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NZ Hot Rod1 min read
Competition 4
GREAT weather and another superb track saw a diverse mix of competition cars put on an excellent show. Door Slammers, Wild Bunch and a top field of exhibition entries saw highlight runs by Jim Carroll, Murray Smith, Squig and Bronson Dunne. Thanks to
NZ Hot Rod2 min read
Zone 3 Memorial Run
SINCE host club Hamilton Hot Rod Club last held its Annual Memorial Rod Run on ANZAC Day, several hot rodders have passed away in the past year. As the years go by, stalwarts of hot rodding will diminish, but not completely. I have noticed several yo
NZ Hot Rod7 min read
Keep on Touring
THERE'S a first time for everything, and this feature of Straw's Tourer is the first, even though his Keep On Tourin' hot rod has been in and out of the scene for 50 years. Straw's introduction to hot rodding was probably inevitable because he lived
