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Settling Old Scores: Desperate Beauty, #2
Know Your Place: Desperate Beauty, #3
Two Is a Battle...Three Is a War: Desperate Beauty, #1
Ebook series10 titles

Desperate Beauty Series

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About this series

Jessy's contest has reached it's orgasmic finale; a six-way, no rules sexwar between the six top contestants. Jessy, Chelsea, Mia, Natalie, Aurelia and Elaine all face off against each other to decide who the true top model is…and this time, there's no hiding the truth from the masses. Annalise has thrown the light on the secret battles behind the scenes; and Jessy drives a deal so she can make the blonde bitch dance to her tune. Annalise will film the climactic battle, will broadcast it to all adult channels and herald in the Organization's new attraction; and in return, Jessy's hated enemy gets another chance to be in the spotlight.

The final six face off in the largest battle of their careers; fame and fortune the likes of which none of them have ever known hangs in the balance, but that's not the only prize on the table. In a desperate attempt to reign the models in Jess has waged her position against the careers of her opponents; and as all hell breaks loose the six warriors feel more pleasure and pain than they ever have before.

The six whores go All In as the finale of the (main) saga comes to a close, and every gorgeous goddess is determined to destroy her hated enemies once and for all! Will Elaine and Aurelia finally be able to settle which one of them is truly the better woman? Will Natalie and Mia be able to show the world which one of them should have been allowed to stay after their fateful fight? And will Chelsea avenge her mother, or will Jessy put the CEO's daughter in her place just like she did with his wife? Each woman is determined to make her eternal enemy pay, but in the end only one of them can win…and with pride, fame and power on the line, all six are willing to do anything they have to in order to win! Lustful hate burns brighter than ever as pleasure and pain is shared between them…and all six bitches hate to lose!

Release dateOct 3, 2016
Settling Old Scores: Desperate Beauty, #2
Know Your Place: Desperate Beauty, #3
Two Is a Battle...Three Is a War: Desperate Beauty, #1

Titles in the series (10)

  • Two Is a Battle...Three Is a War: Desperate Beauty, #1


    Two Is a Battle...Three Is a War: Desperate Beauty, #1
    Two Is a Battle...Three Is a War: Desperate Beauty, #1

    **Warning: Contains explicit descriptions of rough and/or violent sex** **All Characters are 18 years old or older** Mia, a beautiful, busty brunette makeup artist, has always had aspirations of becoming a model. Her chance at following her dreams was shattered almost immediately when she engaged in a catfight with another model of equal beauty; but even at the termination of her chance at modeling, the vicious war had made her fantasize about their desperate combat. She decided to turn her career towards being a makeup artist so that she could stay close to the career she so desperately desired...but she's never been quite satisfied. Her first high profile job was with a gorgeous brunette model named Elaine, a rising star in the modeling community; but the woman's egotistical demeanor causes her to insult and belittle Mia past her limits. The artist's self control breaks, and soon the two women are thrust into desperate competitions to beat each other down. They slap at faces and pull at hair, slamming their gorgeous bodies against each other again and again. The desperate struggle soon blurs the lines between hatred and lust; and when bare flesh meets bare flesh, Mia's fantasies are brought into overdrive. The two women fight bitterly, clawing at each other's skin furiously before meeting each other in the most intimate ways possible. The longer they fight, the more Mia falls in love with the lust of sexfighting...and even after their bitter war, Mia's body is desperate for more. When at last their struggle is finished, Mia is assigned to work with a different model, and she thinks that's the last she'll have to see of Elaine's gorgeous body...but their desperate struggles are just beginning. The next model she works for is Aurelia, one of the most beautiful, well known models in the state. Despite Mia's hopeful outlook, Aurelia's attitude is infuriating. The room they're in continues to bustle with activity, forcing Mia to bear the brunette Aurelia's abuse, and when the photoshoot is finally underway, Mia's body is seething with rage. She struggles to contain her anger, and when at last the shoot is complete and the room is empty all except for Aurelia and Mia, the artist has to fight back the urge to storm towards the model and latch onto her flowing tresses. She's about to leave the room; but as she turns to leave the hotel room's lavatory she hears the door slam open and shut...and Elaine's angry voice echoes through the room. Elaine's words accuse Aurelia of stealing her spot in the photoshoot, and the two women exchange vicious insults between them. The two models had met before on the field of sexual battle, and it doesn't take them long to begin where they left off. They fight bitterly against each other, clad only in heels and lingerie; and as Mia watches the sight unfold from a crack in the bathroom door, her desires flare up immediately. Aurelia and Elaine fight desperately against each other, only ending when neither woman can continue. Mia's hatred for Elaine flares up furiously as she sees the brunette fall away in exhaustion, and stumbles angrily from the bathroom to have her way with the gorgeous model. Aurelia is enraged at Mia's intrusion on their war, and soon the three women are locked in desperate competition. Their fight ends without a definitive winner...and all three women know this will not be the end. The next morning, Mia is awaken by a phone call; and her heart soars as the voice on the other end offers her another chance at modeling...but her happiness is clouded almost immediately as she runs into Aurelia and Elaine once again. The tension runs high, and their hearts beat rapidly as they decide to meet in the pavilion to settle who the better woman truly is...and all three are determined to destroy each other. The three women clash in every way possible in the most furious struggle of their lives. Two is a batt...

