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Sources of Contamination in Medicinal Products and Medical Devices
Sources of Contamination in Medicinal Products and Medical Devices
Sources of Contamination in Medicinal Products and Medical Devices
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Sources of Contamination in Medicinal Products and Medical Devices

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The first one-volume guide to sources of contamination in pharmaceuticals and medical devices

Most books dealing with contaminants in medicinal products often focus on analytical methods for detecting nonspecific impurities. Key to the work of the pharmaceutical chemist, this unique reference helps identify the sources of contamination in medicinal and pharmaceutical products and medical devices. Divided into three parts, Sources of Contamination in Medicinal Products and Medical Devices covers chemical, microbiological, and physical (particulate matter) contamination, including those originating from sterilization procedures.

As compelling as a medical documentary, the book sheds light on how impurities and contaminants can enter the human body transported via a specific product or treatment. Focusing on only those medicinal products and medical devices that may lead to exposure to contaminants harmful to human health, the book offers a comprehensive, systematic look at the entire universe of medical contamination:

  • Chemical contaminants including residual solvents, catalyst residuals, and genotoxic impurities in active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs)
  • Diagnostic imaging agents (i.e., radiopharmaceuticals and contrast agents)
  • Microbiological and endotoxin contamination involving single and multiple dose products, medical devices, and biofilms
  • Contamination from sterilization procedures, residuals from radiation sterilization, ionizing radiation on packaging materials and medical devices
  • Medicinal gases and volatile anesthetics
  • Biopharmaceuticals including recombinant DNA technology products
  • Extractables and leachables from containers made of glass, plastics, and metal

Each section of the book contains information on what contaminants could be expected in a particular product, and how they were generated and reached that product. With up-to-date regulatory guidelines for determining contamination, as well as methods for assessing, quantifying, avoiding and removing contaminants, Sources of Contamination in Medicinal Products and Medical Devices is essential to fully understanding the specific threats that undermine the safety of medicines and medical devices.

Release dateSep 25, 2012
Sources of Contamination in Medicinal Products and Medical Devices

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    Sources of Contamination in Medicinal Products and Medical Devices - Denise Bohrer



    Joseph Lister, Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis, Albert Woolley, and Cecil Roe are probably the most famous names linked to the history of contamination. While Lister and Semmelweis evidenced, in 1850–1860, the importance of asepsis in dealing with surgical instruments and patients to avoid infections, Woolley and Roe were victims of contamination with a chemical contaminant inadvertently infused during spinal anesthesia 100 years later, in 1947. In the late nineteenth century, practices such as hand washing with a solution of chlorinated lime to reduce the incidence of fatal childbed fever, and spraying instruments, surgical incisions, and dressings with a solution of phenol to reduce the incidence of gangrene were neither accepted nor recognized as means of avoiding the transmission of microorganisms. Microbial contamination was simply not an issue. In contrast, a chemical contaminant delivered to Woolley and Roe along with an anesthetic, which caused both to become paraplegic, was recognized as such, although the explanation for the case does not seem fully plausible and has not been totally elucidated even today. Curiously, it was the phenol solution, in which the ampoules of the anesthetic had been immersed for asepsis, that was the supposed contaminant! According to the trial conclusion, contamination occurred by the penetration of the contaminant through invisible cracks in the glass ampoules of the anesthetic.

    Nowadays, microbial contamination is, with rare exceptions, well recognized through immediate and specific bodily reactions. Chemical contamination, on the other hand, is not so widely recognized, except when ill-fated episodes like the Woolley and Roe case occur. Chemical contamination rarely provokes an acute bodily reaction, and therefore, its manifestation is not promptly linked to the contaminant. This absence of an immediate response hampers the recognition of chemical contamination, making a substantial amount of evidence necessary in order for the effect of a chemical to be acknowledged and measures for its eradication to be taken. Aluminum was irrevocably recognized as causative of dementia dialytica in 1976, 3 years after clinical manifestations of the syndrome had emerged. The water used for hemodialysis was considered to be the primary source of aluminum, but it was only after 20 years that precautions to eliminate aluminum in the water were routine and the syndrome ceased to be a threat. In other situations, even when data indicate the presence of a contaminant and research has demonstrated that it could be harmful, risks are taken because no viable or satisfactory solution exists. Diethylhexyl phthalate, a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) additive that makes the polymer flexible and functional is recognized as causing infertility and endocrine disruption in rats. Despite all studies indicating this hazardous effect, it is still the chief plasticizer for the PVC used in medical devices such as infusion lines and catheters. A strong argument favoring its permanence is that, without plasticizers, PVC is useless and substitute candidates could even be more hazardous than the phthalate itself.

