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The Reason You're Alive: A Novel
The Reason You're Alive: A Novel
The Reason You're Alive: A Novel
Audiobook5 hours

The Reason You're Alive: A Novel

Written by Matthew Quick

Narrated by R.C. Bray

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

The New York Times bestselling author of The Silver Linings Playbook offers a timely novel featuring his most fascinating character yet, a Vietnam vet embarking on a quixotic crusade to track down his nemesis from the war.

After sixty-eight-year-old David Granger crashes his BMW, medical tests reveal a brain tumor that he readily attributes to his wartime Agent Orange exposure. He wakes up from surgery repeating a name no one in his civilian life has ever heard—that of a Native American soldier whom he was once ordered to discipline. David decides to return something precious he long ago stole from the man he now calls Clayton Fire Bear. It may be the only way to find closure in a world increasingly at odds with the one he served to protect. It may also help him to finally recover from his wife’s untimely demise.

As David confronts his past to salvage his present, a poignant portrait emerges: that of an opinionated and good-hearted American patriot fighting like hell to stay true to his red, white, and blue heart, even as the country he loves rapidly changes in ways he doesn’t always like or understand. Hanging in the balance are Granger’s distant art-dealing son, Hank; his adoring seven-year-old granddaughter, Ella; and his best friend, Sue, a Vietnamese American who respects David’s fearless sincerity.

Through the controversial, wrenching, and wildly honest David Granger, Matthew Quick offers a no-nonsense but ultimately hopeful view of America’s polarized psyche. By turns irascible and hilarious, insightful and inconvenient, David is a complex, wounded, honorable, and loving man. The Reason You’re Alive examines how the secrets and debts we carry from our past define us; it also challenges us to look beyond our own prejudices and search for the good in us all.

Release dateJul 4, 2017

Matthew Quick

Matthew Quick (aka Q) is the New York Times bestselling author of several novels, including The Silver Linings Playbook, which was made into an Oscar-winning film, and The Good Luck of Right Now. His work has been translated into thirty languages and has received a PEN/Hemingway Award Honorable Mention. Q lives with his wife, the novelist-pianist Alicia Bessette, on North Carolina's Outer Banks.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I loved this book. It's Gran Torino and Archie Bunker meets Full Metal Jacket at times, which, to some, may be offensive. However, stick it out because there is much to learn from this book. Matthew Quick is the master of developing sympathetic broken characters and this novel is no exception. Highly recommended.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    One of the best books I've ever listened to. RC Bray is the absolute perfect narrator for this story, and this is both hilarious and impactful at the same time
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The Reason You're Alive by Matthew Quick is a poignant and humorous novel about a politically incorrect Vietnam veteran's attempts to come to terms with the traumatic experiences that continue to haunt him.

    David Granger is a sixty-eight year old vet who is recovering from surgery to remove a brain tumor. A right-wing conservative with a liberal son,  David never hesitates to speak his mind nor does he make any attempt to hide his prejudices or temper his opinions.  He is surprisingly likable and sympathetic despite his caustic comments and somewhat cantankerous demeanor.  His disdain for his only son Hank and his intense dislike of his daughter-in-law in no way diminish his love and adoration of his seven-year old granddaughter Ella. David is a surprisingly multi-dimensional man with delightfully unexpected friendships and a willingness to lend a helping hand to those who are less fortunate and willing to work hard.

    In the aftermath of his brain surgery, David becomes somewhat fixated on an incident that occurred while he was in country during the Vietnam War.  Deeply troubled by his actions all these years later, David cannot forget what he did to fellow soldier, Clayton Fire Bear. Terrified of what might happen to him should he locate Clayton, David nonetheless allows a good friend to tack down his nemesis.  Will he follow through with the plan to meet with Clayton? Will confronting his demons finally help David make peace with the horrors that continue to haunt him?

    With a diverse cast of characters and a thought-provoking storyline, The Reason You're Alive by Matthew Quick  is an absolutely compelling novel. David can be unapologetically offensive and abrasive yet, at the same time, he is incredibly kind, compassionate and patriotic. A laugh out loud funny and deeply affecting story of redemption that is ultimately quite uplifting.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book really impressed me. Quick cleverly introduces us to his very non-PC character, warts and all. Then he lets us get to know him and allows us to be amazed as we fall in love with this multi-layered character. This is the man who you do not want to sit next to at a party, or anywhere! He stereotypes every race/nationality and religion. He is a Vietnam Vet who admits he has done terrible things during (and after) the war. He has disdain for his liberal, art dealer son etc. And yet Quick's brilliance is that we learn that there is so much more to this man, so much honor, bravery, integrity, self knowledge and more. He loves his granddaughter, is a fiercely loyal friend, and at his advanced age, still willing to learn. He is possibly the grandfather we wish we had.

