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Hi-fi On The High Seas
Out of the 20-plus years of reviewing experience I have under my belt, I can safely say that around 97% of it has happened on land, either locked in a test room or wandering local streets and jumping on and off public transport while testing wireless
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Dealer Focus From Malaysia To Melbourne
I t’s Kota Bharu in the remote Malaysian state of Kelantan. The day is hot and sticky and a young John Ong anxiously opens an envelope with his school report. It would be a passport out of the traditions of a developing country he loved but wanted to
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Audio Solutions: An Audiovisual Feast In Southern Sydney Suburbia (and An Edible One Too If You’re Lucky)
“It really is purely just to give back to our clients, ”Audio Solutions co-founder Tony Stantzos says of the product showcase the hi-fi store has just hosted. The evening event, which saw Bjorn Bengtsson from Nordost and Johan Corg from Hegel demo th