    Physical contamination, a third type of contamination, entails the presence of solid particles suspended in liquid formulations. Particulate matter is a problem because the introduction of particulate matter into the bloodstream may result in phlebitis or cause damage to vital organs. The most common particulates in intravenous preparations are glass fragments, from the opening of glass ampoules, particles from rubber stoppers and intravenous equipment, and particles from plastic syringes.

    Of all the recalls linked to contamination issued by the United States by the Food and Drug Administration over the last 5 years (2007–2011), 33% were due to particulate matter, demonstrating that, although it may be controlled through careful inspection, this is not a solved problem (Fig. 1.1).

    FIGURE 1.1 Food and Drug Administration drug recalls linked to contamination over the last 5 years (2007–2011).


    Of the remaining recalls, 32% were related to microbial contamination and 29% were related to chemical contaminations. Contributing to increased rates of chemical contamination were the recalls of toothpaste (contaminated by diethylene glycol) in 2007, heparin (contaminated by oversulfated chondroitin sulfate) in 2008, and Tylenol (contaminated by 2,4,6-tribromoanisole) in 2010. The remaining 2% of chemical contamination involved iron in a lens care solution and a cross contamination of several drug products by penicillin.

    With the advent of biopharmaceutical drugs, new modalities of contaminants have arisen. Since most of them are proteins, minimal changes in their conformational structure are sufficient to introduce a new entity in the formulation, which, able to trigger adverse reactions, is deemed to be an undesirable species and therefore a contaminant. Allergic and adverse reactions accounted for more than 40% of recalls over the last 5 years (2007–2011) (Fig. 1.2).

    FIGURE 1.2 Food and Drug Administration biologic product recalls linked to contamination over the last 5 years (2007–2011).


    The number of drug recalls due to contamination over the last 5 years clearly indicates that contamination of drug products is a topic that demands discussion (Fig. 1.3). Thus, the goal of this book is to gather together data regarding contamination sources associated with the production, storage, and delivery of pharmaceuticals.

    FIGURE 1.3 Number of drug recalls due to contamination over the last 5 years (2007–2011).


    Below is a brief synopsis on Lister and Semmelweis’s discoveries and the Woolley and Roe case.

    Joseph Lister was born on April 5, 1827 in Upton, England. He entered the University College of London in 1844 and received his college degree in 1847, at the age of 20. When Lister began his education, there was a mortality rate of over 50% for surgery. He dedicated his career to changing the hitherto accepted conventions of surgery.

    He began researching inflammation. Lister was aware that inflammation was the first stage of many postoperative conditions and, although many theories of inflammation existed, almost all of them were devoid of facts. Lister studied the varying effects of irritation on the skin and the resulting in­­flammation. His conclusion was that the tissues of the affected parts have experienced to a proportionate extent a temporary impairment of functional activity or vital energy, and, in 1857, he published An Essay on the Early Stages of Inflammation.

    In January 1860, Lister became Regius Professor at the University of Glasgow. As a professor of surgery, he encountered extreme filth and unfavorable conditions in the wards of Glasgow Hospital. The problem that vexed Lister the most was that of sepsis following compound fractures, a fracture in which the skin is broken and the bone is exposed. Such a problem required surgery and had an extremely high mortality rate, especially when the individual remained in the hospital following the surgery.

    In 1865, he read about the work done by Louis Pasteur on fermentation and microbes. Based on Pasteur’s ideas, Lister deduced that wounds had to be thoroughly cleansed to avoid the entry of germs into the body. He tested spraying instruments, surgical incisions, and dressings with a solution of phenol, which at that time was used to deodorize sewage. He used it on a small boy with a compound fracture in his leg. The wound did not suppurate following surgery, and the only injury was that the acid burned the boy’s skin. Lister explained the case and subsequent ones in a series of articles on the Antiseptic Principle of the Practice of Surgery in the British Medical Journal. Lister was also able to successfully remove abscesses, a surgery considered an unnecessary risk during those days, with astonishing survival rates. The number of patients operated on by Lister who died fell dramatically from a rate of 46% to 15% after the introduction of Lister’s asepsis measures.

