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The Christian Manifesto
The Christian Manifesto
The Christian Manifesto
Ebook159 pages1 hour

The Christian Manifesto

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About this ebook

The Christian Manifesto is a judeo Christian treatise on geopolitics and governance that sketches the hideous and dark spectre of corruption, and misrule that hovers ominously over the governance hill of the Nations.

It's an urgent enjoinder to the billions of the adherents of Christendom, to civic activism for the radical transformation of socio-economic paradigms, to usher in a new and golden era of justice and equality for all the peoples of the earth.

Release dateMay 22, 2024
The Christian Manifesto

Thebe Ramokhua

Thebe Ramokhua holds a Bachelor of Laws Degree (LLB [UB]) from the University of Botswana, a Master of Laws Degree (LLM[Int.Bus.Law] - QMW[London]) from The University of London's Queen Mary & Westfield College, a Certificate on Selected Aspects of International Financial Law conferred by the University of London's Queen Mary and Westfield College, a Certificate on Legislative Drafting conferred by the International Law Institute [ ILI ](USA ) in cooperation with Georgetown University (USA), as well as a Certificate jointly conferred by the University of London's Institute of Advanced Legal Studies [ IALS ] and the School of Oriental and African Studies [SOAS] from a Commonwealth Legal Programme. He was Admitted to the Bar in the year 1987 as an Attorney of the Courts of the Republic of Botswana, and amongst a myriad professional engagements, he has served as an Attorney with several leading law chambers in Botswana. Thebe Ramokhua has further served on work attachments with a leading and longstanding London based Barristers Chambers, as well as with a pre - eminent Solicitors Firm based in "The City", at the heart of the City of London. He has had the rare privilege to serve as Parliamentary Legal Counsel to the Parliament of the Republic of Botswana. Amidst a myriad other engagements, he has served as an inaugural member of the ABM University Council. Thebe Ramokhua is a Christian and an intercessor with a singular burden for the governance and stewardship of the nations. In his consummate passion and quest for social justice, it is his unshakeable conviction that activism in social concerns initiatives, must be denominated by the moral imperative to serve all of humanity, and the enduring and unshakeable belief that our institutions of governance, must deliver a just and equitable order to all of mankind." Inspired by these ideals, he served in the structures of the Anti - Apartheid Society of Edinburgh University in the 1980s, in political activism against the unjust racist Apartheid system of the now defunct racist White South African regime. He remains committed to the quest for social justice, for a just and equitable order for all of humanity.

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    The Christian Manifesto - Thebe Ramokhua


    Copyright @ 2024 Thebe Ramokhua 

    ISBN 9798224625789


    No part of this publication, inclusive of text, images, logos, emblems, insignia, artistic symbols and designs  may be copied, duplicated, reprinted, reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, or recorded, stored or archived  in an information storage system or retrieval system or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means whatsoever, whether electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, photographic, chemical, manual or otherwise without the prior express and written permission of the copyright owner

    Published by Author: Thebe Ramokhua 

    P. O. Box 502476



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    Enquires To:  Thebe Ramokhua

    P. O. Box 502476



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    This book is dedicated to the Architect of the nations, the Founder of earthly government, and the Maker of heaven and earth, Jehovah, the Most High God. 

    This book is dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ, the protagonist of a new, just, equitable and revolutionary global order, for the dignity of all mankind.

    May it kindle in every herald who reads it, a fervent and undying zeal, for the radical transformation of the governance of the nations, and for the ushering in of a just, equitable and righteous order. 

    May it ignite a holy indignation in every envoy who reads it, to execute judgement with unmitigated ferocity against misrule, injustice, corruption, and the darkness that has laid siege over the governance of the nations.


    My profound gratitude is extended to my wife Mrs Thapelo Ramokhua, for her great encouragement and prayers during my writing of this book. 

    My heartfelt appreciation is further extended to my wife for her invaluable assistance in the proof reading of the book manuscript and the collation and layout of this book.

    Glory, honour, praise and Thanksgiving is due to the Lord our God, for His inspiration and for endowing me with the fortitude to write and complete this work.


    The Christian Manifesto is a judeo Christian treatise on geopolitics and governance that sketches the hideous and dark spectre of corruption, and misrule that hovers ominously over the governance hill of the Nations.

    It’s an urgent enjoinder to the billions of the adherents of Christendom, to civic activism for the radical transformation of socio-economic paradigms, to usher in a new and golden era of justice and equality for all the peoples of the earth.











