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Magical Energy Manipulation Course: Witchcraft Training, #2
Introduction to the Art of Magick: Witchcraft Training, #1
Developing the Mind for Magical Work: Witchcraft Training, #3
Ebook series9 titles

Witchcraft Training Series

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About this series

Witchcraft Training: Inner Alchemy of the Mind is an occult course on alchemy. Alchemy is an ancient magical art that is shrouded in mystery and often misunderstood even among magical practitioners. This course focuses on the magical workings of the mind. It should be realized as early as now that the true meaning of alchemy is found within. The tale of changing base metal into gold is a mere metaphor where man (metal) turns into God (gold). This inner work is the so-called Great Work, a magical work of the highest and noblest attainment.


Witchcraft Training: Inner Alchemy of the Mind does not only talk about alchemy, but it also lays down the foundational theories and practices that you need to learn to immerse yourself in this groundbreaking and ancient practice. A good thing about alchemy is that it is the kind of magick that changes a person. It is not something that you just have to believe in blindly, but it is something that you experience -- and it changes you in the process.


Inner alchemy is about the mind — and, as you may already know, in the practice of magick, your mind is your most powerful weapon. This is because of the well-established teaching that all true and most genuine magick starts and ends in the mind. This is a universal law that is not subject to negotiation. This inner work that you will be doing will express itself outward, thereby creating and manifesting the change that you desire. Nevertheless, it should be realized that real change happens within. By creating a change within, you can manifest the chance without. This is the working of inner alchemy, and this is the power of your mind.


Witchcraft Training: Inner Alchemy of the Mind is an invitation to a life of pure magic. If you want a kind of magick that you can actually and strongly feel personally, then this is the magical practice for you. Since the focus is on the mind and the work of magick happens in the mind, you do not need to buy or use any tools. You can just focus on yourself and learn  how you can harness the powers of your mind to manifest your desires.


The workings of inner alchemy is one that is true to the soul, and its practice will significantly and naturally develop your overall psychic skills and magical abilities. The magical developments that you can gain from this practice will also allow you to excel in your other psychic and magical practices.


If you are ready to experience and be immersed in a life of real magic, then join this adventure and awaken your inner powers.

PublisherEzekiel Green
Release dateApr 29, 2024
Magical Energy Manipulation Course: Witchcraft Training, #2
Introduction to the Art of Magick: Witchcraft Training, #1
Developing the Mind for Magical Work: Witchcraft Training, #3

Titles in the series (9)

  • Developing the Mind for Magical Work: Witchcraft Training, #3


    Developing the Mind for Magical Work: Witchcraft Training, #3
    Developing the Mind for Magical Work: Witchcraft Training, #3

    Witchcraft Training: Developing the Mind for Magical Work is a manual on mental development, so that you can prepare the mind for real magic. It is not a secret that all true and most powerful magic begins and ends in the mind. If you really want to be immersed in a magical universe, then you must develop the mind to the highest degree. The more that you work on your mind magically, the deeper that you can go into the mysteries of sacred magick.   Today, the minds of many people are often very corrupted and manipulated by the dark powers. Worse, many of these people do not even realize it. They fail to realize that they are like pawns being played by the power of darkness. As a true practitioner of the art of magick, you should free yourself from the many illusions of the world and develop the mind to such a degree that it enjoys freedom and unification with the powers of nature and the universe.    Witchcraft Training: Developing the Mind for Magical Work lays down the foundation that you need to develop the mind and unleash its natural and occult powers. We will talk about the essential theories that you need to know, as well as practical exercises and techniques that you can do to actually immerse yourself in the magical universe. There is much that can be said about the magical life, but the only way to truly understand it is through actual and personal experience.   The good news is that the mind has the ability to learn. Indeed, magick is not only for a few and selected people, but it is for everyone. All human beings are blessed with magical skills and abilities -- and you just need to learn how to develop and use them. There are people who mistakenly think that psychic powers are only given to some, but this view is wrong because magic can be learned. So, if you are still wondering, then yes, you can learn magick and actually practice it. However, the question is: Would you actually learn and practice it? Magick is an art; and just like any other art, it also requires time and practice.   Witchcraft Training: Developing the Mind for Magical Work is the light in darkness, so that anyone who truly wishes to learn the craft of magick may finally be given an opportunity to do so. Take note, however, that this humble work is more than a collection of occult information, but it is more of an invitation into a magical journey that might just change your life forever.    So, if you feel that you have what it takes and if you are sincerely willing to learn the ancient and sacred art of magick, then welcome into this mysterious universe where power glows at your fingertips, and where you can make your will manifest throughout all the worlds.

