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Practical Python Backend Programming
Practical Python Backend Programming
Practical Python Backend Programming
Ebook337 pages2 hours

Practical Python Backend Programming

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About this ebook

"Practical Python Backend Programming" is a quick pragmatic book that teaches both new and experienced developers the fundamentals of backend development with Python. All sorts of developers, from Python programmers to non-Python programmers, full stack developers, and web developers, will find what they need to know to become experts in backend programming in this entire book.


The book covers key topics in backend development, including how to set up stable development environments and how to use virtual environments for better dependency management. With this book, readers will have a firm grasp of Python programming with an emphasis on backend tasks by learning the language's syntax, data structures, and functions. The book teaches you to create and launch dynamic web apps by providing an in-depth look at web frameworks such as Flask and FastAPI. It teaches SQLAlchemy for efficient data handling and advanced database integration, and it shows to improve applications with databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MongoDB. Strategies for managing concurrent operations and improving performance are also covered in the book, along with asynchronous programming in Python.


This book delves into various authentication methods, secure communication protocols such as HTTPS, and techniques to secure REST APIs. For efficient management of asynchronous tasks and real-time data processing, it also introduces message brokers such as RabbitMQ and Kafka. The book teaches its readers how to containerize apps and manage them on a large scale by integrating technologies like Docker and Kubernetes. It goes on to talk about how to use serverless architectures, how to use modern tools for continuous integration and deployment, and how to deploy apps to cloud platforms like AWS.


Key Learnings

  • Build dynamic web apps with strong backend logic using Flask and FastAPI.
  • Write efficient, well-structured backend code by learning Python's syntax, functions, and best practices.
  • Make your apps more efficient and scalable by using asynchronous programming techniques.
  • Investigate Kubernetes and Docker to orchestrate and containerize apps for improved deployment and scalability.
  • Use AWS's cloud services to deploy apps with guaranteed uptime and lightning-fast performance.
  • Improve efficiency and compatibility by setting up and managing Python development environments.
  • Enhance your data handling capabilities by learning to integrate and manipulate databases using SQLAlchemy.
  • Protect online apps with OAuth and JWT's sophisticated authorization and authentication features.
  • Efficiently process data in real-time and broker messages with RabbitMQ and Kafka.
  • Streamline processes, cut down on mistakes, and implement continuous integration and deployment by following best practices.
Release dateJan 31, 2024
Practical Python Backend Programming

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    Book preview

    Practical Python Backend Programming - Tim Peters

    Practical Python Backend Programming

    Build Flask and FastAPI applications, asynchronous programming, containerization and deploy apps on cloud

    Tim Peters


    Practical Python Backend Programming is a quick pragmatic book that teaches both new and experienced developers the fundamentals of backend development with Python. All sorts of developers, from Python programmers to non-Python programmers, full stack developers, and web developers, will find what they need to know to become experts in backend programming in this entire book.

    The book covers key topics in backend development, including how to set up stable development environments and how to use virtual environments for better dependency management. With this book, readers will have a firm grasp of Python programming with an emphasis on backend tasks by learning the language's syntax, data structures, and functions.

    The book teaches you to create and launch dynamic web apps by providing an in-depth look at web frameworks such as Flask and FastAPI. It teaches SQLAlchemy for efficient data handling and advanced database integration, and it shows to improve applications with databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MongoDB. Strategies for managing concurrent operations and improving performance are also covered in the book, along with asynchronous programming in Python.

    Ensuring security is of utmost importance in backend development. This book delves into various authentication methods, secure communication protocols such as HTTPS, and techniques to secure REST APIs. For efficient management of asynchronous tasks and real-time data processing, it also introduces message brokers such as RabbitMQ and Kafka.

    The book teaches its readers how to containerize apps and manage them on a large scale by integrating technologies like Docker and Kubernetes. It goes on to talk about how to use serverless architectures, how to use modern tools for continuous integration and deployment, and how to deploy apps to cloud platforms like AWS.

    This book claims to teach its readers how to write efficient and readable Python code for robust backend systems and how to build, deploy, and maintain such systems.

    In this book you will learn how to:

    Build dynamic web apps with strong backend logic using Flask and FastAPI.

    Write efficient, well-structured backend code by learning Python's syntax, functions, and best practices.

    Make your apps more efficient and scalable by using asynchronous programming techniques.

