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The Secrets Below: A History Of Midgardum
The Secrets Below: A History Of Midgardum
The Secrets Below: A History Of Midgardum
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The Secrets Below: A History Of Midgardum

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In the year 150PC, the secretive gathering of a group known as the Green Hand marked the genesis of what would become the formidable Stone Empire. Under the twilight skies of Alps Bay, these visionaries laid the foundations of a society destined to be a beacon of power and stability. Their meeting, set against ancient stones and shrouded in whispered deliberations, was not just the formation of an empire but the meticulous crafting of history itself. Through strategic governance and a feudal system that intricately linked the monarch to the commoners, they constructed an enduring legacy. "The Dawn of the Stone Empire" explores how the Green Hand's profound vision shaped an entire realm, embedding their values and ideals into the very fabric of a burgeoning society. This narrative isn't merely about the rise of a powerful empire; it's about the creation of a societal order that has woven itself into the annals of time, driven by the unyielding will and intellectual prowess of its founders.

Release dateMay 11, 2024
The Secrets Below: A History Of Midgardum

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    The Secrets Below - R.T. Garver

    The Secrets Below

    R.T. Garver


    Mystical Valor Publishing

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Copyright ©2024 by R.T. Garver

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by an electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.

    This paperback edition first published in 2024.

    Book design by Thomas Slover

    Illustrations copyright © 2024 by Michael Pickford

    ISBN 978-1-961163-19-5 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-961163-02-7 (hardcover)



    The New World

    1.Historical Overview

    2.Before Alps Bay

    3.Alps Bay Terrain

    4.Government During the Etrus Empire

    5.The Dark War

    6.The Great Divide

    7.Type of Government

    8.Culture Background



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    The events that you are about to read take place in a fantasy world.

    The Secrets Below:

    A History of Alps Bay


    The New World

    In an alternate reality, there exists a singular universe that is like our own, but also different. Just like our own, this universe has a planet that is hospitable for life. Like Earth, the planet of Cysbro is rich in life with both animals and humanoids. It has lush green grass, rushing waters that are powerful enough to move boulders, and trees that blossom in the spring and die in the fall. For life here is not ruled by a calendar or a clock, but by the four seasons and their always changing climates. For most, the summer can be harsh.

    During this time, the heat can be excruciating. However, the winter is even more brutal with its cold weather and snow. During the spring and fall, the temperature is perfect. It rests at just the right balance of warmth while under the shadows of the many trees. With no humidity in the air, a small but cool gust of wind blows throughout the forest from time to time. This helps to keep the temperature at just the right setting. Spring and fall seem as if they are the perfect balance of the four seasons. It is almost like life and death, or even yin and yang.

    In spring, you can feel the warmth of the sun kissing against your skin. This time of the year seems to really go by in a fast-paced motion. The temperature rises gradually from the snowy tundra that winter had bestowed upon the forest. It becomes a true story of the birds and the bees. You know, it has been a long time coming when you start to smell the fresh air. Seeing the green grass and flowers bloom back in life makes you just want to stop and stare. It brings the emotion back into the world.

    Summer days are both hot and sweltering. The heat makes life harder. In the mornings, the sun just starts on its mission. The heat makes the skin feel as if it’s burning on fire. Even the slightest breeze is warm. With every blow, the body asks to faint. Sweat runs from the many foreheads, and down to their faces. By the time the stream reaches their lips, it seems to evaporate because of the scorching humidity. This time of year, the mouths of many constantly dry, causing the summer to become even more unbearable.

    In autumn, the leaves from thousands of trees change colors. They break off from their branches and fall lightly. They let the gentle breeze guide them to the ground. It’s almost as if they are falling perfectly in place all throughout September. Throughout the weeks of fall, the leaves turn brittle and crumble as they lie there, slowly dying. This part of the year, time turns flames into ember. The heat from summer cools down to a little breeze.

    During this time, the flowers die because of the lowering temperature. During the winter, snow covers the ground like a white quilt. It becomes hard for things to grow beneath winter’s blanket. The temperature drops, and the wind picks up. The cold air makes the rain feel like needles piercing the skin. This makes everyone miss the summer days, but the seasons always change, and life always finds a way. However, the four seasons are not what is most remarkable about this world.

    Historical Overview

    In the year 150PC, as dusk fell over the rugged landscape of Alps Bay, a veil of secrecy enshrouded the gathering of a group known only as the Green Hand. Under the cover of twilight, their figures cast long shadows against the ancient stones, where they convened in hushed reverence. This was no ordinary meeting but the quiet orchestration of a future empire's birth—what would one day rise as the formidable Stone Empire.

    Their words, barely above whispers, wove through the chill air, discussing destinies and the construction of a legacy meant to outlast the etchings of time. Each member, a visionary in their own right, brought forth ideas steeped in ambition and foresight. They spoke of structured governance, enduring institutions, and the creation of a society that would become a beacon of power and stability.

