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Musical Fidelity Nu-vista 800.2
In some ways, the name of Musical Fidelity’s latest amplifier is a misnomer. The Nu-Vista vacuum tube was indeed a‘New Vista’ electronic device when it was introduced by RCA in 1959, when it was physically smaller, more robust and exhibited higher pe
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Audio Solutions: An Audiovisual Feast In Southern Sydney Suburbia (and An Edible One Too If You’re Lucky)
“It really is purely just to give back to our clients, ”Audio Solutions co-founder Tony Stantzos says of the product showcase the hi-fi store has just hosted. The evening event, which saw Bjorn Bengtsson from Nordost and Johan Corg from Hegel demo th
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Moon 641
Integrated amplifiers become increasingly rare as price points rise. That makes sense given that there are invariably compromises involved when packing both a preamplifier and power amplifier with the partnering power supply in the same box. When spe

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