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Prophecy of the Celtic Warrior
Prophecy of the Celtic Warrior
Prophecy of the Celtic Warrior
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Prophecy of the Celtic Warrior

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Prophecy of the Celtic Warrior: A Historical Fantasy Novel of Magic, Destiny, and Freedom


In "Prophecy of the Celtic Warrior," S.B. Fates weaves a captivating tale of magic, destiny, and the fight for freedom in ancient Celtic Britain during the time of Boudica's rebellion against the Romans. Follow Morrighan, a fierce Celtic warrior chosen by her dying queen to wield a magical sword and unite the warring tribes against their oppressors.


Embark on a perilous quest alongside Morrighan as she seeks to gather four ancient relics and fulfill a prophecy that promises to save her people. Navigate treacherous alliances, face supernatural threats, and confront the price of power as Morrighan grows stronger with each relic she secures.


Fates expertly blends historical fantasy with vivid descriptions and well-crafted characters, bringing the Celtic world to life in an immersive, fast-paced plot filled with mythical creatures, ancient magic, and legendary heroes. Experience the epic duel between Morrighan and her betrayer, witness the rise of the lost Celtic king, and feel the power of unity as the tide of battle turns with the unleashing of powerful magic.


"Prophecy of the Celtic Warrior" is a must-read for fans of historical fantasy, offering a fresh take on the classic tale of good versus evil. With its strong female protagonist, intricate Celtic world-building, and thought-provoking themes of destiny, sacrifice, and freedom, this book will leave a lasting impression long after the final page is turned.

PublisherSean Benoit
Release dateMay 17, 2024
Prophecy of the Celtic Warrior

S.B. Fates

Sean Benoit, writing under the pen name S.B. Fates, is a masterful author specializing in the realm of dark fiction. His unique literary style seamlessly weaves together elements of horror, supernatural fiction, suspense, crime, science fiction, and fantasy, creating stories that not only captivate but also challenge the conventional boundaries of these genres. His works are renowned for their complex narratives, richly developed characters, and the ability to transport readers into worlds where the mysterious and the ordinary intertwine. In addition to his literary pursuits, Sean harbors a deep passion for drawing and comic books, engaging in these activities as personal hobbies. This artistic inclination, while separate from his writing, enriches his creative perspective and contributes to the depth and imagination evident in his storytelling. Known as S.B. Fates in the literary world, Sean stands out for his ability to blend a diverse range of elements into his narratives, making him a distinctive voice in the genre of dark fiction. His dedication to exploring and redefining the limits of genre fiction has cemented his status as a notable author in his field.

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    Book preview

    Prophecy of the Celtic Warrior - S.B. Fates


    Growing up, I was raised by a mother who deeply cherished our Celtic heritage. She passed down to me the rich traditions and flavors of the Celtic people. From celebrating festivals like the Highland Games to savoring hearty dishes like Irish stew and haggis, my childhood was steeped in the vibrant culture of the Celts.

    As I began to explore my passion for writing, I found myself naturally drawn to the fascinating history and mythology of the Celtic world. The tales of legendary heroes, mythical creatures, and ancient magic that had captivated me since childhood now served as a wellspring of inspiration for my own storytelling.

    When I set out to write Prophecy of the Celtic Warrior, I wanted to create a story that would not only transport readers to a time of bravery, sacrifice, and the eternal struggle between good and evil but also pay homage to the traditions and spirit of the Celtic people that I hold so dear.

    In this novel, I have woven together the threads of history and fantasy, blending the real-life tale of Queen Boudica's rebellion against the Romans with elements of Celtic mythology and my own imagination. The result is a thrilling adventure that follows the journey of Morrighan, a skilled warrior chosen by fate to save her people from oppression.

    Through Morrighan's eyes, readers will experience the challenges and triumphs of her quest, as she battles supernatural forces, forges alliances, and confronts the cost of wielding great power. Her story is one of courage, resilience, and the unbreakable spirit of a people fighting for their freedom.

