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The Faerie's Honeymoon
The Faerie's Honeymoon
The Faerie's Honeymoon
Ebook135 pages2 hours

The Faerie's Honeymoon

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Duvall of Talfryn adores his new human bride. She’s smart, she’s sexy, and they love each other—flaws and all. The half-magic city of Resurrection seems ideal for a honeymoon. It’s less dangerous than Faerie, and Belle can get her first real glimpse of his fae nature. Problem is, Belle gets a glimpse of more than he counted on . . .

"A little mystery, a dramatic homecoming, and some seriously melt the snow hot sex."—Guilty Indulgence

The sequel to Move Me

PublisherEmma Holly
Release dateJan 11, 2012
The Faerie's Honeymoon

Emma Holly

Emma Holly is the award winning, USA Today bestselling author of more than forty romantic books featuring billionaires, genies, faeries and just plain extraordinary folks. She loves the hot stuff, both to read and to write!

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Rating: 3.7499999375 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Prince Duvall and Princess Belle have an exciting, eventful honeymoon. They are protected by their eight foot tall chauffeur, Spink demon Darius. Prince Duvall tries to minimize the amazing and obvious physical differences between a faerie and a human, such as wings taller than he is, afraid they will scare his new bride. Belle of course loves everything that is special about her husband and seduces him into exposing his differences. Of course, the couple makes an enemy soon after arriving in Resurrection who wants to kill Belle in order to traumatize Prince Duvall. I look forward to reading the next book in the series.

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The Faerie's Honeymoon - Emma Holly

The Faerie’s Honeymoon

Emma Holly

Digital edition

Copyright 2012 Emma Holly. All rights reserved. With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission of the author.

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to the vendor and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

This story is a work of fiction and should be treated as such. It includes sexually explicit content that is only appropriate for adults—and not every adult at that. Those who are offended by more adventurous depictions of sexuality or frank language possibly shouldn’t read it. Literary license has been taken in this book. It is not intended to be a sexual manual. Any resemblance to actual places, events, or persons living or dead is either fictitious or coincidental. That said, the author hopes you enjoy this tale!

Discover other exciting Emma Holly titles at:

eISBN: 978-0-9849162-2-1

cover photo: Jimmy Thomas

Table of Contents

Title Page

The Faerie’s Honeymoon

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6


About the Author

Other Titles by Emma Holly

The Faerie’s Honeymoon

Duvall of Talfryn adores his new human bride. She’s smart, she’s sexy, and they love each other—flaws and all. The half-magic city of Resurrection seems ideal for a honeymoon. It’s less dangerous than Faerie, and Belle can get her first real glimpse of his fae nature. Problem is, Belle gets a glimpse of more than he counted on . . .

The sequel to Move Me


Reviewers rave about Emma’s HIDDEN series

A truly fantastic read! Ms. Holly turns the shape-shifting world on their respective ears! . . . 5 of 5 stars!

I don’t know how Emma Holly does it but I hope she keeps on doing it . . . a smoking HOT read and a great story.In My Humble Opinion (

"Hidden Talents is the perfect package of supes, romance, mystery and HEA!"—

Chapter 1

The faerie prince known as Duvall Duvall—very much not his truename, thank you—was bringing his human bride to the world of magic for the first time.

The trip was their honeymoon, their destination the half-magic city of Resurrection in upstate New York. Invisible to most humans, Resurrection was what was known as a Pocket city. Duvall’s brethren had created a number of these places, where humans and other races could interact to the hopeful benefit of both. As long as the race could play nice with others, the fae granted it visas. Today, Resurrection sheltered shapeshifters, demons, humans with extra talents, and quite a number of other beings. The original land of Faerie, whose essence had gone into forming the Pockets, was too often a magical Wild West: lawless, chaotic, and more than even some fae could handle.

Duvall could handle quite a lot. He’d spent the majority of his life in Faerie. His parents ruled the land of Talfryn with a steadier hand than most. If an enemy hadn’t chased him into the human realm, where he’d had the supreme good fortune of meeting his future wife, Duvall expected he’d still reside in the Old Country.

His wife had changed everything, Fate bless her.

At the current moment, his beloved was trying unsuccessfully to wave down a train station porter to help them with their luggage.

Belle, he said, gently rubbing the sleeve of her beautiful red wool coat. The suburban platform was open to the winter weather, and—unlike him—she needed the garment for warmth.

