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Heroes of Englandom: Englandom, #1
Héroes de Englandom: Englandom, #1
Ebook series2 titles

Englandom Series

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From «Patriot» of the nation to «Hero» of the resistance, all he seeks is his family's safety—and the freedom to love.

Nineteen-year-old Derin Dark becomes an officer of Englandom, the totalitarian state on the island formerly known as Great Britain, where society is segregated according to the degree of loyalty to the fatherland. Derin, his parents, and his siblings ascend to a higher caste. Their future will be safe at last.

But a spectacular rebel attack disrupts his life most unjustly and cruelly: his brother is accused of being a traitor to the nation. Derin and his entire family will be tried in a grotesque TV show, in which a horrifying death inside the regime's sadistic torture machines seems inevitable.

Just as the nightmare consumes him, Derin falls madly in love with Dylan Blake, a tech-savvy insurgent boy. With Dylan at his side, Derin must try to rescue his family from the vengeful claws of a powerful enemy who is obsessed with him. But his only real chance is to become a hero of the rebellion.

The cruelty of The Hunger Games, the fractured society of Divergent, and the heartwarming romance of Love, Simon meet in a dystopian future Britain.

Release dateJun 12, 2019
Heroes of Englandom: Englandom, #1
Héroes de Englandom: Englandom, #1

Titles in the series (2)

  • Héroes de Englandom: Englandom, #1


    Héroes de Englandom: Englandom, #1
    Héroes de Englandom: Englandom, #1

    FINALMENTE, UN CHICO GAY COMO EL HÉROE DE UNA NOVELA JUVENIL DISTÓPICA. De «Patriota» de la nación a «Héroe» de la resistencia, lo único que anhela es la seguridad de su familia... y la libertad de amar. Derin Dark se convierte a sus diecinueve años en oficial de Englandom, el Estado totalitario en la isla antes llamada Gran Bretaña, en donde la sociedad está segregada en castas según el grado de lealtad a la patria. Él, sus padres y sus hermanos ascienden a una casta superior. Su futuro parece brillante.  Pero un espectacular atentado rebelde desbarata su vida de la manera más injusta y cruel: su hermano es acusado de ser un traidor de la nación. Derin y toda su familia serán juzgados en un grotesco programa de TV, en el que les espera una muerte espeluznante dentro de las sádicas máquinas de tortura del régimen.  Justo cuando la pesadilla lo consume, Derin se enamora perdidamente de Dylan Blake, un chico insurgente genio de la tecnología. Junto a Dylan, Derin debe intentar rescatar a su familia de las garras vengativas de un poderoso enemigo que está obsesionado con él, pero su única posibilidad consiste en volverse un héroe de la rebelión. La crueldad de Los Juegos del Hambre, la sociedad fracturada de Divergente y el reconfortante romance de Con amor, Simón confluyen en la distopía de una futura Gran Bretaña. Héroes de Englandom es el primer libro de la trilogía "Englandom". En su versión original en Español, la novela tiene una extensión aproximada de 105'000 palabras.

  • Heroes of Englandom: Englandom, #1


    Heroes of Englandom: Englandom, #1
    Heroes of Englandom: Englandom, #1

    FINALLY, A YOUNG GAY MAN AS THE HERO OF A YA-DYSTOPIAN NOVEL. From «Patriot» of the nation to «Hero» of the resistance, all he seeks is his family's safety—and the freedom to love. Nineteen-year-old Derin Dark becomes an officer of Englandom, the totalitarian state on the island formerly known as Great Britain, where society is segregated according to the degree of loyalty to the fatherland. Derin, his parents, and his siblings ascend to a higher caste. Their future will be safe at last. But a spectacular rebel attack disrupts his life most unjustly and cruelly: his brother is accused of being a traitor to the nation. Derin and his entire family will be tried in a grotesque TV show, in which a horrifying death inside the regime's sadistic torture machines seems inevitable. Just as the nightmare consumes him, Derin falls madly in love with Dylan Blake, a tech-savvy insurgent boy. With Dylan at his side, Derin must try to rescue his family from the vengeful claws of a powerful enemy who is obsessed with him. But his only real chance is to become a hero of the rebellion. The cruelty of The Hunger Games, the fractured society of Divergent, and the heartwarming romance of Love, Simon meet in a dystopian future Britain.

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