    By 1890, nearly the entire surgical community had accepted Lister’s innovation, and microbes that caused sepsis had been identified and cultured. Lister died on February 10, 1912.

    Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis was born in Buda (now Budapest), Hungary, on July 1, 1818. He received his education at the University of Pest between 1835 and 1837.

    In 1837, Semmelweis moved to Vienna and studied at the Second Vienna Medical School. He completed his studies in 1844 and remained in Vienna after graduation, becoming an assistant in the First Obstetrical Clinic of the university’s teaching institution, the Vienna General Hospital (Wien Allgemeines Krankenhaus). In July 1846, Semmelweis became the titular house officer of the First Obstetrical Clinic, and his numerous duties included assistance with surgical procedures and clinical examinations. One of the most pressing problems he faced was the high maternal and neonatal mortality due to puerperal fever. Curiously, however, the Second Obstetrical Clinic in the same hospital exhibited a much lower mortality rate. The difference between them laid in their functions. The First Obstetrical Clinic was used for teaching medical students, while the Second Obstetrical Clinic was for the instruction of midwives. No clear explanation for the difference in mortality rates was forthcoming. Most women at the time delivered at home, but those who had to go to hospitals due to poverty, illegitimacy, or birth complications were exposed to high mortality rates. The disease was considered to be an inevitable aspect of contemporary hospital-based obstetrics, a product of unknown agency operating in conjunction with elusive atmospheric conditions. Semmelweis was severely disturbed that his First Clinic had a much higher mortality rate due to puerperal fever than the Second Clinic.

    In 1847, Jakob Kolletschka, his friend and a professor of forensic medicine, died after being accidentally punctured with a scalpel while performing a postmortem examination. Kolletschka’s own autopsy revealed a pathological situation similar to that of the women who were dying of puerperal fever. Semmelweis made a crucial association. He promptly connected the idea of cadaveric contamination with puerperal fever. He concluded that doctors and students carried the infecting particles on their hands from the autopsy room to the patients they examined during labor. This startling hypothesis led Semmelweis to devise a novel system of prophylaxis in May 1847.

    Realizing that the cadaveric smell emanating from the hands of the dissectors reflected the presence of the incriminated matter, he instituted the use of a solution of chlorinated lime for washing hands between autopsy work and examination of patients. Despite protests, Semmelweis was able to enforce the new procedure vigorously and, in barely 1 month, the mortality from puerperal fever declined from 12% to 2% and remained low for the time his methodology was in practice.

    In spite of the obvious conclusion, Semmelweis’s observations conflicted with the established scientific and medical opinions of the time. Some doctors were offended at the suggestion that they should wash their hands, and Semmelweis could offer no acceptable scientific explanation for his findings. In 1861, Semmelweis published his discovery in the book Die Ätiologie, der Begriff und die Prophylaxis des Kindbettfiebers (Etiology, Understanding and Preventing of Childbed Fever), which received a number of unfavorable foreign reviews.

    In July 1865, Semmelweis suffered what appeared to be a form of mental illness and was committed to an asylum, the Niederösterreichische Landesirrenanstalt, in Wien Döbling. He died there only 2 weeks later, on August 13, 1865.

    On Monday, October 13, 1947, two patients, Albert Woolley and Cecil Roe, who were on the same operating list for a surgical procedure, developed permanent paraparesis following spinal anesthesia administered by the same anesthetist. Both patients sued the hospital and the anesthetist. At the trial, in October 1953, the court accepted evidence that the paralysis had been caused by the phenolic sterilizing solution seeping through invisible cracks in the glass ampoules of cinchocaine, the anesthetic. The court concluded that, because the anesthetist could not have been expected to know about this hypothetical risk, there had been no negligence.

    An editorial in the British Journal of Anaesthesia at that time considered the sequence of events to be unlikely and thought it more probable that there had been contamination of the anesthetic with a different chemical. Dr. Malcolm Graham, the anesthetist, did not believe the invisible crack theory or the role of phenol. Phenol was known to be a chemical irritant, but no one was aware at that time of the effects of a solution of phenol in the subarachnoid space. Additionally, 1 year after the trial, the use of intrathecal phenol for the treatment of chronic pain was reported, which means that the neurological damage would be alleviated rather than caused by phenol.

