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The Hibiscus Homicides: Blood and Blossoms in Paradise
The Hibiscus Homicides: Blood and Blossoms in Paradise
The Hibiscus Homicides: Blood and Blossoms in Paradise
Ebook59 pages47 minutes

The Hibiscus Homicides: Blood and Blossoms in Paradise

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In the lush, sundrenched heart of Hawaii, a killer stalks the shadows, leaving death and devastation in their wake. For Detective Leilani Kealoha, the hunt for this elusive murderer will test her skills, resolve, and understanding of the islands she calls home.


The Hibiscus Homicides: Blood and Blossoms in Paradise" is a gripping tale of mystery and suspense set against the vibrant backdrop of modern Hawaii. When a series of brutal murders rocks the islands, each crime scene adorned with the haunting signature of a blood-red hibiscus, Leilani finds herself drawn into a web of darkness and deception that threatens to consume everything she holds dear.


As the body count rises and the killer's methods grow more twisted, Leilani must navigate a complex landscape of cultural tensions, ancient traditions, and deep-seated corruption to uncover the truth. With the help of her tech-savvy partner, Kai Nakamura, she follows a trail of clues that will lead her from the glittering high-rises of Honolulu to the mist-shrouded valleys of the outer islands, all the while racing against the clock to stop the murderer before they can strike again.


But as Leilani delves deeper into the mystery, she begins to suspect that the killer's motives are far more sinister than simple violence. The hibiscus, a symbol of power and royalty in Hawaiian culture, hints at an agenda rooted in the island's tumultuous history and the simmering resentments of a people struggling to preserve their way of life in the face of relentless change.


To catch the killer and bring them to justice, Leilani will have to confront the darkness in others and the shadows lurking within herself. She will have to draw on all of her strength, all of her knowledge of Hawaiian culture and tradition, to unmask the twisted soul behind the hibiscus murders and restore balance to the islands she has sworn to protect.


Steeped in the richness of Hawaiian mythology and the complexities of island life, "The Hibiscus Homicides" is a story of resilience, redemption, and the enduring power of ohana (family) in the face of unimaginable evil. It is a must-read for fans of atmospheric thrillers, multicultural mysteries, and anyone who has ever dreamed of paradise... and wondered what darkness might lurk beneath the surface.

PublisherAlbert Scales
Release dateMay 9, 2024
The Hibiscus Homicides: Blood and Blossoms in Paradise

Albert Scales

Albert Scales was born and raised in the inner urban cities of New Jersey. He is a military veteran, licensed psychotherapist, and author. His chosen genres that he enjoys writing about are romance and crime/mysteries. It is hoped that his books bring joy to those who read them. 

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    Book preview

    The Hibiscus Homicides - Albert Scales

    Chapter 1

    The first light of dawn crept over the peaks of the Ko'olau Mountains, painting the sky in hues of lavender and soft rose gold. Detective Leilani Kealoha gazed out the window of her second-story walk-up, nursing a steaming mug of Kona coffee as she took in the familiar vista. Below, the streets of Waikiki were already stirring to life - shopkeepers sweeping storefronts, produce trucks rumbling toward the market, and early morning surfers toting boards toward the beckoning waves.

    Leilani inhaled deeply, savoring the delicate perfume of plumeria blossoms that wafted on the gentle mauka breeze. Moments of peace were a rarity these days, and she had learned to cherish them, to drink them in like the precious elixir that now warmed her hands—twenty years on the force had taught her that. Paradise, as the tourists liked to call it, was a mirage - ephemeral and illusory. Beneath the postcard-perfect facade lurked the same ugly human truths found the world over. Greed. Hatred. The sickness that compels man to snuff out the light in another's eyes.

    She'd seen it all, from the mundane transgressions born of desperation and poor choices to the depraved acts of soulless monsters. Each crime took its toll, chipping away at the armor she'd erected around her heart. There were days the burden felt too heavy to shoulder. She yearned to surround herself in the simple comfort of her tutu's (grandmother's) hand-stitched quilts and forget the outside world existed. But then she'd remember her father's words, his calloused hand resting firmly on her 10-year-old shoulder as they watched the lights of a patrol car fade into the night.

    Mālama kekahi i kekahi, he'd said. Take care of one another. It was the kuleana, the sacred duty of those who loved these islands.

    Three decades later, she carried those words etched upon her soul, an invisible tattoo that had long since replaced the rookie idealism she'd worn like a shiny new badge. Her armor now was wisdom, hard-earned and battle-tested. It didn't deflect the pain, but it gave her the strength to carry on, to be the voice of the silenced, the light that pushed back against the darkness.

    With a sigh, Leilani drained the last of her coffee and crossed to the kitchen to rinse the mug. After a brisk two-minute shower, she donned her standard attire - lightweight khaki trousers and a short-sleeved white button-down that wouldn't stick to her skin in the midday heat. Her thick, wavy hair was wrangled into submission with a copious amount of product and a well-practiced twist that kept the heavy mass off her neck. Glancing in the mirror, she nodded at her reflection. Presentable enough for government work.

    Slinging her battered messenger bag over one shoulder, she headed out, locking the door of her modest apartment behind her. Her footsteps thudded softly as she descended the stairs, mentally flicking through her agenda for the day. A 9 am budget meeting with the brass, then a working lunch to review case files. Maybe a few hours to dig into that stack of old missing persons reports she'd been meaning to

    Her phone buzzed insistently in her pocket, derailing her train of thought. The number on the screen was one she knew by heart. Her finger hovered over the answer key for a moment as she offered up a silent plea to the gods. Let it be a simple matter. A drunk in need of a gentle nudge home. A hapless tourist who misplaced their wallet.

    Kealoha, she answered crisply, steeling herself.

    The voice on the other end of the line spoke in clipped, efficient tones. They had a DOA at the Halekulani Hotel. Housekeeping found the body in the VIP suite, the door locked from the inside.

    Leilani's grip on the phone tightened imperceptibly. I'm on my way. She ended the call and quickened her pace, her heart already thrumming with the old familiar surge of adrenaline. The game

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