  • Settling Old Scores: Desperate Beauty, #2


    Settling Old Scores: Desperate Beauty, #2
    Settling Old Scores: Desperate Beauty, #2

    *Warning: This book contains descriptions of rough and/or violent sex** **All Characters are 18 years of age or older** Mia's desperate struggles with Aurelia and Elaine have made her ravenous for sexual combat. She's been living her dream as a model; but she's realized how cutthroat the business really is. Models struggle against each other for any photoshoots available, and Mia has quickly had to learn to contend with competition in order for her to survive in the industry. She's become an incredible sexual force; but her unwillingness to relent has caused her many restless nights locked up with other models, each of them vying for control. To make matters worse, Jessy keeps booking her shoot after shoot. Jessy is the gorgeous mistress of the CEO; and even though she's only a secretary, her escapades have allowed her to rule the modeling business with an iron fist. Mia has been at odds with Jessy since the beginning, and she knows a confrontation between them is soon approaching. She knows she'll have to destroy the secretary if she's to get any peace; but her focus is divided the moment an old rival shows her face. As soon as the ravishing redhead Natalie walks into the room where the photoshoot is being held, she and Mia lock eyes. Emotions nearly explode then and there as vicious, sexual memories flood their minds. She and Mia had been competing for positions when the two of them got their start in the modeling business...and each woman's success had hinged on the other's failure. The two of them had locked themselves in the dressing room, tearing at each other's hair and slamming their breasts together in violent rage. They had been caught before they could truly tear into each other, and their catfight had led to Mia being expelled from the runway. They had always dreamed of being able to finish what they started between them, and their visions of what they would do to each other had fueled their fantasies night after night. They never once thought they'd be able to settle their vicious disputes however...until now. The photoshoot they've been booked for puts them in positions for a catfight...and neither woman is willing to give the other any mercy. They pit themselves together in compromising poses, gripping each other's hair and rolling around on the bed. They have to act properly in front of the camera, so they can't truly lock themselves into the fight they really want, but it's enough for the two enemies to feel each other out; and the more they remain in contact, the hornier the two gorgeous models become. They quickly learn how they want to settle their dispute; and they know that when they are finally alone, it will be a sexwar to remember. But Mia's sexual spat with Natalie isn't as private as she thinks. Jessy soon intrudes on her personal war with the redhead...and Mia's had enough of her interference. Mia is an incredible sexual force, but her body will be tested when she attempts to put the secretary in her place. She knows there's a reason the CEO has kept her as his mistress for so long...and Mia knows she will have to bring her all to put Jessy in her place. And even after all that, she has to contend with Natalie. The woman who ruined her career. The woman who's body has haunted her dreams ever since the night of their initial catfight. The only woman who's body Mia feels rivals her own. Now that her enemy has shown her face, she knows the only way either of them will find peace is for them to lock together and fight...until one of them screams in orgasmic pleasure for mercy. Each woman knows that the only way of Settling Old Scores between them is a desperate sexfight...and each girl is determined to win.

