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The Boy Called Dreamer
The Boy Called Dreamer
The Boy Called Dreamer
Ebook94 pages1 hour

The Boy Called Dreamer

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Tom's life, once steeped in the ordinary, was forever changed when he stumbled upon the mystical power to navigate the fantastical dreamscape, a place where his wildest imaginations took flight. This newfound realm became his canvas for dreams, a sanctuary where he could engage in conversations with talking animals and embark on quests that defied the bounds of reality. Little did he know, this was just the beginning of an epic saga that would intertwine the realms of wakefulness and dream in an intricate dance.

Venturing further into this dream realm fantasy, Tom met with extraordinary creatures: winged lions trailing stardust and sprites that danced with a lightness that filled the air with melodic laughter. However, amid the wonder, a shadow loomed. The ethereal Dream Keepers, guardians of this realm, whispered of a menace – The Dream Thief. This entity, a sinister spectre born from the abyss of forgotten nightmares, sought to harness the innocent dreams of children for dark purposes.

It was on a day, bathed in the serene light of the afternoon sun, that Tom's adventure took a pivotal turn. Drawn to a secluded corner of the library, he discovered a tome unlike any other, hidden away from the passage of time. This book, The Dreamer's Code, was a key that unlocked the gateway to realms uncharted. The library, once a place of quiet contemplation, became the threshold to a journey beyond imagination, where the line between the real and the fantastical blurred.

As Tom delved into the pages of The Dreamer's Code, he uncovered a prophecy woven into the very essence of dreams. This ancient lore revealed a time when dreams were not mere figments of imagination but powerful forces capable of moulding reality itself. According to the prophecy, a chosen Dreamer would arise to venture deep into the heart of the Dream Realm, challenging the darkness that threatened to unbalance the world of dreams and wakefulness. Tom's journey through the dream thieves and keepers, amidst the backdrop of a talking animals fantasy, sets the stage for an epic quest to safeguard the innocence of dreams and uphold the delicate harmony of this enchanting dreamscape.

Release dateFeb 8, 2024
The Boy Called Dreamer

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    Book preview

    The Boy Called Dreamer - JB Malatji

    JB Malatji

    Copyright © 2024 by JB Malatji.


    No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form whatsoever without written permission by the author or publisher except in the case of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Publisher : Jacob B Malatji (Pty) Ltd

    Author : JB Malatji

    For more information, contact : Jacob B Malatji (Pty) Ltd

    Email :

    Books :


    The Dreamer Awakens  4

    The Dreamer’s Code  14

    The Power of Dreams  35

    The Dreamer’s Guild  50

    The Guardian of Dreams  75

    The Dreamer’s Dilemma  94

    About the Author  116


    In the quaint town of Willowbrook, where the sun painted the sky with hues of orange as it set behind the rolling hills, where the houses nestled comfortably beneath the rustling leaves of ancient willow trees, lived an eleven-year-old boy named Tom. Tom was an ordinary kid with an extraordinary imagination, always finding wonder in the everyday things around him. Willowbrook was the epitome of idyllic simplicity, with its cobbled streets and friendly neighbours who knew each other by name.

    Tom, an imaginative and curious soul, led an ordinary life in Willowbrook. His days were filled with the laughter of friends, the rustling of leaves in the breeze, and the distant sound of the town's bustling activities. Tom's love for stargazing often found him perched on his bedroom windowsill, where he would lose himself in the vastness of the night sky, dreaming of far-off galaxies and magical worlds.

    One ordinary evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the first stars began to twinkle, Tom found himself in the attic. It was a treasure trove of forgotten artifacts and dusty old books that his family rarely explored. Among the relics of the past, Tom stumbled upon an ancient tome titled The Dreamer's Guide.

    Intrigued, Tom opened the book, its pages yellowed with age and filled with whimsical illustrations. As he leafed through its contents, a peculiar symbol caught his eye—a symbol that seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly glow. Unbeknownst to Tom, this symbol held the key to unlocking a power dormant within him.

    That night, as Tom lay in bed with the moon casting a gentle glow through his window, something extraordinary happened. As he drifted into sleep, the symbols from the ancient tome danced before his closed eyes, weaving a tapestry of ethereal light. In a moment of serendipity, Tom discovered his ability to enter dreams by accident.

    In the dream realm, Tom found himself in a fantastical landscape where clouds morphed into dragons, and rivers whispered secrets to ancient trees. The realization of his newfound power filled him with wonder and awe. Tom soared through the dreamscape, his imagination unbound, and the stars above him pulsed with the magic of possibilities.

    Little did Tom know that the accidental discovery of his dream-entering ability was the first step in a journey that would take him beyond the boundaries of Willowbrook and into a realm where dreams held the power to shape destinies. The ordinary life of Tom was about to become an extraordinary adventure.

    The Dream Realm

    With the ancient tome cradled in his hands, Tom felt a surge of anticipation as he lay down to sleep, eager to traverse the threshold once again into the enchanting realm that lay beyond the veil of dreams. As his eyes closed, the same ethereal symbols from the book emerged, beckoning him into the dream realm.

    In the presence of The Dreamer's Guide, something extraordinary happened. Tom discovered an ability he never knew he possessed – the power to enter dreams. It happened by accident, as if the magical energy of the woods had awakened a dormant part of him. As he closed his eyes, he found himself transported into a dreamscape, a world where the rules of reality bent and twisted with the whims of imagination.

    Tom found himself standing amid a vibrant meadow, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight. Flowers with petals that shimmered like stardust swayed in a gentle breeze, and the air carried the sweet melody of a distant waterfall. The Dream Realm unfolded before him, a canvas of limitless imagination.

    Tom's ordinary life took an unexpected turn as he realized the significance of his newfound ability. The dreams became a canvas for his imagination, a realm where he could soar through the skies, converse with talking animals, and embark on incredible adventures. Little did he know that this discovery was just the beginning of a journey that would transcend the boundaries between the waking world and the fantastical realm of dreams.

    As Tom ventured deeper into this fantastical dreamscape, he encountered creatures that defied the laws of nature. Majestic, winged lions soared through the skies, leaving trails of sparkling stardust in their wake. Friendly sprites flitted between the branches of luminescent trees, their laughter echoing like wind chimes.

    Every step revealed a new wonder. Tom navigated through meadows where the grass whispered secrets of forgotten adventures, and crossed bridges crafted from the dreams of storytellers. Each landscape was a testament to the boundless creativity of the Dream Realm.

    The climax of this dreamy exploration occurred in the heart of the Celestial Garden, where flowers bloomed in hues unseen in the waking world. Tom's senses were overwhelmed as he encountered the Dream Keepers – ethereal beings tasked with crafting and safeguarding dreams.

    Lumara, the keeper of hopes, radiated a warm glow that mirrored the dawn of a new day. Zephyr, the guardian of flight, had wings that sparkled with the constellations of a thousand-night skies. Whisper, the custodian of secrets, moved with an elegance that mirrored the dance of shadows and light.

    Together, they welcomed Tom into their celestial sanctuary, sharing tales of dreams woven into the fabric of the universe. Lumara's hopes inspired Tom to reach for the stars, Zephyr's flight taught him to embrace the boundless possibilities of dreams, and Whisper's secrets unveiled the intricate threads that connected every dreamer.

    Tom woke up in his familiar room, the ancient tome still cradled in his hands, carrying with him the memories of a realm where imagination knew no bounds. The Dream Realm, once an

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