    This is perfect Book-Club material, a quick read, memorable, thought-provoking, funny and heart warming. Discuss!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I loved this book. It's Gran Torino and Archie Bunker meets Full Metal Jacket at times, which, to some, may be offensive. However, stick it out because there is much to learn from this book. Matthew Quick is the master of developing sympathetic broken characters and this novel is no exception. Highly recommended.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I tried so hard with this book. I just could not get into it. I usually like Quick’s books but this one was not for me. I felt he did a disservice to veterans with this book.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I read this book because it was written in the life experiences of a Vietnam veteran (Phillies fan) which I am. After reading I truly coulbn't determine what the author's intenion was. . Most thoughts from the main character were either expletives or political incorrecness ad absurdum. The veteran became very successful as a banker, but couldn't escape his daily exposure to death in Vietnam. Not being able to understand the author's intent I have rated this book substantially below other readers.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Matthew Quick never lets me down. He is wonderful at getting in the mind of his characters and letting his reader understand mental illness and emotional distress. The Reason You're Alive is the story of Vietnam vet, Daniel Granger. After a car accident makes him have brain surgery he is sent to live with his son and granddaughter. Told in a crass, un-politically, unapologetic voice, this book is sure to win over readers. Daniel tells it like it is, from his marriage, experiences in the war, troubles with his son, guns, and race. It's funny, shocking, distressing, and hopeful. I wasn't sure where the story was headed for the first half of the book but it wrapped up nicely at the end and brought everything back together. Another slam dunk for Matthew Quick.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    July 4th seems like the right day to review Matthew Quick's new novel - The Reason You're Alive.David Granger is a sixty eight year old Vietnam vet. He's also a father, a grandfather, a widower, a businessman, a friend, an enemy and a man with a brain tumor. The book opens with Granger recovering in hospital from surgery, seemingly reporting to a 'government representative' about his past. Specifically about a man he calls Clayton Fire Bear. "But I can't tell you everything about Fire Bear before I put it all in context." But there's also another driving force behind his staying alive... his son and granddaughter ...."My old man's dying words echoed in my head once more. It was clear that I had one last mission. And I always, always, always complete my mission." And so begins David Granger's tale.....I must admit I was hesitant when I first started reading The Reason You're Alive. Granger is a 'tell it like I see it' narrator. His language is not politically correct or are some of his viewpoints. I continued though, as I was curious as to where Quick would take Granger's life. And in the end, I was so very glad I did - by the last few chapters I had tears in my eyes. (and a few other times as well) Yup, that much of a turnaround. I think we've all met a David Granger - gruff words and exteriors hide the fortitude, resolve, pain, stoicism and more behind the front presented to the world.The foreshadowing at the end of many chapters had me reading 'just another chapter' until I finished all 240 pages in a morning. I enjoyed the dark humour peppered throughout. Quick's depiction of a vet with PTSD is eye opening, frightening and truly saddening. But the book itself also funny, redemptive and heartwarming.As with previous Quick books, there are some plot pieces that seemed a little far fetched - but that's the type of book and characters I have come to expect and enjoy from Quick. The Reason You're Alive is clever, serendipitous and so very good. If you enjoyed The Silver Linings Playbook, this is a book you'll enjoy as well. (And it is being developed for film as well.)
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A special thank you to Edelweiss and Harper for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

    You may be familiar with Quick because of the success of The Silver Linings Playbook—isn't that such a great title? I had not read anything of his and happily requested this book because The Silver Linings Playbook was such a fantastic movie, not just because of Bradley Cooper, but because of the story.

    David Granger is a sixty-eight-year-old Vietnam vet that has crashed his BMW. Upon further testing, it is revealed that he has a brain tumour that he attributes to his exposure to Agent Orange. In the twilight from surgery, David repeats the name "Clayton Fire Bear" over and over. Fire Bear a Native American soldier that Granger had the task of disciplining during the war, and his nemeses. Granger stole something from him and decides that in order to make peace with his life, he must return it. In search of closure, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery; this may save his sanity and help him deal with the loss of his beloved wife.

    He is an incredibly multi-faceted character that is hanging on to his not so politically correct ideals in a changing world. There is so much he doesn't understand, yet he ploughs forward, and stumbles his way through awkward social situations and modern American life with the help of his loved ones. At times his behaviour is cringe-worthy, but under the surface is a kind, patriotic, honourable, and compassionate man.

    I loved the book and by the end I absolutely adored David, even with his many flaws. His outspokenness was so comedic yet strangely endearing. Pick this up, you'll be so glad you did!