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Gay Pages4 min read
It may come as a surprise to some that way back in the murky past of the ‘70s and ‘80s we also had our rendition of Grindr, slower I will admit, but we had it. Let me explain. In order to access this archaic app, one had to jump through a few hoops.
Gay Pages5 min read
Being Crystal Clear
The fully grown human body contains about 0,2 milligrams of gold and if you look around you, you most certainly will see a fine mineral in some device or decoration. Shiny objects have always fascinated humans; whether that be a sparkle in the eyes,
Gay Pages6 min read
Embracing Diversity
“Never discuss politics or religion.” This adage is so true, especially in today’s volatile atmosphere. As much as I am an atheist, I do follow Buddhism as a philosophy and having a spiritual practise is, to my mind, a good thing. But how can a self-
