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DAEMONOMANIA: Book Three of the Aegypt Cycle
DAEMONOMANIA: Book Three of the Aegypt Cycle
DAEMONOMANIA: Book Three of the Aegypt Cycle
Ebook753 pages12 hours

DAEMONOMANIA: Book Three of the Aegypt Cycle

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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More information to be announced soon on this forthcoming title from Penguin USA.
PublisherPenguin Group
Release dateMay 27, 2008
DAEMONOMANIA: Book Three of the Aegypt Cycle

John Crowley

John Crowley lives in the hills of northern Massachusetts with his wife and twin daughters. He is the author of ten previous novels as well as the short fiction collection, Novelties & Souvenirs.

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Rating: 3.994252891954023 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Of all of the books in the series so far, I think I have enjoyed this one the most. It has much more of a plot than the others: Pierce Moffet, the main character (who I found somewhat more likable than in the earlier volumes) is distressed when his lover joins a charismatic Christian cult that promises her happiness. Pierce isn't sure whether or not he should interfere in her new-found religious beliefs. Meanwhile, Rose Mucho (my favorite character in the series) is dealing with her young daughter Sam's epilepsy. Rose's husband Mike is also a member of the charismatic Christian cult, and believes the cult has the power to heal Sam. The book explores the nature of belief and even of reality. I feel like the first two books have just been giving the readers the background on the characters so that this third one can start to really explore how the characters react under stress. Now that we know the characters very well, we can start to find it interesting when they deal with difficult situations.I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this whole series, but I have felt a little stranded all the way through. Crowley's writing is a joy to read, whether anything interesting is happening in the book or not. I feel like I'm not quite smart enough to fully understand why I have been led through such intimate details in the characters' lives. There are a lot of characters and a lot of sub-plots that don't seem to serve any purpose yet. I'm really hoping this will all come together in the fourth book.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    As always, beautifully written, but doesn't seem to advance the story much. What is the point of Bobby Shaftoe and the many, many repetitions of the war between witches and werewolves?