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Worlds Apart: Immortal Rising, #1
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Immortal Rising Series

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About this series

A genetic accident. A superior species of human. With society torn apart, can a young mortal survive long enough to end the violence and hate?


Earth, 2355. Riva Dorn needs answers. After a century of stasis, hibernating humans have slumbered underground, safe from a lethal pathogen set to go off above. Expected to eliminate the dangerous, golden-eyed variants living on the surface, the untested Colony Manager awakens to an unimaginable mission failure: the immortal-specific pathogen has failed. Immortals are thriving.


When a chance meeting with a mysterious gold-eyed stranger leads to more doubt, a deadly deception unfolds. Are the immortal variants really a threat to mortal humankind? When things don't add up, Riva finds herself caught between the violent legacies of the Northern Alliance and the enigmatic truths of her new immortal ally.


With old hatreds flaring and her commander set on redeploying the bioweapon, can she prevent a mutual genocide?


Worlds Apart is the thought-provoking first volume in the Immortal Rising science fiction series. If you like delving into both sides of an issue, races against time, and fascinating what-ifs, then you'll love L. L. Keyes's emotion-packed journey.


Buy Worlds Apart to track down the truth today!

PublisherL.L. Keyes
Release dateFeb 22, 2024
Worlds Apart: Immortal Rising, #1

Titles in the series (1)

  • Worlds Apart: Immortal Rising, #1


    Worlds Apart: Immortal Rising, #1
    Worlds Apart: Immortal Rising, #1

    A genetic accident. A superior species of human. With society torn apart, can a young mortal survive long enough to end the violence and hate?   Earth, 2355. Riva Dorn needs answers. After a century of stasis, hibernating humans have slumbered underground, safe from a lethal pathogen set to go off above. Expected to eliminate the dangerous, golden-eyed variants living on the surface, the untested Colony Manager awakens to an unimaginable mission failure: the immortal-specific pathogen has failed. Immortals are thriving.   When a chance meeting with a mysterious gold-eyed stranger leads to more doubt, a deadly deception unfolds. Are the immortal variants really a threat to mortal humankind? When things don't add up, Riva finds herself caught between the violent legacies of the Northern Alliance and the enigmatic truths of her new immortal ally.   With old hatreds flaring and her commander set on redeploying the bioweapon, can she prevent a mutual genocide?   Worlds Apart is the thought-provoking first volume in the Immortal Rising science fiction series. If you like delving into both sides of an issue, races against time, and fascinating what-ifs, then you'll love L. L. Keyes's emotion-packed journey.   Buy Worlds Apart to track down the truth today!


L. L. Keyes

LL Keyes is an emerging science fiction author whose work explores the intersection of technology, biology, and human motivation. Her narratives speculate on humanity's future, challenging conventional ideas through dynamic characters. Writing from "the other Vancouver that is not Canada," she makes her home in Washington State—the magnificent Pacific Northwest—inspired by its natural beauty to create rich, speculative worlds.

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