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Science Illustrated2 min read
Smoking Shrinks Your Brain
HEALTH The brain changes as a natural part of the ageing process, with areas that control memory and learning, such as the hippocampus, often particularly affected. There are things that can speed up this natural process, and one of them is smoking,
Science Illustrated1 min read
Houseflies Are All-seeing Aerialists
→ Instead of hind wings, flies have two small lollipop-like structures known as balancers. These act as gyroscopes that stabilise the fly in the air and help with complex aerial manoeuvres and rapid changes of direction. → A fly’s large eyes are extr
Science Illustrated1 min read
Stem-cell Vaccine Could Combat Cancer
1 Using a retrovirus, blood cells are reset to become induced pluripotent stem cells, also known as iPS cells; iPS cells can develop into any type of cell in the body. 2 Cancer cells and iPS cells (left) have a special protein known as an epitope (bl
