As China's Belt and Road project turns 10, it's about more than just development

China's global infrastructure initiative has always been controversial. As Xi Jinping's signature project turns 10, leaders and representatives of 130 countries are in Beijing to mark the anniversary.
People walk past a decorative installation for the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation on Sunday in Beijing.

BEIJING — Representatives from dozens of countries are gathering in Beijing this week to mark the 10th anniversary of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a signature foreign policy initiative for China's leader, Xi Jinping.

Beijing says the BRI is a global good that helps close the infrastructure gap. But as China's relationship with the West continues to fracture, observers are scrutinizing the geopolitical implications of the initiative, and they say the list of high-profile attendees says it all.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is on hand. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is in town, too. And Afghanistan's ruling Taliban — not formally recognized by any government — say too.

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