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What’s New Plus-sy Cat?
May is a time of deep lore, with certain internet weirdos such as yours truly prompted to do their best Justin Timberlake impression at the mere mention of the month’s name, and others holding out the whole year just for the fourth so they can say Th
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What Do We Want From This Summer’s Showcases?
MANAGING ART EDITOR I’m not the first person to say this, but where are the all-singing, all-dancing PS5 exclusives? We’re fast approaching the console’s fourth birthday and I still feel we haven’t had a game that harnesses the untapped potential nes
PLAY4 min read
Animal Well
Aha! Oh. What? Hmmm. Yes! If awards were handed out for how often games caused involuntary noises of puzzlement, confusion, shock, and unmitigated delight, Animal Well would absolutely clean up. Inspired as much by Resident Evil as Fez, solo develope
