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Who Do You Think You Are?3 min read
From War To Romance
Let me tell you a story, which I heard from my cousin 15 years ago. The tale begins with the ‘Schleswig–Holstein Question’, one of the knottiest of the many problems in the tangled web of 19th-century European politics. As British foreign secretary L
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What Does This Tracer Card Tell Us?
Q This photograph shows a Second World War Royal Artillery tracer card for Sidney Ernest Whitney. Can you explain what it tells us, and why the initial unit is crossed through? Jo Kelly A The card shows that Sidney enlisted on 16 October 1939. He pro
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Can You Help Me Identify This Soldier?
Q We think that this soldier may be William Ferriday Jones (born 1882, Liverpool). However, we're not sure he fits with the date this photograph was taken. Can you help? Sian MacDonald A This is a part-time Volunteer soldier photographed in Liverpool
