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Creative Knitting1 min read
Justin Skirt
Row 1: RS - Knit Row 2: Knit Row 3: K1 * k1, yfrn2, [k1, yfrn] twice, k6, [k1, yfrn] twice, k1, yfrn2; rep from * to last st, k1. Row 4: Knit, dropping yfrn’s off needle. Row 5: Knit Row 6: Knit Row 7: K1 * k3, [k1, yfrn] twice, [k1, yfrn2] twice, [k
Creative Knitting12 min read
Crochet Cardigans And Sweater
Using 4.50mm hook and M make 21 (24, 25, 28, 29, 32) ch loosely. Foundation Row: WS – 1 dc into 3rd ch from hook (the 2 ch before this dc stands for first dc), 1 dc into each rem ch, make 2 ch to turn, 20 (23, 24, 27, 28, 31) dc, turn. Patt row: The
Creative Knitting1 min read
Spring Fling Bias Cowl
Using some scrap yarn and a crochet hook, provisional cast on 70 Stitches. Row 1: RS - K1, Kfb, K to last 3 st, K2tog, K1. Row 2: WS – Purl. Repeat these 2 rows until cowl is desired length. For variation, randomly throughout knitting, insert the fo