    In 1990, the case was critically reevaluated by Dr. Hutter [1]. His findings provided a more logical explanation for the events. He concluded that there is no doubt that the neurological damage was caused by a chemical contaminant, but that it was a mineral acid rather than phenol. Hydrochloric acid from a sterilizer could have been the contaminant. The ease with which contamination could happen, and the relatively small volume of acid that would have been required, makes this a realistic possibility. He hypothesized that the sterilizer would have been contaminated with acid on the Monday morning if, as a part of routine weekend maintenance, it were descaled (with the acidic solution) and the person undertaking this duty had forgotten to drain and wash out the acid. Needles and syringes placed into the sterilizer containing the acidic solution instead of ordinary water would have become contaminated and then used by the anesthetist.

    While the reassessment conducted by Dr. Hutter absolved phenol, it continues to be accepted that the cause was some sort of chemical contaminant.


    1. Hutter CDD. The Woolley and Roe case. Anaesthesia 45, 859–864, 1990.



    The primary sources for the standardization of medicines are the pharmacopeias. They are nonprofit scientific organizations that set standards for the quality, purity, identity, and strength of medicines manufactured, distributed, and consumed worldwide.

    Although editions of books dedicated to the management of drugs date back the sixteenth century (or even earlier), official pharmacopeias, as we know them today, were launched in the 1800s. The United States Pharmacopeia was issued in 1820, and the British Pharmacopoeia in 1864. The Japanese Pharmacopeia was first published in 1886, and the German Pharmacopoeia (Deutsches Arzneibuch) in 1872.

    The creation of a worldwide, unified pharmacopeia, first envisioned in the 1940s, required the collaboration between national pharmacopeial commissions. The first edition of The International Pharmacopoeia was published in two volumes (1951 and 1955) and a supplement (1959), in English, French, and Spanish, and was also translated into German and Japanese. Today, the fourth edition of The International Pharmacopoeia, published by the World Health Organization (WHO), comprises volumes 1 and 2, published in 2006, the First Supplement, published in 2008, and the Second Supplement published in 2011.

    In 1964, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom signed a convention, drawn up under the aegis of the Council of Europe, for the elaboration of a unified Euro­pean Pharmacopoeia. The objectives were to harmonize specifications for medicinal substances of interest to the population of Europe. A protocol for this convention was signed in 1989 and it came into force in 1992. The European Pharmacopoeia currently has 37 European members, including the European Union (EU).

    Although pharmacopeias define how medicinal products should be prepared and controlled, they are not regulatory bodies. Their publications are not regulated by law; therefore, the control is exerted by other bodies. The regulation and supervision of pharmaceutical manufacturing is carried out by governmental agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States and the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) in the European Union, which are responsible for protecting and promoting public health.

    The unification of the world’s economic order through intensified international trade has led to an increased transnational exchange of material wealth, goods, and services. Consequently, the pharmaceutical industry, as many other industrial segments, has been built around production and marketing arrangements that include partners in several countries. Such arrangements have created the need for a unified technical and regulatory language.

    The International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH), created in 1990, congregates regulatory authorities and the pharmaceutical industry of Europe, Japan, and the United States in an answer to this increasingly global development. It is a joint initiative involving both regulators and research-based industry focusing on the worldwide unification of technical requirements for medicinal products.

    Recently, there has been a growing interest in the use of ICH Guidelines from regions outside those that have already adopted them. In response, the ICH Global Cooperation Group (GCG) was established in 1999 as a subcommittee of the ICH Steering Committee (ICH-SC). Through the GCG, the ICH has begun to discuss scientific and technical aspects of drug registration. ICH’s mission is to achieve an independent evaluation of medicinal products before they are allowed on the market.

    Today, ICH is composed of representatives from six parties that represent the regulatory bodies and research-based industry:

    U.S. FDA


    Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW)

    Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (JPMA)

    European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA)

    Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)

    Other members include observers and representatives from non-ICH countries and regions. The ICH observers are the following:

    European Free Trade Association (EFTA)—currently represented by Swissmedic (Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products)

    Health Canada


    Additionally, there are representatives of the GCG, the so-called Regional Harmonisation Initiatives (RHIs). They are formed by

    Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)

    Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

    Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)

    Pan American Network on Drug Regulatory Harmonization (PANDRH)

    South African Development Community (SADC)

    In 2005, the ICH-SC adopted a new system to ensure a clearer coding of ICH Guidelines. With the new codification, revisions to ICH Guidelines are shown as (R1), (R2), (R3) depending on the number of revisions. Annexes or Addenda to Guidelines have now been incorporated into the core guidelines and are indicated as revisions to the core guidelines (e.g., R1).