    Investigate Kubernetes and Docker to orchestrate and containerize apps for improved deployment and scalability.

    Use AWS's cloud services to deploy apps with guaranteed uptime and lightning-fast performance.

    Improve efficiency and compatibility by setting up and managing Python development environments.

    Enhance your data handling capabilities by learning to integrate and manipulate databases using SQLAlchemy.

    Protect online apps with OAuth and JWT's sophisticated authorization and authentication features.

    Efficiently process data in real-time and broker messages with RabbitMQ and Kafka.

    Streamline processes, cut down on mistakes, and implement continuous integration and deployment by following best practices.


    Welcome to Practical Python Backend Programming. I'm Tim Peters, and in this book, I've simplified my years of software development experience to help you navigate the complex world of backend programming with Python. Whether you're a seasoned Python developer, a non-Python programmer venturing into Python's vast landscape, a full stack developer looking to improve your backend skills, or a new web developer starting out, this book is for you.

    The challenges I faced as I transitioned from writing simple scripts to developing robust backend systems inspired me to write this book. I've learned over the years that the backend architecture is the foundation of any successful application. Data processing, security enforcement, and the business logic all take place here. As a result of Python's popularity as a top language for backend development, I saw a need for a resource that could walk developers through every step of the process.

    This book begins with the fundamentals of creating a Python development environment optimized for backend development. You'll learn how to set up Python with the appropriate tools and libraries to improve your coding experience. From there, we'll delve deep into the heart of Python programming, where I'll help you master its syntax, data structures, and fundamental concepts, giving you a solid foundation to build on.

    We then move on to more advanced topics like web development with popular frameworks like Flask and FastAPI. These chapters are intended to teach you not only how to build applications, but also about the structure and design patterns that result in scalable and maintainable code.

    Since data is fundamental to backend programming, this book explores deeply into database management techniques. You'll work with relational databases like PostgreSQL and MySQL, as well as NoSQL options like MongoDB, to understand when and how to use them effectively. SQLAlchemy demonstrates how integrating an ORM can simplify database operations in your applications.

    As applications grow, they need to handle more complex tasks like asynchronous operations and real-time data processing. Here, I'll show you how to do asynchronous programming in Python and real-time data handling with Kafka. You'll learn how to manage background tasks with Celery and build scalable applications that can handle large amounts of data without issue.

    Security is critical, and this book provides a comprehensive look at how to secure your applications. From JWT and OAuth authentication to API endpoint security and SSL implementation, you'll learn how to effectively protect your application and data.

    Finally, no modern backend book is complete without addressing deployment and scalability. You'll learn how to containerize your applications with Docker, manage them with Kubernetes, and deploy them to the cloud via AWS. I'll demonstrate how these technologies work to

    gether to create a continuous pipeline from development to deployment.

    Practical Python Backend Programming is more than just a programming guide; it is a path to becoming a skilled backend developer capable of designing and deploying powerful and efficient applications. Join me on this journey and let's create some incredible things with Python.

    Copyright © 2024 by GitforGits

    All rights reserved. This book is protected under copyright laws and no part of it may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or transmission of this work may result in civil and criminal penalties and will be dealt with in the respective jurisdiction at anywhere in India, in accordance with the applicable copyright laws.

    Published by: GitforGits

    Publisher: Sonal Dhandre

    First Printing: January 2024

    Cover Design by: Kitten Publishing

    For permission to use material from this book, please contact GitforGits at





    Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Backend Development


    Overview of Backend Development

    Essential Components of Backend Development



    Application Programming Interfaces (API)

    Web Framework



    Functioning of Backend Components

    Role of Python in Backend Development

    Versatility and Readability

    Comprehensive Standard Library

    Frameworks and Tools for Backend Development

    Asynchronous Support

    Integration Capabilities

    Database Connectivity

    Community and Resources

    Use in AI and Machine Learning

    Setting up Development Environment: Python, VS Code, and Linux

    Installing Linux

    Installing Python

    Installing Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

    Configuring VS Code for Python

    Setting Up a Virtual Environment

    Final Steps and Testing

    Introduction to Virtual Environments

    What is a Virtual Environment?

    Why use Virtual Environments?

    How to Setup and use Virtual Environments?