  • Magical Energy Manipulation Course: Witchcraft Training, #2


    Magical Energy Manipulation Course: Witchcraft Training, #2
    Magical Energy Manipulation Course: Witchcraft Training, #2

    Witchcraft Training: Magical Energy Manipulation Course is a workbook on the active and direct manipulation of magical energy. As you may already know, the art of energy manipulation is the holy grail of the whole magical system. Once you learn how to effectively manipulate magical energy, you can create significant changes in the world, as well as in your own life.   All things are made of magical energy. Therefore, it follows that by learning how to control magical energy, you also get to control all things in the universe, visible and invisible. This is also the reason why the practice of magick has been a strictly-guarded secret for centuries.    Witchcraft Training: Magical Energy Manipulation Course discusses the important theories and foundational practices of the ancient art of energy manipulation. By the time you finish this course, you will be equipped with the right foundational knowledge with practical exercises and applications to finally immerse yourself in the magical life.    You do not need any tools to be able to tap and harness magical energy. Everything that you need is already within you. You just have to learn how to awaken and direct the powers that lie within you. It is also worth noting that regular practice of the techniques in this book will also develop your overall magical skills and abilities.    Witchcraft Training: Magical Energy Manipulation Course is written for beginners, but even those who already have some experience and looking for a way to true initiation into the magical arts may also learn a lot from this humble magical work. You must understand that the powers of magic are very much alive today as they were thousands of years ago. You just have to know how to direct the mind in a magical way and manipulate the subtle energies in the universe.    Manipulation of magical energy will allow you to create significant changes. You can use this sacred energy to heal, motivate, inspire, protect, and even control people and things. Of course, this same energy can also be used for an evil end, such as for cursing and hexing, among others. As such, it is important that he who practices this secret and divine art must also work on developing their spirituality; otherwise, this power will be a force that can wreak havoc and uncontrollable destruction.    May this humble work lead you to the path of true initiation into the magical arts, and may it help you discover your true potential and inner power. Now is the time for the great awakening of magical power; now is the time for you to unleash the power of your mind and create the changes that you desire to be happy and free. You are magic.

  • Introduction to the Art of Magick: Witchcraft Training, #1


    Introduction to the Art of Magick: Witchcraft Training, #1
    Introduction to the Art of Magick: Witchcraft Training, #1

    Witchcraft Training: Introduction to the Art of Magick is the first book in the series, Witchcraft Training. This first installment gives a legitimate introduction to the craft of magick. You will learn about the important theories and some essential practices that you need to get started in the magical life. The good news is that the craft of magic is for everyone. As long as you have the sincere intention to learn, a will practice, and the right magical knowledge, then there is no reason why you will not be able to learn this sacred and ancient magical art.    Witchcraft Training: Introduction to the Art of Magick teaches the craft of magick in simple terms and following a clear format, so that you can focus completely on learning and applying the techniques. It is the perfect introduction for beginners, so that you can understand what magick really is. The teachings in the book are also based on legitimate and genuine sources that you can verify yourself through actual experience of the magical knowledge as revealed herein.    However, it should be noted that just like any other art, the craft of magick requires time and practice for you to be able to put the magical knowledge into actual practice and execute the techniques flawlessly.    By having the right introduction to the magical arts, you will be able to learn what it truly is. This is also important to prevent you from getting lost later on and losing focus on what is important about this sacred practice.  Witchcraft Training: Introduction to the Art of Magick discusses the essential teachings that every beginner in the magical arts should know. It also gives advice on how you can truly and completely immerse yourself in the magical life. These days, many people are turning to magick for their needs, as well as for the satisfaction of the soul. The modern world has become a barren place and usually ends up only corrupting the soul. Magic allows us to be free from the many illusions of this world and be happy. It also reveals to us who we really are and makes us discover that inner power that lies within each and every one of us. If you are ready for true magical awakening and renewal of the self, then welcome into this magical adventure. Learn magick and be magick. Blessed Be.