  • Know Your Place: Desperate Beauty, #3


    Know Your Place: Desperate Beauty, #3
    Know Your Place: Desperate Beauty, #3

    Warning: This book contains explicit descriptions of rough and/or violent sex **All characters are 18 years old or older** Chelsea, the gorgeous brunette daughter of the agency's CEO aspires to be nothing less than the top model in the agency, and with her father's power she's quickly ascended through the company, scheduling her meetings how she pleases in order to meet with powerful executives; but Jessy, the CEO's secretary, is determined to halt Chelsea's ascension in it's tracks. Jessy's the one in charge, and no pathetic upstart is going to push her way around without consequences. Jessy changes the new model's scheduling without her permission, and Chelsea is furious...but the two gorgeous brunettes have a bitter history that spans far beyond a scheduling disagreement. Jessy was the woman responsible for tearing Chelsea's family apart. The secretary seduced Chelsea's father in order to gain her power; and when Chelsea's mother wanted revenge, Jessy's womanhood had her screaming and crying with such violent intensity that she nearly had to go into hiding, so embarrassed by her loss that she didn't even want to face the outside world. Chelsea has despised Jessy more than she's ever hated anyone before in her entire life; and when Jessy begins meddling with her climb to the top of the agency, it's the final excuse she needs to confront the secretary that destroyed her family in the name of power and greed. Chelsea storms into Jessy's office at the end of the day, waiting until the last of the clients and models have left so that she can confront the secretary without anyone interrupting her; and as soon as the two women set eyes on each other, their emotions run desperately high. Words and insults quickly evolve into bitter slaps as the two women argue furiously; and when Jessy's affair with Chelsea's father is brought up the two women know there's no turning back. Chelsea despises Jessy for being the reason her family crumbled to the ground; and Jessy hates Chelsea for being handed everything since the day she was born. Chelsea's inexperience is quickly revealed in her wild, untamed attacks; and as their voluptuous bodies crush and grind against each other, driving the two women desperately hot, Chelsea begins to fear she may have bitten off more than she can chew. She'd never even gotten into a private catfight before, let alone one where every aspect of their bodies are brought against each other in desperate sexual warfare. Chelsea fights against the woman who tore apart her family with everything she has...but will her hatred for Jessy be enough to keep her from a quivering demise at the body of a woman so much more sexually adept? Chelsea is determined to make Jessy pay for what she did to her family...and Jessy is determined to make sure Chelsea Knows her Place.

  • Rage of Defeat: Desperate Beauty, #6


    Rage of Defeat: Desperate Beauty, #6
    Rage of Defeat: Desperate Beauty, #6

    Chelsea, infuriated with her sexual loss against Mia, is taking her anger out on the beautiful blonde makeup artist prettying her up for her magazine photoshoot. She's nitpicking at everything, lying about the imperfections of her eyeliner, practically begging for a fight. The blonde holds her composure, frustrating Chelsea even more as her mind is assaulted by memories of her schoolgirl sexwar in the stall. It seems like the rest of the day might end without the release Chelsea so desperately needs...but Elaine is waiting on he same makup artist, and as Chelsea demands satisfaction that seems to surpass perfection, Elaine's photoshoot is delayed later and later. When the blonde makup artists is finally able to make it to Elaine's room the model is furious...but in learning the reason why she holds in her anger, practically begging for a chance to unleash it on the CEO's daughter. Chelsea's overbearing attitude had never before interfered with Elaine's work so she had left the other woman alone...but when Chelsea's constant demands and belief she's better than everyone else because of her father's position, Elaine knows she has to take control. She slyly asks which dressing room Chelsea was using, mentally noting where to search first; and when her shoot is complete Elaine rushes down the hallway. As she thrusts open the door she sees Chelsea waiting for her, a smile stretched across her face. The two gorgeous models lock eyes and immediately they feel their bodies growing hot, making them desire the throes of sexual combat. Furious words are exchanged between the two models, and in moments the sound of tearing fabric echoes through the dressing room, and as they feel their bodies challenging each other they know there's only one way to settle the ravenous desires that are burning inside them. As they pull each other's hair, slap each other's skin, kiss and fight like only sexual rivals can, both women are reminded of their furious losses. Mia's image burns furiously in the mind of Chelsea, her schoolgirl sexfight loss against Mia in the stall driving her bitter with anger, mirroring the way Jessy's image cackles in Elaine's memories as she was thrust out of the secretary's office and into the hall. With the Rage of Defeat burning through both incredible models the fight kicks into overdrive; and as they make each other scream and cry in sexual rivalry, neither woman is willing to suffer another loss.

