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The Echoes We Carry
The Echoes We Carry
The Echoes We Carry
Ebook70 pages41 minutes

The Echoes We Carry

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About this ebook

Are you wired a little differently? Does the world often feel too loud, too bright, too much? Do you possess both a deep capacity for joy and a vulnerability to overwhelm that others simply don't understand? If so, this book is for you.


Maya is an artist who knows how it feels to be on the brink of both brilliance and breakdown. Her senses are heightened, her emotions run deep, and she often struggles to find her place in a world that tells her to be less, to toughen up. Yet, through a profound journey of self-discovery, Maya learned to see her sensitivity not as a curse, but as the wellspring of her creativity and resilience.


This book chronicles Maya's transformation. Witness her early struggles, the crippling anxiety attacks, the self-doubt that drowned out the whispers of her artistic spirit. But then, with the guidance of a compassionate therapist and the power of mindfulness techniques, Maya begins to understand the unique workings of her own extraordinary mind. She develops a practical toolkit for navigating sensory overload and emotional storms. She finds her voice, first hesitantly, then with unbridled confidence.


Within these pages, Maya invites you into her world. Experience the birth of her groundbreaking studio – a haven for Highly Sensitive People seeking to harness their own exquisite intensity. Witness the triumphs and setbacks of artists and entrepreneurs who once felt broken, now finding not just success, but a deep sense of belonging.


This isn't just a self-help manual, it's a companion for the sensitive soul. Discover that within your unique wiring lies the potential for profound joy, meaningful connection, and a creativity that can change both your own life and the world around you.


Release dateMay 9, 2024
The Echoes We Carry

Working Rich Class

James Bartholomew is a high school history teacher and author of The Flawed Perfectionist: A Teacher's Journey to Unburdening. After years of battling perfectionism and burnout, he discovered a transformative path toward a more authentic and fulfilling life. He shares his personal journey in his book, offering insights and practical advice for those seeking to break free from the chains of perfectionism. In his classroom and through his writing, James encourages others to embrace their imperfections, let go of the need for control, and find freedom in the messy, beautiful reality of life.

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    Book preview

    The Echoes We Carry - Working Rich Class


    Maya Lin gripped the edge of the canvas, knuckles white. It was the last piece for her gallery show, the one she'd staked her reputation on. But instead of colors or shapes, all she saw was her own reflection – eyes wild, shadows smudging exhaustion beneath them.

    Too much, too much, too much! The words pulsed in her head, a mantra of self-doubt louder than the hammering in the back room where installers worked. Her stomach lurched with nausea. Every instinct screamed to rip the half-finished painting from the easel, to run as far away from the gallery as she could.

    The gallery. Her breakthrough moment reduced to a ticking time bomb of anxiety. This wasn't how it was supposed to feel. Each piece in the adjoining rooms had been painted in a flurry of inspired focus, the world narrowing to just her and the canvas. Now, under the weight of expectation, the well of inspiration had run dry.

    Maya? A gentle voice broke through her panic. Noah. Blessed Noah, her oldest friend, a warm presence in this stark, white box of a space. He'd been her rock during this wild year of unexpected commissions and mounting attention. Yet, even he couldn't fully understand this.

    I think I'm going to be sick, she managed, squeezing her eyes shut. If his usual playful grin was there, she couldn't bear to see it.

    Hey, hey, look at me. Noah's strong hands turned her head, his dark eyes brimming not with amusement but with quiet concern. Breathe with me, okay? Like we used to when you'd get those headaches as a kid. In and out, slow and deep.

    The familiarity of his voice, a memory tether to childhood days filled with scraped knees and shared secrets, cut through the chaos. Reluctantly, she followed his breathing rhythm. Each inhale a battle against tightness in her chest, each exhale a small surrender.

    Better? Noah asked after several long breaths.

    Not really, she admitted. I don't get it. I love to paint, it's everything. But this, the openings, just shatters me.

    I wish I could take it away, Maya. You know I would. His voice held a helpless frustration that mirrored her own. He'd tried to ease the burden – filtering calls, running errands, even acting as a social shield before. But none of it fixed this deep-seated dread.

    Maybe I'm just not cut out for this art world thing, she mumbled, the words bitter on her tongue.

    But just as she expected Noah's usual optimism, a new seriousness settled over his handsome features. You know that 'too sensitive' thing you always joke about? Maybe it's not just a joke. Maybe there's a reason every little thing feels so...big.

    It was ridiculous, of course. But the tightness in her chest eased a fraction at his words. They echoed the impossible hope she'd buried the moment she'd decided to pursue what everyone called her gift.

    Chapter 1: Wired Differently

    Maya looked back at the canvas, her reflection replaced by a swirl of unfinished color. It was the furthest thing from the polished pieces on display, but something about Noah's words – that maybe her struggles weren't flaws – gave her a sliver of courage. It was time to stop hiding from herself.

    There's this therapist, Noah continued, his voice low and

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