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Chicago magazine1 min read
City Of Big Questions
Q: Why do the stars on Chicago’s flag have six points? As a matter of symbolism, our city flag can be boiled down to its most distinctive element: its four six-pointed red stars. Wallace Rice, who designed the flag (it had only two stars when adopted
Chicago magazine4 min read
REVIEW Hidden Treasures
WHEN I THINK BACK TO A TRIP to Vietnam five years ago, two meals come to mind. One was at a street stall in Hanoi famous for its green papaya salad. There, I managed to break a foot-high plastic stool in two by lowering myself too quickly onto it. Me
Chicago magazine2 min read
STORE EXPLORER Katrina Markoff
I DON’T GO OUT MUCH, so when I do, I want to feel immersed, like I’m taken to a certain place,” muses Katrina Markoff, founder of Chicago-based Vosges Haut-Chocolat, known for its decadent truffles, gourmet bars, and baroque packaging. The sentiment
