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Woolworths TASTE5 min read
Sauce Code
PINEAPPLE RIND HOT SAUCE “Make this, and you'll be done with tomato sauce for life! Serve it on hotdogs, burgers or drizzle onto a stone fruit burrata salad.” Makes 500 g EASY Preparation: 15 minutes Cooking: 30 minutes oil ¼ cup onion 1, roughly cho
Woolworths TASTE3 min read
It Takes A Kitchen To Raise A Cook
This sentiment, expressed by foragercook Roushanna Gray in “Wild at Heart” (p 56), or a variation of it, appears in at least six different places in this issue. Sierra Leone-born author and cook Mariama “Maria” Bradford refers to it repeatedly in her
Woolworths TASTE7 min read
Easy Eats
If kale isn't your thing, swap it for baby spinach. This recipe is delicious with baked potatoes, pasta or brown rice. “Woolies’ date syrup has a wonderful sweet taste with just a hint of bitterness, a delicious contrast with fragrant citrus and salt