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The Extra Ordinary Life of Frank Derrick, Age 81
The Extra Ordinary Life of Frank Derrick, Age 81
The Extra Ordinary Life of Frank Derrick, Age 81
Audiobook7 hours

The Extra Ordinary Life of Frank Derrick, Age 81

Written by J.B. Morrison

Narrated by Julian Glover

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Frank is eighty-one. He lives on his own, his daughter and her young family are living in America. He watches DVDs, keeps an eye on the neighbours, eats tinned spaghetti, and has a cat called Bill (which made more sense before Ben died). It was tough enough to fill the hours of the day when he was active. But Frank has just been run over by a milk float.

And then into his life comes Kelly Christmas, home help. Young enough not only to be his daughter but to be his daughter’s daughter, with her little blue car and appalling parking, her cheerful resilience and ability to laugh at his jokes, Kelly changes Frank’s life.

Can Frank raise the funds to continue to afford Kelly’s visits? Or is their time together about to run out, just when Frank had started to get used to it? And what on earth will Frank do without her?

Frank and Kelly’s story is sad and funny, moving, familiar, uplifting. It is a small and perfect look at a life neither remarkable nor disastrous, but completely extraordinary nonetheless. For fans of The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry this is a quirky, life affirming story that has enormous appeal.

PublisherPan Macmillan
Release dateJun 5, 2014

J.B. Morrison

Born in London ages ago to his two parents, Frank and Jenny, J.B. Morrison is a musician and already the author of two novels - Storage Stories and Driving Jarvis Ham. Goodnight Jim Bob is an autobiographical account of his ten years as singer with punk-pop band Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine. That was when he was called Jim Bob. Like in The Waltons. With Carter USM Jim Bob had 14 top 40 singles and a number one album. He played all over the world, headlined Glastonbury and was sued by The Rolling Stones. He’s also made a ton of solo albums and written the screenplay for a film. Plus he was in a musical, in 2010 at the Edinburgh Fringe. Is there no end to his talents? Yes. Everything not mentioned here. Don't ask him to put up a shelf or cook you dinner. The shelf will fall off the wall and you won't like the food.

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