    As you embark on this journey with Morrighan, I invite you to immerse yourself in the vivid world of ancient Celtic Britain—a world that has shaped my own identity and imagination. Let the magic, the battles, and the profound themes of destiny, sacrifice, and unity captivate you as they have me.

    I am thrilled to share this historical fantasy adventure with you, and I hope that Prophecy of the Celtic Warrior will leave you enchanted, inspired, and eager to explore more of the extraordinary world of the Celts, just as my mother's love and guidance have done for me.

    S.B. Fates

    Chapter 1: The Dying Queen's Gift

    As the battle raged on, the clashing of swords and the cries of the wounded filled the air. Morrighan's heart pounded in her chest as she fought alongside her Celtic brethren, her blade slicing through the ranks of the Roman invaders. The stench of blood and sweat mingled with the acrid smell of smoke, a testament to the chaos that engulfed the battlefield.

    The metallic tang of blood hung heavy in the air, and the ground was slick with the crimson life-force of fallen warriors. Morrighan's sword, an extension of her arm, moved with a deadly grace as she danced through the fray. Her emerald eyes, alight with the fire of determination, scanned the battlefield for her next target. The Romans, with their gleaming armor and disciplined formations, seemed an insurmountable force, but the Celts fought with the wild ferocity of their ancestors.

    Morrighan's blade clashed against a Roman shield, the impact sending shockwaves up her arm. She gritted her teeth and pushed forward, her strength fueled by the ancient magic that flowed through her veins. The druidic tattoos that adorned her skin pulsed with an otherworldly energy, and she could feel the presence of the gods and goddesses of her people, urging her onward.

    As she spun and parried, Morrighan caught glimpses of the mythical creatures that fought alongside the Celts. The majestic unicorns, their coats shimmering like starlight, charged into battle with their horns lowered, impaling Roman soldiers with deadly precision. The mischievous faeries darted between the clashing armies, their tiny forms barely visible amidst the chaos, but their magic was felt by all. They whispered enchantments that confused the enemy, causing them to stumble and falter.

    The ground trembled beneath Morrighan's feet as the pounding of hooves and the thunderous footsteps of the armies reverberated through the earth. The air was thick with the cries of the wounded and the dying, and the smoke from the burning encampments stung her eyes and throat. Yet, she fought on, her resolve unwavering in the face of the enemy.

    Hold the line! a grizzled Celtic warrior shouted, his voice hoarse from the strain of battle. For the honor of our ancestors!

    Morrighan echoed his cry, her voice joining the chorus of Celtic warriors as they surged forward, their swords and spears glinting in the fading light. The Romans, despite their superior numbers and weaponry, began to falter under the relentless onslaught of the Celts.

    Queen Boudica's voice rose above the din of battle, her words a rallying cry for her people. Stand fast, my warriors! she called out, her golden armor glinting in the sunlight. Let the strength of the Tuatha Dé Danann flow through you!

    Morrighan's heart swelled with pride at the sight of her queen, a beacon of hope and courage amidst the chaos of war. She fought with renewed vigor, her sword a blur of motion as she cut down Roman after Roman.

    But then, a cry pierced the air, and Morrighan's blood ran cold. She turned to see Queen Boudica, her beloved leader, fall to the ground, a Roman sword embedded in her abdomen. Time seemed to slow as Morrighan watched in horror, her heart wrenching in her chest.

    With a roar of anguish, Morrighan cut down the Roman soldier responsible and rushed to her queen's side. She cradled the Queen's head in her lap, her tears mingling with the dirt and blood that streaked her face.

    My queen! Morrighan cried, her voice breaking with emotion. Stay with me, please!

    Queen Boudica's eyes, once vibrant and full of life, now dulled with pain. Her breathing was shallow and labored, and Morrighan knew in her heart that the end was near.

    Morrighan, the Queen whispered, her voice barely audible above the sounds of battle. You must... lead our people. Take them... to safety.

    Morrighan shook her head vehemently, her tears flowing freely. I can't leave you, my queen. We'll get you to a healer, you'll be alright.

