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Ebook35 pages32 minutes


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How far would you go to find your missing husband? Denise is about to find out. Explicit sex, for adults only.

Release dateMar 9, 2012

Camille Cummins

A mystery is my bio.

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    Book preview

    Shadowlands - Camille Cummins


    By Camille Cummins

    Copyright 2012 Camille Cummins

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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    The sudden rasp of a match being struck broke the silence, the cordite rising in a thin, wispy stream. The accompanying flare cast his face into stark relief for a brief moment, his double chins becoming more prominent when he lowered his head as he touched the flame to the end of his cigarette. The match fizzled out as he dropped it into the puddle of water forming at his feet. He sucked in a deep lungful of smoke with relish. The smoke mingled with his breath in the cold night air as he blew it out through his mouth, the smoke rising upward to be lost in the darkness and the rain. Water dripping off the brim of his hat made him cup his hand around the cigarette for protection, as he watched and waited.

    It looked an ordinary house, like every other ordinary house in the street. Set back from the road a little ways, it matched the other houses in the street. The front lawn was mowed and neat, like the other lawns in the street. The short fence surrounding the lawn was well maintained just like the other fences in the street. The house itself, windows clean, paintwork fresh, just like the other houses in the street.

    Trees grew tall and wide on the sides and rear of the house, their tops almost forming a canopy that threw dark shadows across the structure, unlike the other houses in the street. Occasionally, white smoke spewed from a smoke stack set at the back of the house, the stench permeating the air for miles around. This was not like the other houses in the street. Not at all.

    There was a light on in a room at the back of the house, enough light leaking through to the front so the windows appeared like two glowing white eyeballs, the rest of the house's facade in shadow.

    He had been watching for five hours, and he pulled the collar up and tightened the coat around his body as a sudden

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