  • Desperate Pasts: Desperate Beauty, #4


    Desperate Pasts: Desperate Beauty, #4
    Desperate Pasts: Desperate Beauty, #4

    Mia and Natalie, Aurelia and Elaine, Chelsea and Jessy...each pair has a past, has a history between them that makes them despise each other over all other women. Their gorgeous forms seek each other out again and again, now finally reunited in their mutual lust and passionate hatred. As orgasms detonate from their forms each woman is reminded of why she despises the other, of why even when their bodies clash again and again they can never allow themselves to submit. The clock strikes midnight as each woman brings her desperate rival to countless waves of pleasure, separate sexual wars, but each as vicious as the battles that consume the other pairs of rivals. What causes Aurelia and Elaine to despise each other under Jessy's rule? Why was Mia forced to claw her way back into the modelling agency when Natalie was allowed to remain? What exactly happened to make Chelsea's hatred for Jessy so much stronger than any other...and how exactly did Jessy come to power in the first place? Was she simply handed the limelight? Or did she have to struggle to get her way, as all others have? As each woman latches onto her eternal rival, sending her to heaven and back with reckless abandon, their Desperate Pasts are revealed...and once history has been brought to light, the future can revel in orgasmic bliss once more.

  • Ecstasy of Victory: Desperate Beauty, #7


    Ecstasy of Victory: Desperate Beauty, #7
    Ecstasy of Victory: Desperate Beauty, #7

    The beautiful brunette Jessy and the ravishing redhead Natalie clash in the furious ways only women of the Organization can, locked in Jessy's office until only one of them can continue their bitter contests. Jessy, the mistress of the Organization's CEO demands Natalie swallow her pride and perform in a photoshoot alongside Aurelia, the woman who had defeated Natalie and took the photoshoot the redhead felt was rightfully hers. Jessy claims the two of them are being begged for by the viewers...but Natalie knows the true reason Jessy wants the two of them together. The secretary wants to use her power and influence to force Natalie's defeat deep into her mind, wants the constant contact of the redhead and Aurelia to Shatter Natalie's confidence; and Natalie's had enough of Jessy using the other models to keep her under control. Natalie is an incredible sexual goddess, but Jessy can give as good as she can take; and the CEO's pet is willing to endure anything she has to in order to keep her command. Meanwhile, the photoshoot Aurelia had stolen back from Natalie was a massive success, pushing the veteran model to the forefront of the industry. Newscasters clamored for her attention as she signed a new contract with the Organization, a contract that would skew the schedules of other models to make room for her own. She felt on top of the world, felt like she had finally regained the fame she always deserved...but as Mia pushes through the crowd, demanding why Aurelia hasn't been answering her calls and challenges, Aurelia feels an erotic rage burning inside of her. The gorgeous upstart, the woman whose entire career had been started by Aurelia was trying to embarrass her in front of the cameras; and as their bodies grow closer, Aurelia knows she cannot back down in front of the press. Elaine herself is relaxing in the pool, trying desperately to clear her head of the frantic, racing thoughts that won't let her be. She knows she is a veritable goddess, but as the cries of her own defeats echo in her mind, she begins to doubt her own abilities. As another model intrudes on her personal space, on the time she had set aside for herself, she knows she has to fight; but as the familiar flames of sexual combat flare, will Elaine be able to claim the Ecstasy of Victory? Or will her enemy be able to force her to say the words she swore she'd never utter and admit another model was the better woman?

