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Surfing Life10 min read
Decrypting Wave Speed
We all want it, and the waves have it: speed. That never-ending supply of pure raw energy tapped from Mother Nature’s bosom. So, where do waves get their speed from? The short answer is from the same place a wave gets all its characteristics—surface
Surfing Life14 min read
Carpe Unda: Maldivian Cruise Mode
“Surf travel” or “travel surf ”, these two action words are interchangeable. Is one more important than the other? When leaving down under to explore other cyan seas, should we prioritise “surf ” or “travel”? If your idea of surf travel is turning u
Surfing Life9 min read
Culture Drives Business
What is “the surf industry”, and why does that phrase sound slightly dirty? Welp, the surf industry today is vastly different than it was back in the day, as in the heyday. Depending on who you ask, the heyday of the surf industry varies from person