    Although covering several aspects of drug production, ICH Guidelines do not encompass medical devices. Besides regulatory agencies, which define how medical devices are regulated, there are organizations that are responsible for normalizing material features and procedures related to medical devices. One of these organizations is the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

    The ISO is a nongovernmental international standard-setting body. Manufacturing medical devices and components for the pharmaceutical industry such as containers requires standards to ensure desirable characteristics of products such as quality and safety. In this area, guidelines are set by the ISO.

    The Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) is another organization responsible for regulating the use of medical instrumentation through standardization. The AAMI produces Standards, Recommended Practices, and Technical Information Reports for medical devices. AAMI standards are approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and AAMI also administers a number of international technical committees for the ISO.

    Compiling into one short chapter the regulations, directives, and standards that regulate contaminants in medicinal products and medical devices is a challenging goal mainly due to transpositions and superimpositions of directives among the bodies. The Medicine and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in the United Kingdom regulates medical devices (Bulletin No. 17) in accordance with the EMEA (Directive 93/42/EEC) by transposing EU directives into U.K. law. The EU, in its turn, implements ISO standardization for active implantable medical devices (2009/C 293/02). Similarly, there are ANSI/AAMI/ISO regulations for ethylene oxide sterilization residuals (10993-7:2008), to cite only a few examples. Therefore, a single directive may appear under different designations. Nevertheless, these apparent duplications spring from an awareness of the necessity to align national laws and regulations in order to promote safe exchange among internal markets.

    Directives for the quality control of medicines and medical devices that fall within the scope of this book are presented in Table 2.1. The table shows the book chapters and the corresponding guidelines. This is to provide the readers with direct and summarized sources on regulation. The table includes some organizations not cited above. The identification of these organizations appears in the table’s footnote.

    TABLE 2.1 Reference and Title of Guidelines and Standards Regulating Impurities and Contaminants in Medicinal Products and Medical Devices


    PART I




    3.1 WATER

    Water is the major component of the human body, and as a result, it is the most widely used vehicle for drug delivery. It is the primary raw material in pharmaceutical formulations. Water must be present even in drugs containing non-water-soluble substances. For example, lipophilic drugs are prepared as water/oil emulsions.

    The amount and level of contaminants or impurities in water for pharmaceutical purposes depend on its use. Because water is used in all industries and scientific work, international and national standard authorities have established water quality parameters for all of its applications. Health-related water standards are established by organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) [1], the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) [2], and the American Society for Testing and Materials Standards (ASTM) [3] in the United States, and the pharmacopeial compendia when the aim is specifically related to water for pharmaceutical products for human and veterinary consumption.

    Standards for water quality are similar among pharmacopeias (United States Pharmacopeia [USP] [4], British Pharmacopoeia [BP] [5], Deutsches Arzneibuch [DAB] [6], European Pharmacopoeia [Ph. Eur.] [7], The International Pharmacopoeia [Ph. Int.] [8]), with only minor differences in the accepted levels of chemical contaminants. Pharmacopeias classify water into three main categories: purified water, highly purified water, and water for injection (WFI). In all water purification processes, the raw material is always drinking water. Drinking water parameters, established by governmental regulatory agencies, include a large number of chemicals. These parameters comprise not only naturally occurring substances but also a series of chemicals that may be present from anthropogenic activities in natural waters, such as benzene, EDTA, and cadmium. Table 3.1 shows the guidelines for drinking water quality adopted by the WHO and the EPA.

    TABLE 3.1 WHO Guideline Values for Chemicals in Drinking Water and EPA National Drinking Water Standards [1, 2]

    Secondary Standards: nonenforceable guidelines regulating contaminants that may cause cosmetic or aesthetic effects in drinking water. EPA recommends secondary standards to water systems but does not require systems to comply.