    Creating Virtual Environment

    Activating Virtual Environment

    Installing Packages


    Managing Dependencies

    Best Practices

    Basics of Command Line Interface (CLI)

    Understanding the CLI

    Basic CLI Commands

    Tips for using CLI

    Introduction to Version Control with Git

    Introduction to Version Control and Git

    Basic Git Operations for Backend Development

    Installing Git

    Configuring Git

    Initializing Repository

    Cloning Repository

    Adding and Committing Files

    Branching and Merging

    Pushing Changes

    Pulling Updates

    Handling Merge Conflicts

    Using the Git Log

    Python Refresher: Syntax, Data Structures, and Functions

    Python Syntax




    Data Structures






    Defining a Function

    Calling a Function


    Keyword Arguments

    Arbitrary Arguments

    Lambda Functions

    Error Handling

    Modules and Packages

    Importing Modules

    Importing with Aliases

    From...Import Statement

    Best Practices in Python Programming

    Follow the Zen of Python

    Adhere to PEP 8

    Write Docstrings

    Use Python’s Built-in Functions and Libraries

    Utilize List Comprehensions and Generator Expressions

    Error Handling with Exceptions

    Use Context Managers for Resource Management

    Keep Functions Small and Focused

    Avoid Premature Optimization

    Use Version Control

    Test your Code


    Chapter 2: Building Your First Web Application with Flask


    Flask Basics

    What is Flask?

    Core Features of Flask



    Development Server and Debugger

    Unicode Based


    Up and Running with Flask



    Setting up Flask Environment

    Organizing your Project

    Setting up Flask

    Install Flask

    Create Flask Application

    Create Simple View

    Managing Dependencies with Pip

    Configuring Flask App

    Create Configuration File

    Load Configuration

    Running the Flask Application

    Flask Command Line

    Using a Script

    Routing and Views

    Defining Routes

    Dynamic Routes

    HTTP Methods

    Constructing URLs

    Error Handling

    Combining Routes and Views Effectively

    Templates and Static Files

    Understanding Templates

    Managing Static Files

    Organizing Static Files

    Serving Static Files

    Form Handling and File Uploads

    Handling Forms in Flask

    Create HTML Form

    Create Route to Display Form

    Handling Form Data

    File Uploads

    Modifying HTML Form for File Uploads

    Handling File Uploads in Flask

    Database Integration Basics

    Setting up SQLAlchemy with Flask

    Install Flask-SQLAlchemy

    Configure Application

    Defining Models

    Creating Database

    Interacting with Database

    Handling Relationships

    Retrieving Related Data

    Leveraging Query Options

    Introduction to Flask Extensions

    Understanding Flask Extensions







    Using Flask Extensions

    Install the Extension

    Import and Initialize


    Deploying Flask Application

    Preparing Flask Application for Deployment

    Switch to Production Database

    Use Environment Variables for Configuration

    Remove Debug Mode

    Choosing Hosting Service

    Setting up Web Server and WSGI Application Server

    Using Heroku

    Prepare Application

    Set up Git Repository

    Create Heroku App

    Verify Deployment


    Chapter 3: Advanced Flask Development


    Structuring Larger Applications with Flask Blueprints

    What are Flask Blueprints?