  • Conquer Fear and Worry with Christian Magick: Witchcraft Training, #4


    Conquer Fear and Worry with Christian Magick: Witchcraft Training, #4
    Conquer Fear and Worry with Christian Magick: Witchcraft Training, #4

    Witchcraft Training: Conquer Fear and Worry with Christian Magick is a magical manual that teaches how you can overcome all of your fears and worries using Christian magick. According to research and official records, so many people today are living in fear and worry. Being under this negative power can drastically affect your life in a bad way. It can have a huge impact on your quality of life. So many people are trapped in this negative state, not knowing how they can ever free themselves again and be happy. The good news is that through the knowledge and practice of Christian magick, you can break free from the bondage of fear and worry.    Witchcraft Training: Conquer Fear and Worry with Christian Magick lays down the foundation that you need to start practicing Christian magick with a special aim to conquer all of your fears and worries. It is not a secret that so many witches and wizards these days are turning to Christ for absolute peace of mind and spirituality. Fortunately, you can also do the same and experience the divine mystery which has the peace that surpasses all understanding through the practice of Christian magick.    You do not need to be a follower of Christ before you can benefit from this spiritual and magical practice. You do not even have to be a believer in Christ. Although it is most ideal if you become his follower, nevertheless you can still benefit from his teachings, as well as from the mystical practices that we are going to discuss.    There are those who view Jesus Christ as a God as who he truly is, while others merely see him as a form of divine energy. Regardless of your current view of Christ at this point, the fact remains that you can learn Christian magick and actually be able to use it for various purposes, especially for the purpose of conquering your fears and worries.   There are many people today who claim to be Christians, but the sad truth is that only a very few actually follow in the footsteps of Christ. Many people have been corrupted and manipulated by the world, and many of them have chosen to embrace evil rather than love. They are very different from Christ, which explains why their level of spirituality is also very low.    The truth is that once you get closer to Jesus Christ, all fear and worry shall vanish from your heart. Even amid the things and troubles that you fear, you can remain peaceful and calm because you know that you are with Christ. Indeed, just as he calmed the storm thousand of years ago, so can he also calm the storms in your life. After all, Christ is and will always be the one true God forever and ever.    It is also worth noting that the practice of Christian magick is an excellent way to immerse yourself in a mystical and spiritual life. So, if you want to grow spiritually and magically at the same time, if you really want to overcome all of your fears and worries, then come and take a leap of faith into the divine universe of Christian magick…

  • Magic Triangle for Healing: Witchcraft Training, #5


    Magic Triangle for Healing: Witchcraft Training, #5
    Magic Triangle for Healing: Witchcraft Training, #5

    Witchcraft Training: Magic Triangle for Healing is an occult discussion on how to cast powerful healing magic with the use of the magic triangle. It should be noted that this magic triangle is not a physical object; but rather, it is in the form of energy. It is also a working principle in magic that if combined with the magic of healing, it can significantly increase the power to heal exponentially.    This manual talks about how you can heal using magick, as well as how you can cast the magic triangle to amplify the power to heal. This is a very interesting magic because in our world today, we all need healing. Healing in the magical sense is holistic, which means that it is healing that is done on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.    Witchcraft Training: Magic Triangle for Healing teaches the magical power to heal without the use of any tools. After all, as the saying goes, all magic is of the mind. Once you learn how to use your mind effectively and magically, then you can tap and harness the powerful healing force of the universe.    The Egyptian pyramids hold a great occult secret. Indeed, countless people have also been fascinated by the pyramids. Did you ever wonder why they are in the shape of a triangle? Studies, both occult and conventional, have shown that the pyramids continuously and naturally draw energy from above. When you apply the same working principle in magic, especially in the art of healing magic, you can make a big difference in the power of your magic, as well as in the lives of those you heal.   Witchcraft Training: Magic Triangle for Healing is written for beginners, especially for those who have the sincere desire to learn powerful healing magic. Those with decent experience in the magical arts can also learn from this book, especially if they do not know yet how to use the working principle of the magic triangle. Since no tools are necessary for this magic, once you gain the right knowledge as revealed herein, you can jump into the actual practice right away. It is also worth noting that the practice of this magic will also develop your overall psychic skills and abilities.    If you are ready to engage in real magic, then this journey is for you…

