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Commander Mila Tovarich is the only survivor when her spaceship crashes on the deserted and barren planet, Epsilon—alone but for her metal companion, Human Articulated Robot-3RY, or Harry as she calls him, who looks after her every need and carries out the maintenance on the survival capsule.

Bored with the attention of her fingers, Mila looks for ever more inventive ways of releasing her frustrated sexuality, from electronic screwdrivers that oscillate at 20,000 time per second to the attentions of an entity, invisible to her eyes, that seems to understand exactly what she needs, and of course her faithful companion, Harry, who is always ready to obey her commands, as she waits for a rescue.

Can she survive until a rescue ship arrives? A rescue that may never come.

Release dateJul 18, 2012

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    Epsilon - PMJ Downing

    Commander Mila Tovarich is the only survivor when her spaceship crashes on the deserted and barren planet, Epsilon—alone but for her metal companion, Human Articulated Robot-3RY, or Harry as she calls him, who looks after her every need and carries out the maintenance on the survival capsule.

    Bored with the attention of her fingers, Mila looks for ever more inventive ways of releasing her frustrated sexuality, from electronic screwdrivers that oscillate at 20,000 time per second to the attentions of an entity, invisible to her eyes, that seems to understand exactly what she needs, and of course her faithful companion, Harry, who is always ready to obey her commands, as she waits for a rescue.

    Can she survive until a rescue ship arrives? A rescue that may never come.

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    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


    Copyright © 2012 PMJ Downing

    ISBN: 978-1-77111-216-1

    Cover art by Angela Waters

    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

    Published by eXtasy Books

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    PMJ Downing

    Dee, Always a great inspiration

    Chapter One

    Through the viewing port of the survival capsule, the three graves looked lonely and abandoned. Sitting low on the northern horizon, the young moon threw a hard shadow from the crude cross that stood sentinel over them.

    It could not look more inhospitable, thought Commander Mila Tovarich as she stared beyond the graves at the crumpled wreck of the spacecraft that stood half a kilometre away, a stark reminder of how perilous space could be.

    The crash had turned the four-person mission into a one-woman one. The spacecraft had spun out of orbit to the surface of the planet Epsilon after a meteorite had punctured the spacecraft skin. The crash had killed the Captain and the other two crewmembers.

    Mila realised that she was lucky to be alive, although stranded on Epsilon probably wasn’t lucky at all. She tore herself away from the macabre reminder that she was very alone on this uninhabited and desolate planet, and had been for—she glanced at the digital calendar display—almost eight months. Alone, except for a humanoid robot that catered to her every need, carried out maintenance on the SC, and ensured her survival.

    She stared out of the port at the wreck again, hoping it had miraculously repaired itself, then up at the black sky with its billions of glittering stars, stars so bright she could read her space manuals by their light, if she cared to. She didn’t think there was much likelihood of a rescue. Still, one could always hope.

    As Space Communications Officer, Mila had transmitted a distress call in the brief seconds before the crash, but she wasn’t sure if anyone had received it. The radio had suffered severe damage in the collision and appeared un-repairable.

    Humanoid Articulated Robot model 3-RY or Harry as she had nicknamed him, had been working on the radio intermittently since the crash. He had removed it from the spacecraft to the SC so he could repair it. Harry was of a male human design, very accurate in detail. The designers had also provided him with a strong, deep, very masculine voice and hunky body.

    Mila frowned and wondered if she was going mad calling a robot by a human name. Still, the conversations she and Harry had allowed her to keep her sanity—just. The airlock door closed behind Harry as he returned from another maintenance trip to the coldness of the barren surface.

    Everything alright out there, Harry?

    If a robot could nod, then Harry nodded. Yes, Commander. All is as can be expected.

    Have you managed to repair the radio?

    No, Commander, not yet. There are some damaged parts that I am unable to repair. I am, however, still pursuing suitable replacements.

    With her elbow on the table, Mila rested her chin in her cupped hand and studied her only companion. Harry looked like a real person. It was difficult to tell he was a robot—his designers had made him muscular, tall, and, she supposed, handsome in a clinical, clean-cut way.

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