    POVERTY AND INEQUALITY: Society’s ticking time bomb and the 21st Century’s Nightmare









    THE CHATTELISATION OF WOMEN: 21st Century Baalism and the desecration of womenkind


    PHARMAKEIA: The Global Drug Industry, Narco States and Forbidden Mystical Frontiers

    CHAPTER 10

    THE SANCTITY OF HUMAN LIFE: Resurgent Echoes of Hitlerian Eugenics and a Grand Gnostic Human Enhancement Deception

    CHAPTER 11

    GLOBAL CONFLICTS: The Military Defence Complex

    CHAPTER 12

    AGENDA FOR RADICAL SOCIO - ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATION: Imperatives for Governance and the Global Order

    CHAPTER 13

    CHAPTER 14

    TABLETS OF STONE: The Christian Charter







    The Christian Manifesto is a Judeo - Christian treatise on Governance, Geo - politics and the governance and stewardship of the Nations and Earth's resources. 

    It charts the odyssey of the quest to uncover the Rosetta stone of governance, outlining the essence of good, righteous and divinely ordained governance, and unmasking the hideous face of misrule and unjust social orders. 

    It's a challenge to global consciousness on the generations old vexed question of the stewardship of Earth's resources, and a stinging indictment on social orders at the heart of a hideous architecture of economic inequality in the earth.

    It sketches the hideous profile of the global narco trade, and the existential threats to good governance and democracy with the emergent spectre of narco states and narco imperialism. 

    It unmasks the nightmare of global conflict and the global elites ever growing gargantuan military defence complex, and its hideous mortgage and capture of governance and democracy. 

    It’s a timely warning of the ominous rise of the ugly spectre of corruption and its capture of the state, and the existential threat to state viability and the disastrous portends for the poor and economically marginalised. 

    It’s a challenge to the pernicious agendas orchestrating an assault against women, cunningly disguised beneath the heinous veils of a pseudo altruism. 

    It espouses an unambiguous discourse against the heinous agenda of pseudo alternate sexual lifestyles at the heart of homosexuality and gay practices and its heinous threats to God's ordained family unit and the fabric of our society. 

    It a timely warning to Earth's 21st century population, of God Almighty's impending judgement, for its slaughter of the innocents, and the wholesale shedding of the blood of unborn babies, at the alters of abortion over the many years. 

    It’s an alert to an unwitting 21st century Earth's community, of the ominous portends of a resurgent Hitlerian eugenics agenda by global elites, peddled on the back of a grand gnostic human enhancement deception scheme. 

    It sketches the hideous outlines of the pernicious millennia old exploitation of labour at the twin alters of capital and Mammon, and the 21st century nightmare of a resurgent global slave trade.

    It’s a clarion call to God fearing men and women of conscience, to execute the Lord Jesus Christ’s manifesto, an agenda for radical social transformation, and to decimate the macabre and hideous mortgage over the global economy by globalist elites, and to unseat a heinous plutocracy that sits hideously ensconced over the global order.

    It’s an urgent enjoinder to civic activism for God fearing men and women of conscience around the earth to pick up their cudgels in the quest to decimate a heinous social order, and to usher in a new, just and inclusive order for the benefit of all humanity. 

    It delineates a poignant vision, a charter and a guiding light to inspire a new generation of the heralds of a definitive and radical social transformation movement.




    It's the turn of the Twenty First Century, dark ominous clouds hover over the governance arena of nation states, threatening even established Judeo - Christian values that have for centuries forged the moral compass for both just and equitable governance and inclusive stewardship of the resources of the world for the benefit of all mankind.

    The great and vexed moral question of our time, is the hideously skewed distribution of global wealth that political and technocratic elites continue to preside over in an unholy alliance with national and global elites.

    An ugly and unprecedented spectre of corruption hangs over the governance of the nations, accompanied by an unmitigated plunder of the fiscus of nations, as well as the wanton and illegal squander of the resource endowments  of countries, betraying a staggering decline in the moral virtue of those charged with the stewardship of government, and a social fabric increasing bereft of God's ethos of rectitude. 

    The fundamental values that have for time immemorial denominated the family unit as the cornerstone of society, are now under siege from nascent ideas, birthed by a dark priesthood, styled philosopher kings of our age, from their hideous esoteric alters. 

    The ever insatiable appetite of global capital to hideously maximise returns, continues to sacrifice labour on the alters of profit and Mammon, and with ever increasing impunity, flouting even God's eternal injunction against the exploitation of labour. 

    Well over a century and a half since the abolition of slavery, the insatiable greed for ever greater profits and greater accumulation by capital and its messengers, is once again rearing the ugly spectre of slavery, with well over forty million souls under the clutches of twenty first century slave masters, according to global Slavery index estimates. 

    The hideous quest for the greater chattelisation of women and the commoditisation of the female form by capital, and its handmaidens, profit and Mammon, has become ever more brazen in our age,

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