    This moment marked more than the inception of a realm; it was the careful laying down of an intricate blueprint. The Green Hand did not simply envision an empire—they planned the meticulous crafting of history itself. With every word and decision, they set in motion the complex dance of feudal governance, legacy, and power, destined to weave through the annals of time long after their own shadows faded from the stones of Alps Bay.

    In the dawn of the Stone Empire, its landscape transformed under the watchful eyes of the Green Hand. This clandestine group of architects was not merely erecting stone upon stone; they were weaving a tapestry of societal order, embedding enduring values into the bedrock of the realm. The air buzzed with the energy of creation, as visions of a robust future were cast into the very foundations of the emerging cities.

    The Green Hand, cloaked in the mystery and reverence of their name, chose the feudal system—a time-honored structure known for its deep roots and potent ability to stratify society. This was not a choice made lightly. The feudal system brought with it a sense of order, a clear hierarchy where every stone and every soul had its place. In this new world, land was a sacred trust, a source of wealth and power, a bond of loyalty that ran deep through the soil, connecting the monarch to the nobility, and the nobility to the serfs who toiled the earth.

    As the empire rose, so did the castles, strong and imposing, symbols of the enduring pact between the land and its keepers. The commoners, bound to their lords by the land they shared, found strength and identity in their roles. This intricate network of loyalties wasn't merely about power—it was about survival, about belonging, and about the legacy of an empire built not just of stone, but of unshakeable values and commitments.

    High above the sprawling dominions of the Stone Empire, the monarch reigned with an air of undeniable authority and majestic grace. Enthroned amidst the grandeur of the imperial court, this sovereign was not merely the ultimate arbiter of law but the very embodiment of the empire’s unity and enduring stability. Their word, spoken in the hallowed halls of the palace, rippled across the lands, binding the realm with the force of decreed fate.

    Beneath this regal presence, the empire’s nobility carved their own vital roles within the intricate tapestry of governance. Jarls and thanes, vested with the weight of aristocracy, stewarded the vast stretches of the empire’s territories. Their daily toil was not of the sword but of the scroll and seal—administering justice, levying taxes, and upholding the celestial order of the monarch’s will. They stood as the bulwarks of civilization, ensuring that even the farthest reaches of the empire felt the monarch’s guiding hand.

    In the shadowed halls and gilded chambers, a complex ballet of loyalty and duty unfolded between these nobles and their vassals. Lords offered protection as firm as the empire’s stone fortresses; in return, vassals pledged service as steadfast as the earth. This symbiosis, ancient and unyielding, fortified the societal structure, weaving a web of allegiance and service that held the empire aloft on the pillars of mutual dependence and respect.

    At the edge of this political dance, the military, commanded by the seasoned General of the Army, stood vigilant. Their legions, formidable and disciplined, were the empire’s clenched fist and open hand—defenders of the borders and keepers of peace within. As swords clashed and shields held firm along the fringes of the empire, the general’s strategic acumen ensured that tranquility prevailed, allowing the empire to flourish under the monarch’s steady gaze.

    In the vast expanses of the Stone Empire, the sun rose over a tapestry of verdant fields, each furrow bearing the mark of the toiling peasant’s hand. The land, rich and fecund, hummed with the labor of the commoners, whose sweat mingled with the soil to produce the empire’s lifeblood—crops that fed not only the mouths within their own humble cottages but also those of the bustling city markets and the opulent palace halls. These peasants, the unsung backbone of the empire, shouldered the dual burden of nourishment and defense, their days framed by the rhythm of the seasons and the demands of their lords.

    Beyond mere tillers of the soil, these men and women stood as the primary reservoir of manpower for the empire’s formidable military. From the ranks of those who wielded the plowshare came those who would bear the sword, transforming from farmers to soldiers under the empire’s flag when the drums of war beat. Their lives were a continuous cycle of service—sowing and reaping, then fighting and defending—all under the watchful eyes of their lords.

    The bond between the peasant and the noble was deep, rooted in the earth they shared. It was an intricate dance of give and take: the lords provided the land and protection, and in return, the peasants offered their allegiance, encapsulated in the solemn ceremonies of homage. These rites, filled with the weight of tradition and duty, were not merely transactions but affirmations of a mutual dependence that sustained the societal order.

    In this feudal tapestry, every thread was essential. The homage paid by the peasants was a palpable testament to their role in this grand design, a role that transcended the simplicity of agrarian life. It was a pledge that bound them, heart and soul, to the rhythm of the land and the command of their lords, ensuring that the structure of the empire remained as enduring as the soil itself. Through this profound connection, the land and its people flourished together, woven into the legacy of the Stone Empire.

    In the Stone Empire, the philosophical and ethical ideals of the Green Hand were not merely abstract notions discussed in secluded scholarly circles; they were the very fabric that wove the society together. Everywhere one looked, the influence of the Green Hand was palpable. The laws of the land didn't just dictate order; they echoed the Green Hand's teachings of justice and communal responsibility. Customs that might seem quaint to an outsider were, in fact, rituals steeped in centuries of tradition, each with a role to play in reinforcing the social order and hierarchy that the Empire cherished.