  • How to Raise Your Mental Frequency and Live on the Spiritual Plane: Witchcraft Training, #6


    How to Raise Your Mental Frequency and Live on the Spiritual Plane: Witchcraft Training, #6
    How to Raise Your Mental Frequency and Live on the Spiritual Plane: Witchcraft Training, #6

    Witchcraft Training: How to Raise Your Mental Frequency and Live on the Spiritual Plane is a magical course that will allow you to be free from the constraints and limitations of the gross material plane and be fully immersed in the spiritual universe. The sad truth is that most of us these days have limited and constricted ourselves to the system of the material world in accordance with the illusions created by man. By doing so, we fail to live in the truth, even in the truth of who we really are.   Witchcraft Training: How to Raise Your Mental Frequency and Live on the Spiritual Plane teaches how we can recognize who we truly are -- a living spirit -- as well as to experience the reality of the spiritual universe that is all around us. When we learn to see ourselves as a living soul, we can change our experience of life. We get to see the world from a different perspective and with more clarity.   However, before we can take the shift, we must first understand the forces in play. We must also consider and face the facts of the modern world as we have them today. The good news is that this shift in mind and consciousness is something that you can do -- and you can start doing it right now. Regardless of your personal circumstances in this world and what happens all around you, you can create this mental shift. After all, true change happens from within.   Witchcraft Training: How to Raise Your Mental Frequency and Live on the Spiritual Plane teaches everything that you need to know to create the mental shift that is necessary to raise your mental frequency to the level of the soul. It should be realized that the spiritual plane is a dimension of existence that is very much alive. Sadly, the minds of the people these days are focused on gross material things that they fail to see the spectacular universe that is all around us. Most of us have become slaves to the illusions that have been created by mortal man.    By creating this shift in mind and consciousness, you will be able to free yourself from the illusions of this world. Many times, we are controlled or at least heavily influenced by the matters of this world. Our minds are bombarded with so many things and thoughts to worry about that merely concern the world. Although you may think that you are acting on your own with freewill, you are still only living within the realm of the physical, and this is a huge limitation to your experience of life.   Now is the time for the unveiling of power and life. Free your mind from the traps and illusions of this world and elevate your soul to the divine realm. Now is the time to be free and be immersed in true spirituality.

  • How to Mentally Control Energy: Witchcraft Training, #7


    How to Mentally Control Energy: Witchcraft Training, #7
    How to Mentally Control Energy: Witchcraft Training, #7

    Witchcraft Training: How to Mentally Control Energy is an occult course on energy manipulation. As you may already know, energy is very important in the magical arts. This is because all things are made of energy. It follows that by learning how to control this subtle force, you will also gain dominion over all things, visible and invisible.    Witchcraft Training: How to Mentally Control Energy is the perfect course book for those who are looking for a way to get into the practice of magic and psychism. The practice of controlling energy is a broad art that may cover various practices. The good news is that anyone who has the sincerity to learn and willingness to engage in actual training can learn this magic.    You already have what is needed to control energy. Do not forget that in the craft of magic, your mind is your most powerful weapon. The way to control energy also lies in the effective use of the mind for magical/psychic work. By learning how to use your mind in a magical way, you can tap and harness magical energy, as well as direct it for the accomplishment of your desires.   Witchcraft Training: How to Mentally Control Energy gives the blueprint that you need to start manipulating energy with your mind. You will learn about the important principles and exercises that you can do to reprogram the mind in a way that will make it suitable for energy control and manifestation. The good news is that it is a learnable skill if you know the right steps to take. By arming you with the right magical knowledge and foundation, you will finally be able to experience the magical universe on a deep and personal level.   By learning to control magical energy, you will also learn how you can awaken the hidden powers of the mind and discover your true personal power. It is also a spiritually-immersive experience that might just change your life forever. If you are willing to learn and train, if you want to control energy and create changes in reality, then this is the course book for you. Behold the powers of magic; now prepare to cast the greatest spell: cast yourself.