    The water purification process adopted by pharmaceutical industries must be able to furnish water with the quality parameters presented in Table 3.2. The ability to achieve a guideline value depends on a number of factors, including the following:

    concentration of the chemical in the raw water

    nature of the raw water

    treatment processes.

    TABLE 3.2 Water Quality for Pharmaceutical Purposes (Pharmacopeial Standards)


    There are treatments available for purifying water, which should be chosen according to the degree of purity required. These treatments are listed in Table 3.3 according to their degree of complexity. The higher the ranking, the more complex the process.

    TABLE 3.3 Ranking of Complexity of Water Treatment Processes for Chemicals

    Table 3.4 lists the quality parameters of water obtained by the purification processes listed in Table 3.3. The effectiveness of each treatment in removing the contaminants listed in Tables 3.1 and 3.2 are listed in Table 3.5.

    TABLE 3.4 Quality Parameters of Water after Different Purification Treatments

    Source: Millipore catalog.


    TABLE 3.5 Effectiveness of Each Treatment in Removing the Contaminants

    Adapted from References 1 and 9.


    As a result of anthropogenic activities, surface water systems are contaminated with chemicals that originate from wastewater discharges, agricultural activities, and atmospheric deposition. These chemicals may not be completely removed during drinking water treatments. Schriks et al. [10] evaluated 50 emerging contaminants relevant for drinking water based on their inherent difficulty to be removed by traditional treatment techniques. The n-octanol-water partition coefficient (log Kow) was used as the criterion for selection. Compounds with log Kow > 3 were excluded because they are less likely to pass through drinking water treatment plants. Table 3.6 lists these contaminants and classifies them according to the level at which they were found in drinking water samples. Although the levels of the contaminants are low, if these compounds are not satisfactorily removed on the treatment, they might not be eliminated in the purification step of the production of water for pharmaceutical purposes.

    TABLE 3.6 Concentration in Drinking Water of Selected Emerging Contaminants

    Adapted from Reference 10.

    Chemical categories:



    cgasoline additive,

    dperfluorinated compound,


    Even when water complies with quality parameters as a raw material, it can contain impurities after being turned into a pharmaceutical product. Table 3.7 lists the level of some contaminants found in water used for injections. Because the raw material passed the quality test, contaminants were either below the allowed concentration level or introduced after packaging. Contaminants introduced after packaging most likely originate from the packaging materials. Chapter 6 discusses containers as sources of contamination.

    TABLE 3.7 Contaminants Found in Water for Injection


    In summary, water can be a source of contaminants. If the raw material (drinking water) complies with the quality parameters established by authorities, contaminants that are still present can be eliminated by typical water purification processes available to the pharmaceutical industry. While distillation and reverse osmosis provide water with the required quality specifications for purified water and highly purified water, WFI is generally obtained by membrane filtration (associated with another purification process) because of chemical contamination and sterility requirements.


    Inorganic impurities are present in naturally occurring, nonsynthesized raw materials. They may either present toxic effects (as with arsenic) or be as harmless as chloride ions. An overview of usual concomitants and their limits cited in pharmacopeial compendia are listed in Table 3.8.

    TABLE 3.8 Main Inorganic Impurities Listed in Pharmacopeial Compendia and Their Limits


    Although inevitable, the presence of concomitants in pharmaceutical products may not exactly be a problem. The presence of magnesium in calcium salts is very common due to the similarity between these cations. Both cations are alkaline earth metals with similar chemical behavior. As a result, most raw materials containing calcium also contain small amounts of magnesium. The same occurs with sodium and potassium. Thus, the limit for potassium as an impurity in sodium chloride (according to the BP monograph) is 550 ppm or 0.55 mg potassium per gram sodium salt. Species such as sodium, potassium, chloride, and sulfate are tolerable in a fairly large concentration range, whereas other toxic species such as arsenic and lead have narrower limits. For arsenic and lead, the limits in the pharmacopeial compendia are generally set between 1 and 10 ppm. In fact, these limits are high for such harmful species. There are a limited number of studies that show the presence of impurities in raw materials mainly because the quality of raw materials is certified by guarantee bulletins and products are supposed to be within the range of the quality attested by the certificate.

    Metallic species can be introduced in active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) through various sources; they can naturally occur in plants or raw materials, they can be introduced as a concomitant impurity, or they can result from the manufacturing process. Reactors, pipes, and other equipment are potential sources. If a metal catalyst is used for the production of a pharmaceutical drug, residuals of the original catalyst or another species of the metal element altered by downstream chemical processes can be present in the product.