    Queen Boudica smiled weakly, her hand reaching up to caress Morrighan's cheek. No, my faithful friend. My time has come. But you... you have a greater destiny ahead of you.

    With trembling hands, the Queen reached for a long, cloth-wrapped object that lay beside her. As she unfurled the fabric, a magnificent sword was revealed, its blade shimmering with an otherworldly light. Morrighan's eyes widened as she recognized the legendary weapon, said to have been forged by the gods themselves.

    The sword's hilt was adorned with intricate Celtic knotwork, the intertwining patterns seeming to dance in the flickering light of the nearby torches. The blade itself was a masterpiece of craftsmanship, its polished surface etched with ancient runes that spoke of power and destiny. Morrighan's heart raced as she realized the significance of the moment - the legendary sword of the Celtic kings, the Sword of Nuada, had chosen her.

    Take this sword, Morrighan, Queen Boudica said, her voice growing fainter with each word. It is the key to our people's salvation. With it, you will unite the tribes and lead them to victory against the Romans.

    Morrighan's hands shook as she grasped the Sword of Nuada, feeling the weight of its power and the responsibility that came with it. The leather-wrapped hilt felt warm and familiar in her grip, as if the sword had been waiting for her all along. I don't know if I'm worthy, my queen. I'm not a leader like you.

    The Queen's eyes flashed with a fierce determination, the same fire that had inspired countless warriors on the battlefield. You are more than worthy, Morrighan. The gods have shown me a vision of your future. You will become a legend, a hero whose name will be remembered for generations to come.

    As she spoke, the Queen's voice seemed to grow stronger, infused with the power of the ancients. Morrighan felt a chill run down her spine as she realized that her queen was no longer speaking as a mortal, but as a conduit for the gods themselves.

    The path ahead will not be easy, the Queen continued, her gaze distant as if seeing beyond the veil of time. You will face trials and tribulations, but you must remain strong. The fate of our people rests on your shoulders, Morrighan. You must be their beacon of hope in the darkness to come.

    As the last words left Queen Boudica's lips, her eyes fluttered closed, and her hand grew still in Morrighan's grasp. A profound silence fell over the glade, broken only by the soft rustling of leaves in the wind. Morrighan bowed her head, her heart heavy with grief and the weight of her new destiny.

    Suddenly, the sword in Morrighan's hand began to glow with an intense, otherworldly light, its radiance illuminating the darkening glade. The young warrior felt a surge of energy coursing through her body, as if the sword itself was infusing her with its ancient power. Whispers filled her mind, the voices of long-dead Celtic heroes and gods, urging her to take up the mantle of leadership and fulfill the prophecy that Queen Boudica had revealed.

    As Morrighan rose to her feet, the Sword of Nuada held high above her head, she knew that her life had changed forever. The fate of the Celtic people now rested on her shoulders, and she would stop at nothing to ensure their survival and victory against the Romans. With a final, reverent glance at the Queen's lifeless form, Morrighan turned and strode out of the glade, ready to embrace her destiny and the challenges that lay ahead.

    The weight of the sword in her hand served as a constant reminder of the responsibility that had been bestowed upon her. As she emerged from the glade, Morrighan was greeted by the sight of the Celtic camp, a sprawling collection of tents and makeshift shelters nestled in the heart of the forest. The air was heavy with the scent of smoke and the coppery tang of blood, a testament to the day's brutal battle.

    Morrighan made her way through the camp, her footsteps heavy with the burden of her newfound role. Around her, the survivors of the battle huddled together, their faces etched with grief and exhaustion. Many bore the marks of combat, their clothing torn and stained with the blood of both friend and foe. The sounds of muffled sobs and whispered prayers filled the air, a haunting chorus that echoed the pain and loss that had befallen their people.