  • Win Baccarat Using Psychic Powers: Witchcraft Training, #8


    Win Baccarat Using Psychic Powers: Witchcraft Training, #8
    Win Baccarat Using Psychic Powers: Witchcraft Training, #8

    Witchcraft Training: Win Baccarat Using Psychic Powers is a manual that reveals how you can use your psychic powers to significantly increase your winning rate over the casino game known as Baccarat. As a magical practitioner, you should also know how to make money. After all, you also deserve to be happy in this material world. It is also a fact that money has already become the energy of the  physical world. We have to face the changing reality and make necessary adjustments.   There are people who think that using your psychic powers to make money is wrong, but it is only wrong because they look at it from a wrong perspective. There is nothing wrong with using magick to make money. For so many years, witches and mages have been using magick to live a life of luxury. Unfortunately, among those who attempt this form of magick, only a few have reached the glories of success. The good news is that this fine art of money magick is available to everyone. Yes, you can also practice it as long as you are willing to learn and undergo psychic training.   Witchcraft Training: Win Baccarat Using Psychic Powers gives the foundation that you need to start making money using your psychic powers in the game of Baccarat. What is Baccarat? Baccarat is a casino table game. It also has one of the fairest odds as if you were merely guessing the result of a coin flip. Basically, you just have to predict which side is going to win: Banker or Player. There are other bets that you can make, but they are not necessary. Especially if you are a beginner, it is best to just stick to the basic bets: Banker or Player.   Using your psychic powers to beat the game of Baccarat is also an excellent training to develop your overall psychic abilities and skills. In fact, there is a wizarding school that primarily teaches beating the casino using magick as a way to train and develop the spiritual and magical faculties of their initiates. By using casino games, such as the game of Baccarat, you can make your magical training much more fun and exciting. Not to mention, you can also rake in serious profits with your magick. Witchcraft Training: Win Baccarat Using Psychic Powers is a fun and simplified training manual that is best for beginners and those who are looking for a way to make money using their psychic powers. If you want to have an exciting magical training that comes in the form of a real game, then this is the magical book for you. In the end, this magick is not just really about making money, but is it more about discovering your inner powers and finally letting yourself be happy and free. Are you ready for real magick? Then let us begin your magical adventure and make real money.

  • Inner Alchemy of the Mind: Witchcraft Training, #9


    Inner Alchemy of the Mind: Witchcraft Training, #9
    Inner Alchemy of the Mind: Witchcraft Training, #9

    Witchcraft Training: Inner Alchemy of the Mind is an occult course on alchemy. Alchemy is an ancient magical art that is shrouded in mystery and often misunderstood even among magical practitioners. This course focuses on the magical workings of the mind. It should be realized as early as now that the true meaning of alchemy is found within. The tale of changing base metal into gold is a mere metaphor where man (metal) turns into God (gold). This inner work is the so-called Great Work, a magical work of the highest and noblest attainment.   Witchcraft Training: Inner Alchemy of the Mind does not only talk about alchemy, but it also lays down the foundational theories and practices that you need to learn to immerse yourself in this groundbreaking and ancient practice. A good thing about alchemy is that it is the kind of magick that changes a person. It is not something that you just have to believe in blindly, but it is something that you experience -- and it changes you in the process.   Inner alchemy is about the mind — and, as you may already know, in the practice of magick, your mind is your most powerful weapon. This is because of the well-established teaching that all true and most genuine magick starts and ends in the mind. This is a universal law that is not subject to negotiation. This inner work that you will be doing will express itself outward, thereby creating and manifesting the change that you desire. Nevertheless, it should be realized that real change happens within. By creating a change within, you can manifest the chance without. This is the working of inner alchemy, and this is the power of your mind.   Witchcraft Training: Inner Alchemy of the Mind is an invitation to a life of pure magic. If you want a kind of magick that you can actually and strongly feel personally, then this is the magical practice for you. Since the focus is on the mind and the work of magick happens in the mind, you do not need to buy or use any tools. You can just focus on yourself and learn  how you can harness the powers of your mind to manifest your desires.   The workings of inner alchemy is one that is true to the soul, and its practice will significantly and naturally develop your overall psychic skills and magical abilities. The magical developments that you can gain from this practice will also allow you to excel in your other psychic and magical practices.   If you are ready to experience and be immersed in a life of real magic, then join this adventure and awaken your inner powers.

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