  • Orgasmic Authority: Desperate Beauty, #5


    Orgasmic Authority: Desperate Beauty, #5
    Orgasmic Authority: Desperate Beauty, #5

    Jessy, the gorgeous brunette secretary of the organization, is putting in place a competition between her models, a challenge in which the winner is guaranteed a large sum of money and a promotion deal that would almost instantly skyrocket the winner into the limelight...but as always with Jessy, nothing is as it seems. She's always plotting, every step ensuring she stays on top. The first round of the competition is to be determined by viewer voting...although Jessy already knows who the finalists will be before the competition even begins. Chelsea, Mia, Natalie, Aurelia, and Elaine...those five have been subscriber favorites since their beginnings. The five women Jessy hated the most, the five women who were a threat to her rule... The second round is to be a competition of Jessy's choosing...although anyone who's worked under Jessy long enough knows exactly what that challenge will be. The secretary practically built the organization's success upon desperate sexual challenges...and everyone knows this will be no different. Jessy ensured the prize would be too incredible for anyone to turn down, ensuring the finalists in her competition would struggle until orgasmic exhaustion had taken them all as they fought for the prize...and it would be then Jessy took her revenge. In a desperate, orgasmic sweep she would take each woman in turn, when they had destroyed each other's gorgeous forms too much to be a challenge...and in climactic sexual conquest Jessy would force each one of them out. Before she can finalize anything however, Elaine barges into her office. The model demands Jessy ensure her victory, Elaine's words driving the anger and lustful rage inside the secretary to furious heights. Their glistening eyes lock in challenge, their angry words waging back and forth; and with frantic cries Jessy and Elaine have their fingers laced through each other's hair, anger and lust melding as one as their gorgeous forms clash. Meanwhile, Aurelia is devastated from her loss, her mind so distracted that her photoshoot for the competition is a disaster. She feels broken and ashamed, turning the modelling queen she has always been into a mess of nerves and self-doubt. When the photoshoot is called off and Natalie is cast instead, Aurelia is driven to tears. It feels as if everything she has worked so hard to achieve is crumbling around her. Will she be able to regain her confidence in order to take back the shoot that is rightfully hers? Chelsea is ecstatic about her victory over Jessy, feeling as if she's on top of the world. After her competition photoshoot she spies Mia flash past the door, and in an instant she remembers the scene she had witnessed after her first victory over Jessy. She remembers the rocking of the SUV as Mia and Natalie struggle, the memory immediately making her gorgeous body run hot. She sprints after Mia, offering to buy the model a few drinks, hoping to lower the other model's filters and tell what happened during the desperate war in the SUV. She struggles to hide her true motives...but as Mia and Chelsea talk, they realize they have more history between them than they realize... New rivalries and desperate struggles fuel hate and sexual lust between the gorgeous women of the organization. They are all so proud, so sexually adept, so ravenous to be the one on top. Sexual contests flare back and forth as the tension between them all continues to soar, as the lust and hatred skyrocket...and as fight after desperate fight wages between all of them the true question remains...which one of them truly deserves Orgasmic Authority over her gorgeous, devastating rivals?

  • All In: Desperate Beauty, #10


    All In: Desperate Beauty, #10
    All In: Desperate Beauty, #10

    Jessy's contest has reached it's orgasmic finale; a six-way, no rules sexwar between the six top contestants. Jessy, Chelsea, Mia, Natalie, Aurelia and Elaine all face off against each other to decide who the true top model is…and this time, there's no hiding the truth from the masses. Annalise has thrown the light on the secret battles behind the scenes; and Jessy drives a deal so she can make the blonde bitch dance to her tune. Annalise will film the climactic battle, will broadcast it to all adult channels and herald in the Organization's new attraction; and in return, Jessy's hated enemy gets another chance to be in the spotlight. The final six face off in the largest battle of their careers; fame and fortune the likes of which none of them have ever known hangs in the balance, but that's not the only prize on the table. In a desperate attempt to reign the models in Jess has waged her position against the careers of her opponents; and as all hell breaks loose the six warriors feel more pleasure and pain than they ever have before. The six whores go All In as the finale of the (main) saga comes to a close, and every gorgeous goddess is determined to destroy her hated enemies once and for all! Will Elaine and Aurelia finally be able to settle which one of them is truly the better woman? Will Natalie and Mia be able to show the world which one of them should have been allowed to stay after their fateful fight? And will Chelsea avenge her mother, or will Jessy put the CEO's daughter in her place just like she did with his wife? Each woman is determined to make her eternal enemy pay, but in the end only one of them can win…and with pride, fame and power on the line, all six are willing to do anything they have to in order to win! Lustful hate burns brighter than ever as pleasure and pain is shared between them…and all six bitches hate to lose!

