the most.


When Max moves to his new home, he finds his neighbour, Anna, to be everything he ever fantasised about in a woman. But is she too hot to handle?

Anna began to move her hands across her taut body and nearly cried out when she took her nipples between her fingers and squeezed. She imagined it was him touching her; pictured his mouth closing around each engorged peak in turn and sucking hard until she was bucking beneath him, begging him for more.


Persuaded by a close friend, Lauren decides to try out the discreet Sex Club for herself. But can this shy woman really surrender to her deepest desires?

As his fingers caught at her nipples, she was silently grateful not to be wearing a bra. The familiar little fissures of electricity sparked within her as he gently teased the hardened peaks. She let out a quiet sigh of pleasure and he smiled at her, slow and sexy. He was a clever boy indeed. He was getting her well and truly in the mood before asking her to reveal herself to him; before asking her to tell a stranger what she wanted from him.

Release dateSep 14, 2012
His for the Taking

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    His for the Taking - Stella Martinez



    Stella Martinez



    Stella Martinez on Smashwords

    His for the Taking

    Copyright © 2012 Stella Martinez

    This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

    His for the Taking

    The scenery whizzed by the taxi window without Leah even being aware of it. Her palms were sweating and there were nail marks in her skin where she’d clenched her fists so tightly time and time again since leaving home. Yes, she was getting more and more nervous but there was also a growing sense of anticipation building in the bottom of her belly; butterflies jumping around causing little shivers to wrack her petite frame when she though about the lusty pleasures to come over the next couple of days.

    Jack had promised no strings attached sun, sand, sea and sex. Men were selfish bastards most of the time so this long weekend was all about getting laid; getting laid, by a stranger, in a strange country where she could lose her inhibitions and enjoy some ‘down and dirty’ sex without the emotional commitment. Jack had been driving her crazy for a couple of months now, making her horny as hell with his dirty talk and even dirtier fantasies, she couldn’t wait to get her hands on him in the flesh!

    It had all started about 3 months ago, bored with her life and sick to death of missionary position sex with men who thought they were the world’s greatest lovers, Leah had embarked on a search to find her fantasy lover. She’d signed up to a couple of sites and was immediately inundated with offers but each and every one of them had made her skin crawl, turning her wonderful fantasies into sleaze. Jack had ticked all the right boxes, made her laugh and had slowly but surely, turned her into the wanton hussy that she had become. For the past few weeks she hadn’t been able to think about him, day or night, without getting wet. He always seemed to touch the right spot with his words alone and Leah felt like she was in a permanent state of arousal. Horny as hell, her body screaming for a man’s touch. Leah didn’t know how much longer she could stand it without release. It was starting to affect her badly; late night steamy phone calls resulting in restless sleep filled with erotic dreams, her mind constantly elsewhere at work. Christ he’d put a spell on her!

    Then out of the blue last week Jack had made his move; Leah had very nearly wept with need …… finally, it was going to become a reality. It was time to meet he said. He couldn’t stand any more of this torment either, his colleagues were starting to think he was losing his mind, constantly distracted in meetings, on edge to the point where he was barking orders and upsetting his usually smooth running workforce. Something had to give. He wanted Leah in his bed naked, screaming his name as he fucked her senseless.

    Being Chief Executive of a large international shipping line, Jack’s job sent him all over the world leaving very little time for relationships. He was sick of women wanting a commitment and the luxury lifestyle his money could provide. He wanted to form a friendship with someone who could provide the sex without the strings. What he needed was a woman he could enjoy, knowing that after the sex it was back to business as usual; all the enjoyment completely satisfied and none of the messy aftermath relationships entail.

    Leah’s plane had landed half an hour before and Jack had received a text to say that she would make her own way to the Hotel. He was already hard, his cock throbbing, primed and ready to fire. Jack was starting to doubt he could keep his hands off her when she walked through the door and pictured ripping her clothes from her body and taking her right there in full view of everyone. She had consumed his thoughts lately and he knew that when he fucked her for the first time he would be relentless. Jack had been very secretive about the trip and had only told her where to be and at what time. He had told her that they were staying at a swanky five star hotel on the beautiful Island of Kos. An adult only setting where stressed out business people went to relax and enjoy the secluded coves and quiet tranquillity of the never ending beaches.

    The taxi came to an abrupt stop outside what looked like paradise. Leah paid the driver and made her way nervously towards the huge glass fronted entrance of the hotel; a fairytale array of lights sparkling in the humid heat of the evening caused Leah to smile. Wow this was some Hotel!

    Jack stood as Leah made her way through the entrance dragging her weekend bag behind her. Leah instantly felt flushed as she took in his broad physique, dazzling smile and eyes that mirrored what was already going through his mind; mentally undressing her leaving her nipples tight and her knickers ever so slightly damp. Jack could see the effect he was having on her as he slowly made his way across the reception area. He ran his tongue along his upper lip causing Leah to catch her breath; her body hot and clammy and he hadn’t even touched her yet. Jack came to a stop, kissed Leah on the cheek and whispered,

    At last you’re here. Christ Leah, I don’t know how long I can wait to have you. Leah shivered as his lips grazed her ear and replied.

    I want you too, this feels totally crazy, you’re all I’ve been able to think about. I can’t believe how nervous I feel though. Jack smiled

    Please, try not to over think things, you’re perfect. My fantasies didn’t do you justice. I won’t jump on you and I don’t bite, well … that’s if don’t want me to. Look, do you want a drink in the bar first to relax a little or would you like to go straight up to our room? I thought we’d order dinner from room service if that’s ok? I didn’t want to share you with anyone just yet.

    Leah smiled and held out her hand for Jack to lead the way. She could barely think straight, he was everything she could want in a fuck buddy; those muscles! She hoped he would ride her like a stallion.

    The room, or perhaps suite described it better, was on the top floor of the Hotel overlooking a beautiful sandy cove. Leah took in the opulence and felt like she was in a dream. Everything was sumptuous and inviting. Tea lights had been lit around the darkening balcony drawing Leah outside into the humid evening air. Her heart

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