They’re ignoring me, she said, craning around the other departing passengers. There were more than usual. Humans rarely noticed the Resurrection stop existed. Magic protected it from ordinary sight. Duvall expected the Weretiger New Year celebrations explained the crowd. Any supes who’d scattered beyond the borders would return home for Resurrection’s weeklong version of Mardi Gras. Unfortunately for Belle, this meant she had to compete with beings who more naturally drew the station staff’s attention.

She clucked in annoyance as yet another porter rushed to serve someone else. This is worse than trying to hail a taxi in Manhattan. I knew I shouldn’t have packed everything I own. Now we’ll be stuck lugging the stuff ourselves. How did you get away with just an overnight case?

Duvall got away with an overnight case because, here in Resurrection, he could magick anything he wanted. Already, he could feel his batteries sucking up ambient power. They hadn’t been able to do that while he was in her world. Now they filled so quickly he was getting a head rush.

"Belle," he said more firmly, giving her lovely straight hair a tug.

What? she said, a hint of a snap in it. A second later, remorse pinched her mouth.

He smiled. Belle sometimes felt guilty for her temper, but he knew the passionate heart it was an outgrowth of. They can’t see you, sweetheart. As a . . . non-magical human, you’re nearly invisible to them.

Really? Belle said, her annoyance fading as her curiosity rose.

Really. I know it’s inconvenient, but it prevents humans who don’t have an invitation into the Pocket from being accidentally escorted in.

She peered back at the uniformed porters, most of whom were elves or mixbloods—though that wouldn’t be obvious to her. More spells hid traits like pointy ears or oddly colored skin. Observing nothing peculiar, she returned her gaze to him. At the sight of her dear pretty face, his heart turned over. God, he loved her, from her mysterious dark green eyes to her long straight nose to her wonderful willow-wand figure. Belle’s parents hadn’t exactly built up her self esteem, as humans liked to say on talk shows. His darling didn’t always think of herself as attractive, but she’d become the image of love to him.

Her lips curved as she recognized his expression. You’re going gooey again.

Faeries don’t go gooey, he said, mostly to see her grin.

She didn’t disappoint, her teeth flashing with the acerbic humor he loved. Careful, Mr. Duvall. That’s sailing very close to a lie. I wouldn’t want you giving yourself a headache before we reach the hotel.

Certainly not before I summon a porter.

Can you? she asked.

Duvall smiled and let his concealing glamour fall.

Duvall’s powers had been substantially curtailed in her realm. Belle had seen him twinkle in shared dreams and in heightened moments of lovemaking. Like all fae, he was out-of-the-ordinary good looking in any reality, enough that he’d thought it best to cover up on the train. As a result, this was Belle’s first glimpse of him fully charged and in his element. While Duvall couldn’t deny he’d been looking forward to showing off for his beloved, he wasn’t prepared for how taken aback she was.

Wow, she said a little shakily. "With a heaping helping of gosh."

Duvall’s stomach went oddly tight. Had he frightened her? Would his alien display cause her to regard him in a less easy light? He didn’t want that. Many races liked to claim faeries were half pride, but Belle was his equal in every way that counted. In truth, Belle was his soul mate.

Before he could decide what to say to make it better, a bowing elf porter rushed over. To go by the gold braid on his uniform, he was the captain of the station’s crew.

Prince Duvall, sir! he exclaimed. Forgive me for not seeing you there. How may I serve you and your companion?

Elves sometimes resented faeries, who—admittedly—didn’t let them forget they were a few rungs down on the magical power scale. Duvall gave this one points for referring to Belle politely. Elves were much less snobbish than faeries, but even they occasionally snubbed non-magical humans.

No matter, cousin, he said, for that’s what elves were to faeries. We’d like our luggage organized and a limo to transport us to the Downtown Grande. Also, if you could recommend a trustworthy driver, I’d be grateful. This is my wife’s first visit to the city. We’ll probably do some sightseeing.

The elf’s slanted brows went up a millimeter at him identifying Belle as his wife. Faeries dallied with humans considerably more than they married them.

I believe we can satisfy you, sir, he said. There’s a brand-new Spink demon come on staff. Passed the gargoyles’ trust test with flying colors. Darius knows the city and can make sure you and your wife aren’t bothered by riffraff, no matter where you go.

Duvall hesitated. Trust test notwithstanding, he wasn’t sure he wanted to expose Belle to a demon so early on. He hadn’t forgotten her ear-splitting scream of reaction to her first ghost.

"It is Weretiger New Year, the elf reminded. Hard to rent muscle at the last minute."

This was true. He looked

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