  • Lifting the Veil: Desperate Beauty, #8


    Lifting the Veil: Desperate Beauty, #8
    Lifting the Veil: Desperate Beauty, #8

    Chelsea and Aurelia sit side by side, engaged in one of the final promotional conferences before the final "secret" competition between the 6 finalists. As they interrupt each other's speeches, vying for the attention of the cameras, the sexual tension and anger grows high; and as their bodies grow desperately hot from each other's tough beneath the cloth the cameras look on. They try to maintain a straight face as their sexual touches beneath the table drive them more excited, and even though they want to break down desperately and begin the test they both truly want, they are reluctant to do so. Neither Chelsea nor Aurelia have any qualms fighting in public; Chelsea would have taken Mia in the middle of the club had she not believed they would be broken apart, and Aurelia's struggle against Mia at her contract signing was just a taste of her sexual confidence...but even so both women are reluctant to truly start in front of the cameras. Chelsea knows there's a chance the CEO could end up watching the reruns, wanted to keep her secrets from her father for as long as possible. Jessy cut the footage short after her fight with Mia, refusing to allow the incredible sight to into the eyes of the public; and this is one of the last chances for publicity before the final tally of votes...and the "secret" competition Jessy has set up for the finalists. To everyone who's ever modeled at the Organization, there was no mystery to be had, but to the rest of the world the sexual foundation the Organization was built upon was almost unknown...all but a select few. A gorgeous blonde journalist watches the two women intensely, notices the strains upon their face...and she's no stranger to the sexual competitions of gorgeous women. Annalise used to be a model herself, and was an incredible asset...until a devastating brunette matched her pleasure for pleasure and threw her out of the force. Even after years she still felt bitter, still dreamed of the day she'd be able to take her revenge; and as it became increasingly difficult for the brunettes to hide their mutual arousal she knew she just might get her chance. She knew it would only be a matter of time until the hidden battle raging between Aurelia and Chelsea flared out of control...and if she played her cards right, she just might be able to manipulate the winner into Lifting the Veil. If she could reveal the sexual undertow of the Organization she could tear apart the innocent façade that those in power tried to maintain...and when the true filthy nature was revealed, she knew she wouldn't have to do much else in order to face the woman who had destroyed her career.

  • No More Hiding: Desperate Beauty, #9


    No More Hiding: Desperate Beauty, #9
    No More Hiding: Desperate Beauty, #9

    Jessy watches the television screen fuming, the facade of the world she had worked so hard to build crumbling away. Aurelia was telling the world everything, was announcing every filthy detail, every sexual rivalry of the struggles that ran The Organization behind closed doors. To add even further insult to injury, the woman heading the interview was Annalise…the blonde bitch who had forced Jessy into the sexwar that had sealed her love for the sport forever. Mia interrupts Jessy's brooding, meeting the secretary over the renewal of her contract, but as their gorgeous eyes lock, the two brunettes realize the contract is the last thing on their minds. They argue every single detail of the contract, their voices clashing around them as neither are willing to compromise. Even just their struggling voices is beginning to turn them on; and when Mia feels Jessy's foot shove firmly between her powerful thighs she knows there's only one way to settle this contract. Feet grind desperately against clothed pussies as the cries of horny warfare echo around the two struggling women, and when each whore forced the other to fill her panties with her orgasmic cream their climactic scents clash in the air around them. Immediately as they smell their scents fighting the argument of whose aromas, whose cum is truly stronger and sweeter, and in the furious footfight that ensues afterwards the two women find themselves desperate to settle who's right. Mia's contract hangs in the balance of their orgasmic warfare; if Mia wins, she commands the details, and if Jessy wins the secretary swears to give the model nothing but the bare minimum…but there's so much more on the line. In their furious, horny rage they agree the loser becomes the winner's sexual servant for the rest of the evening; and as their bodies continue long into the afternoon each slut swears to punish the other in her forced submission.


Caitlyn Norrel

Writer of filthy sexfight stories, lover of desperate lesbian lust, and enjoyer of the fantastic, beautiful rivalries between gorgeous, sexual women! Blondes, brunettes, redheads, tresses of any color...I love writing the fantasies in my head about the rivalries between all! I hope my dirty fantasies will satisfy yours...

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