    Education was no exception. From a young age, the Empire's children were immersed in these doctrines, learning to recite and live by the Green Hand’s principles. This education wasn't confined to the confines of a classroom; it was part of the social fabric, taught through stories and reinforced by community practices.

    The Stone Empire stood as a beacon of cultural identity. It was a living mosaic of collective memory where each festival and every rite was a thread linked to the past, not only preserving history but nurturing the feudal hierarchy and the societal values. In this way, the Empire was more than a political entity; it was a manifestation of cultural continuity and moral philosophy, guided by the hands of the Green Hand's enduring legacy.

    The Stone Empire's military prowess was an awe-inspiring spectacle. At the forefront of its power stood the elite Green Coats, a unit of warriors cloaked in vibrant emerald tunics, the same shade as the empire’s founding fathers once wore. These soldiers moved with lethal precision, a testament to years of rigorous training and unyielding discipline.

    The General of the Army, a towering figure whose authority was eclipsed only by the king himself, bore the weight of the empire’s safety on his broad shoulders. His strategic acumen was the backbone of the empire’s defenses, crafting plans that were as cunning as they were effective. In times of peace, his mind was a fortress, constantly fortifying against potential threats. In war, it became a blade, slicing through enemy strategies with sharp decisiveness.

    Beyond the battlegrounds and strategic maps, the military's influence seeped into the very expansion of the empire. Each campaign to extend the borders was a meticulous orchestration of might and diplomacy, with the army not only reclaiming land but also instilling a sense of security and order in the newly claimed territories. The presence of the Green Coats in a region was enough to deter would-be aggressors, making them think twice before challenging the Stone Empire. Their role was pivotal not just in defending the empire, but in defining its very essence.

    Before Alps Bay

    2127 BCD

    In the shadowy realm of historical exploration, the air buzzes with the electric thrill of revelation. Recently unearthed manuscripts have cracked open a new chapter in the story of what is now known as Alps Bay, once called Gastoon. These fragile pages, yellowed with age and brittle to the touch, challenge the long-held conviction that the civilization sprang up in the year 2114 BCD. Instead, they whisper secrets of an even more ancient beginning, suggesting a timeline that stretches back further than historians dared imagine.

    The intrigue deepens with each page turned. Historians pore over the texts, their brows furrowed in concentration, as they decipher the faded script. Each word has the potential to shift the narrative of an entire civilization. But the task is fraught with obstacles—the specter of mistranslations looms large, and the notorious Animal Militia's past actions of historical erasure add layers of mystery. These militant custodians of the past may have altered or destroyed key texts, complicating the quest for truth.

    As scholars delve into the manuscripts, they are not merely sifting through the sands of time; they are on a quest to piece together the story of a lost civilization. Beneath the modern streets of Alps Bay lie the remnants of this ancient society: advanced artifacts and monumental structures, buried and nearly forgotten. Each discovery is a tantalizing hint at the sophisticated culture that once flourished here, revealing sophisticated tools and architectural marvels that challenge the primitive label once assigned to these ancient people.

    The discovery of the ancient manuscripts in the dusty corners of the country's oldest library sent shockwaves through the academic community. As scholars poured over the faded texts, their expressions shifted from skepticism to awe. The elegant script on the brittle pages hinted at a startling truth: Alps Bay, the country believed to have been founded in the late medieval period, might have roots reaching back several centuries earlier. This revelation compelled historians to question long-held beliefs, envisioning a civilization that thrived long before the era they had always taught. The implications of such an ancient beginning painted a new picture of Alps Bay, one filled with untold stories and forgotten legacies, urging researchers to peel back the layers of history they thought they knew.

    In the shadows of time-worn mountains, the ruins of ancient Alps Bay sprawl across the landscape, their monumental silhouettes casting long shadows as they stretch toward the heavens. These crumbling edifices, once bustling centers of life and ingenuity, now stand in quiet solitude, their imposing forms a wordless tribute to a civilization whose architectural mastery once defied the ages.

    Through gaps in stone and overgrown pathways, archaeologists weave their way, piecing together the faded mosaic of a society steeped in cultural richness and technological innovation. As they delve deeper into the labyrinthine network of rooms and corridors, each corner and crevice whispers secrets of the past. Cracked walls and fallen beams sketch the outlines of grand halls and intimate chambers, each telling a story of daily existence, communal rituals, and the innovative spirit that propelled these ancient people to architectural greatness.

    Every unearthed artifact—a pottery shard, a worn tool, or a delicately carved statuette—serves as a puzzle piece in reconstructing the sophisticated tapestry of life that once animated these stone skeletons. These remnants, silent yet eloquent, paint a vivid picture of a community that balanced social structure with technological acumen, creating a legacy that would echo through the millennia in these stoic ruins.

    Alps Bay's story of technological advancement unfolds like a scene from a visionary sci-fi novel. As the millennium turned in 2000 PC, this region wasn't just stepping into innovation; it was leaping bounds ahead, crafting a future that mirrored the early

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