    Metallic catalysts are not included in the general compendia tests for heavy metals; these species are considered in separate monographs. Limits for metal catalysts are already set by the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) [17] and will be adopted by the United States Pharmacopeia [18]. In the EMEA guidelines, metals are classified based on their toxicity, and their limits differ depending on the route of administration. The permitted daily exposure (PDE) is used as the key indicator of the maximum safe intake limit for individual elements. Fourteen elements were included in the classification, which are listed, along with their limits, in Table 3.9.

    TABLE 3.9 Concentration Limits for Metallic Impurities Used as Catalysts in the Production of a Pharmaceutical Substance Defined by EMEA [17]

    Table 3.10 lists the catalyst residuals in four drugs and seven APIs (and some intermediates). The metal residual catalysts listed in Table 3.9 were investigated in samples in which they were constituents of the employed catalysts. Most samples exhibited levels within the EMEA specifications. The only exception was synthetic vitamin E, in which the levels of Cr in both samples and Ni in one sample were higher than the permitted levels. In another sample [20], the API 2 intermediate, the metallic (Pd) catalyst residual, was also above the limit. However, the level was within the allowed range for the final drug.

    TABLE 3.10 Residuals of Some Metal Catalyst Impurities in Drug Products and Drug Substances


    Metallic impurities not associated with catalysts are presented in Table 3.11. The most investigated metals were Pb and Cd. A comparison of their levels demonstrates that synthetic drugs are the least contaminated, followed by natural products extracted from plants or animals and inorganic salts, such as calcium carbonate. Due to the wide use of calcium supplements, Table 3.12 summarizes the lead contamination in different calcium salts from different sources. The Pb level in different brands of calcium supplements varies by almost 300-fold. Calcium chelates and refined calcium carbonate were the only two categories with a mean Pb concentration below 1 µg/g. Although the Pb levels in other samples (natural sources of calcium) averaged at least 10 times higher, no significant differences among the Pb levels in these samples were found. These results indicate that natural sources of calcium are significant sources of Pb.

    TABLE 3.11 Metallic Impurities in Drug Products and Drug Substances


    TABLE 3.12 Lead Concentration in Different Calcium Supplements

    a  Samples analyzed after laboratory refine.

    Two studies were conducted on raw materials used to prepare parenteral formulations, which include several inorganic salts, to determine their aluminum and arsenic content [28, 29]. Figures 3.1 and 3.2 demonstrate that aluminum and arsenic were present in all investigated raw materials. There were also different levels of contamination among the substances. Salts, such as NaCl and KCl, presented low aluminum contaminations, whereas phosphates, gluconate, and malic acid were relatively contaminated. The authors attributed this difference to the affinity of aluminum to the latter substances. Arsenic showed a more uniform distribution of contamination. With the exception of the amino acid tyrosine, the arsenic level in all substances was below 1 µg/g and did not exceed the limits established by pharmacopeias.

    FIGURE 3.1 Aluminum present as impurity in substances used in parenteral nutrition [28].


    FIGURE 3.2 Arsenic level in substances used in formulations for parenteral nutri­tion [29].


    Because analyses to check the presence of impurities in pharmaceutical products are generally performed with finished products, it is not possible to attribute the presence of contaminants to raw materials. Unless the raw material itself is checked, many other sources can add impurities to the final product.


    3.3.1 By-products

    By-products are perhaps the most difficult impurities to summarize because each drug has its own by-products that may appear as impurities. These by-products are synthesized along with active ingredients and are generally difficult to separate due to their similarity to the molecule of interest. Most are isomeric species, differing from each other by the presence of only a small group or the position of a hydrogen atom. Modern drugs that contain only one chiral isomer are even more difficult to separate and purify.

    The control of organic impurities in new drug substances and drug products is based on the maximum daily dose (amount of drug substance administered per day) and the total daily intake (TDI) of impurities. Limits and impurity identification depend on the maximum daily dose. These limits were established by the International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) Q3A [30] and ICH Q3B [31] and are listed in Table 3.13.

    TABLE 3.13 Limits for Impurities Established by the International Conference of Harmonization (ICH) for Drug Substances (Q3A) and for Drug Products

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