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Southern Home3 min read
Fanciful Framework
Trellises have been fixtures in well-appointed gardens since ancient times. Conceived as an upright support for climbing vines, whose tendrils could weave up and through the lattice design, wooden trelliswork is believed to have first been employed b
Southern Home6 min read
Gavin Duke
Southern Home (SH): Tell us about your early memories of being in the garden. Gavin Duke (GD): I grew up in rural Arkansas, and in the summers, my parents would create a vegetable garden, which I helped tend. It wasn’t big, although it seemed so to m
Southern Home2 min read
At Home in the Big Easy
Although front porches are commonly found in both well-established and new neighborhoods, these days it seems like many homeowners lack the time and incentive to appreciate them. But that’s not true of Michael and Connie Winsberg. With their home sit