    As she walked, Morrighan's mind raced with thoughts of the future. She knew that the path ahead would be fraught with danger and uncertainty, but she was determined to honor Queen Boudica's legacy and lead her people to victory. The Sword of Nuada at her side pulsed with an ancient power, its presence a constant reminder of the divine favor that had been bestowed upon her.

    The battle had taken a heavy toll on the Celtic forces, and as night fell, the survivors gathered around flickering campfires, tending to their wounds and mourning their fallen comrades. Morrighan moved among them, offering words of comfort and encouragement, the legendary Sword of Nuada now secured at her hip.

    She knelt beside a young warrior, his face pale and drawn as he clutched a bloodstained bandage to his side. You fought bravely today, Morrighan said softly, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. The gods will honor your courage and sacrifice.

    The warrior looked up at her, his eyes brimming with unshed tears. I fear for our future, Morrighan. The Romans are strong, and their numbers seem endless. How can we hope to prevail against such odds?

    Morrighan met his gaze, her own eyes filled with a fierce determination. We will prevail because we must. Our people have endured for generations, through countless trials and hardships. We carry the strength of our ancestors in our veins, and with the power of the gods at our side, we will not falter.

    As she sat beside a dying warrior, holding his hand and listening to his final words, Morrighan's thoughts turned to the future. She knew that the road ahead would be long and treacherous, filled with countless battles and untold hardships. But with the power of the Sword of Nuada and the strength of her people behind her, she was determined to see their struggle through to the end.

    What will you do now, Morrighan? asked a grizzled old warrior, his eyes fixed on the sword at her side.

    Morrighan met his gaze, her own eyes burning with a fierce resolve. I will do as Queen Boudica asked. I will unite the tribes and lead our people to freedom. The Romans may have taken much from us, but they will never break our spirit.

    The old warrior nodded, a glimmer of hope in his weathered face. Aye, with you as our leader, we may yet have a chance. The gods have chosen well.

    As the night wore on and the campfires burned low, Morrighan's mind raced with plans and strategies. She knew that uniting the fractured Celtic tribes would be no easy task, with old rivalries and grudges standing in the way of true unity. But she was determined to see it through, no matter the cost.

    Morrighan sat cross-legged by the dying embers of her own fire, the legendary Sword of Nuada resting across her knees. She ran her fingers along the intricate knotwork of the hilt, feeling the hum of ancient power that seemed to emanate from within the blade. The weight of her responsibility pressed down upon her, but she refused to let it crush her spirit.

    As she gazed into the flickering flames, Morrighan's thoughts drifted to the stories she had heard as a child - tales of the great heroes of old, who had united the Celtic people against their enemies. She thought of Cú Chulainn, the mighty warrior who had single-handedly defended Ulster against the armies of Connacht, and of Fionn mac Cumhaill, the wise and just leader of the Fianna warriors.

    I may not be a hero of legend, Morrighan whispered to herself, but I will do whatever it takes to save my people.

    With the first light of dawn, Morrighan set out from the camp, the Sword of Nuada at her side and a small band of loyal warriors at her back. They rode hard through the mist-shrouded forests, the hoofbeats of their horses echoing through the stillness of the morning air.

    The damp leaves glistened with dew as they passed, and the earthy scent of the forest filled their nostrils. Morrighan could feel the presence of the nature spirits all around them - the gentle whispers of the dryads in the rustling leaves, and the playful laughter of the sprites dancing in the morning light.

    As they rode, Morrighan's mind turned to the task ahead. She knew that she would need more than just the strength of her sword arm to unite the Celtic tribes. She would need to be a diplomat as well as a warrior, able to negotiate alliances and broker peace between feuding clans.

    As they crested a hill, Morrighan reined in her horse, her eyes scanning the horizon. In the distance, she could see the smoke of Roman campfires, a stark reminder of the enemy they faced. But beyond that, she saw something else - a glimmer of hope, a chance for a better future for her people.

    We ride for the north, Morrighan called out to her warriors, her voice ringing with authority. "To the land of the Brigantes, where we will seek allies in our fight against the Romans. The road will be long and hard, but we will not falter. For the sake of

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