More from The Gardener Magazine

The Gardener Magazine5 min read
The Brassica Bunch A Tale Of Leafy Legends
It’s hard to believe that every single brassica that we cultivate today, from Brussels sprouts to turnips and mustard, was once a single, fairly boring wild plant. Yes, all of the plants on this page and more have a single common ancestor. How did th
The Gardener Magazine2 min read
There are about 214 species of Ornithogalums, 40 of which come from our local floral kingdom. The most wellknown Ornithogalum thyrsoides has spectacular white star-shaped flowers in clusters on tall stems and is commonly known as the fun chincherinch
The Gardener Magazine2 min read
I am hoping that you or one of your gardening-world colleagues will be able to help me with this problem. I have in my Pretoria garden three bougainvillea which have flourished. They are planted in separate places in the garden so are not close to ea