    Creating and Registering Blueprints

    Define Blueprint

    Register Blueprint

    Structuring Views in Blueprints

    Using Blueprints

    Flask Application Factory Pattern

    Understanding Flask Application Factory Pattern

    Implementing Application Factory Pattern

    Create Factory Function

    Organize Configuration Settings

    Register Blueprints and Extensions

    Implementing RESTful Services with Flask-RESTful

    Introduction to Flask-RESTful

    Functioning of Flask-RESTful

    Creation of REST API using Flask-RESTful

    Testing the API

    User Authentication and Authorization

    Importance of Authentication, Authorization and Session Management



    Session Management

    Implementing Authentication in Flask

    Configuring Flask-Login

    User Loader Function

    Defining User Model

    Creating Authentication Routes

    Implementing Authorization

    Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

    Checking Permissions

    Error Handling and Logging

    Error Handling in Flask

    Handling Application Errors

    Handling Exceptions

    Logging in Flask

    Using Logging for Request Data

    Custom Loggers

    Performance Optimization Techniques

    Database Optimization

    Query Optimization

    Batch Inserts and Updates

    Request Handling Optimization

    Efficient Data Serialization

    Asynchronous Handlers

    Caching Responses

    Application and Web Server Configuration

    Monitoring and Profiling

    Integrating Flask Applications with Docker

    Installing Docker

    Create a Dockerfile

    Create .dockerignore file

    Build Docker Image

    Run the Docker Container

    Testing the Docker Container


    Chapter 4: Introduction to FastAPI


    Transitioning to FastAPI

    Key Differences Between FastAPI and Flask


    Type Hints and Automatic Data Validation

    Dependency Injection

    Built-in Interactive API Documentation

    Modern Python Features

    Building RESTful APIs with FastAPI

    Defining RESTful Endpoints

    Path Parameters and Query Strings

    Path Parameters

    Query Parameters

    Using Request Body

    Response Handling

    Custom Status Codes

    Response Headers

    Handling Errors

    Dependency Injection

    Understanding Dependency Injection in FastAPI

    How Dependency Injection Works in FastAPI?

    Defining Dependencies

    Using Dependencies in Route Handlers

    Handling Dependencies in Larger Applications

    Advanced Database Integration with SQLAlchemy

    Setting up SQLAlchemy with FastAPI

    Install Necessary Packages

    Configure Database URL

    Create Database and Tables

    Integrating SQLAlchemy with FastAPI

    Database Session Dependency

    Performing Database Operations

    Asynchronous Handling

    Setup Asynchronous Database Connection

    Using Asynchronous Queries

    Implementing Background Tasks

    Basics of Background Tasks in FastAPI

    How to Define Background Tasks?

    Implementing More Complex Background Operations

    Setting up Celery

    Define Celery Tasks

    Trigger Celery Tasks from FastAPI

    FastAPI and Docker Integration

    Installing Docker

    Creating a Dockerfile for FastAPI

    Building the Docker Image

    Running FastAPI App in Docker Container

    Verify Application


    Chapter 5: Working with Databases


    MySQL and PostgreSQL



    Choosing Between MySQL and PostgreSQL

    Application Requirements


    Support and Compatibility


    Understanding MongoDB and Its Document Model



    Why Choose MongoDB?

    MongoDB's Key Features

    Integrating MongoDB


    Connecting to MongoDB


    Database Design Principles

    Core Principles of Database Design


    Entity-Relationship Model

    Practical Database Schema Design

    SQL Code for Creating Tables

    CRUD Operations

    Creating Records (CREATE)

    Reading Records (READ)

    Updating Records (UPDATE)

    Deleting Records (DELETE)

    Considerations for CRUD Operations

    Advanced Querying Techniques



    SQL Aggregate Functions

    Advanced Filtering with HAVING

    Window Functions

    Database Migrations and Version Control

    Understanding Database Migrations

    Setting up Alembic

    Initialize Alembic

    Configure Alembic

    Creating and Applying Migrations

    Create Migration

    Edit Migration Script

    Apply Migrations

    Managing Schema Changes




    Integrating Databases with Python ORMs

    Overview of Python ORMs

    SQLAlchemy Overview

    SQLAlchemy Core

    SQLAlchemy ORM

    Integrating SQLAlchemy ORM with Python


    Defining Models

    Creating Session

    Performing Database Operations

    Caching Strategies for Database Optimization

    Types of Caching

    Result Caching

    Object Caching

    Query Plan Caching

    Implementing Caching in Web Applications

    Considerations for Effective Caching


    Chapter 6: Asynchronous Programming in Python


    Asynchronous Programming Overview

    What is Asynchronous Programming?

    Asynchronous Programming for Backend Development

    Asynchronous Programming Use Cases

    Web Servers

    Data Processing

    Real-time Applications

    Microservices Architecture

    How Asynchronous Programming Works?

    Event Loop


    Futures and Tasks

    Sample Program: Asynchronous Execution

    Asyncio Basics

    ‘async’ Syntax

    ‘await’ Syntax

    Structure of Asyncio Program

    Sample Program: Integrate Asyncio in University Application

    Developing Asynchronous Web Applications

    Sample Program: Asynchronous University Application

    Setup and Installation

    Defining Asynchronous Endpoints

    Asynchronous Database Access

    Understanding Asynchronous Database Access

    Setup and Installation

    Integrating Asynchronous Database Operations in FastAPI


    Asynchronous Database Functions

    Using Asynchronous Functions in Routes

    Implementing Websockets

    Understanding WebSockets

    Implementing WebSockets in FastAPI

    Setup and Basic WebSocket Endpoint

    Install FastAPI

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