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Woke Tales: An Obituary, Post-Mortem, and Autopsy on the Collapse of the Post-Modern Black Democrat Political Machine
Woke Tales: An Obituary, Post-Mortem, and Autopsy on the Collapse of the Post-Modern Black Democrat Political Machine
Woke Tales: An Obituary, Post-Mortem, and Autopsy on the Collapse of the Post-Modern Black Democrat Political Machine
Ebook441 pages7 hours

Woke Tales: An Obituary, Post-Mortem, and Autopsy on the Collapse of the Post-Modern Black Democrat Political Machine

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A hilarious satirical romp through the post-modern Black political, cultural, and social landscape. The book describes how the post-modern version of the civil rights era (MLK 1950's) church driven Civil Rights movement, got hijacked and transformed into the socialist, atheist, LGBTQIA, social justice warrior/lawyer Black Democrat Partisan machi

Release dateApr 9, 2024
Woke Tales: An Obituary, Post-Mortem, and Autopsy on the Collapse of the Post-Modern Black Democrat Political Machine

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    Woke Tales - Von Gneisenau

    Part One

    Because it is all about representation right?


    The Rise of the Sith Lords episode I

    The Rise of the Sith Lords: A Black Political Science Fiction Novel loosely based on the Star Wars Series of Films and Post-Modern Political Reality for Black People - Episode I

    (Any resemblance to real or fictional characters or history is purely accidental)

    Remember when Stacy Abrams was running for governor the first time, and in between appearances on MSNBC, the Stephen Colbert show, and the traditional media outlets and gauntlets, she found time to play a role in an episode of Star Trek, in one of its seemingly infinite commercial variations and ‘generations’. I was offended for the sake of Georgia voters, who deserve better than to have their intelligences insulted by a Black apparently lesbian woman running for Governor of Georgia saying in a commercial that ‘she is more Star Trek fan, than Star Wars’. I was also offended on behalf of both Star Wars and Star Trek franchises and the fact I’m a huge fan of both. The comparison was ridiculous. That is to say, the comparison is ridiculous to a real science fiction fan, going back to Isaac Asimov, Arthur C Clark, etc. and dating back to even Jules Verne and Mary Shelley and even earlier.

    Of course in Stacy Abrams cameo episode of Star Trek, 'The Next Generation after the Generations that Mattered', she played you guessed it, a high ranking government official from the federation of planets. She might have even played the role of the president of the federation of presidents…which only serves to prove that nepotism and incompetence is apparently alive and well even in galaxies far, far away in the supposed future. The thought became immediately apparent to me in considering such matters as Stacy Abrams roles and characterizations in science fiction films (Star Trek), that notwithstanding Stacy’s judgement in political matters, her judgement would have been much better served had she chosen to ingratiate herself into the Star Wars franchise instead of the White Mainstream Democrat Party and its Black Democrat Social Justice Warrior/Lawyer counterpart. The role she should play is as a Sith Lord of very powerful rank and power in the ‘Dark Side of the Force’. The role will hit so close to home for Stacy, Like Lon Chaney doing Dracula so much he became what Dracula should look like for generations. At the risk of displaying my whole hand before Disney and the Star Wars franchise, I offer you the following synapse of the plotline as it opens itself up to cross franchising and other characters and characterizations, including Stacy Abrams as a powerful Sith Lord.

    Chapter I

    The story opens with the Black female inquisitor getting broken off and damn near killed by Anakin in the Obi Wan Kenobi story.   Reva (Third Sister). She survives with all of that resentment and anger still burning, but now her opportunity for professional advancement is ruined for having tried to test Vader and gotten broken off and damn near killed in the process. Anger and resentment stewing she wants what’s hers, she wants power in the Empire. She knows the Dark Side is in control, those who wield the powers of the Dark Side are in positions of ascendency in government, politics, religion, etc. She must get more training from the Sith Lords. She must renew her vow by becoming a disciple again (and perhaps take a disciple). Well obviously, Sith Lords aren’t sitting around on every corner recruiting for future Sith Lords. An Inquisitor is one thing, a Sith Lord is quite another matter. Or, are they sitting on the corner waiting to recruit the next great Inquisitors and Sith Lords?

    Siths respect anger, resentments, hatred, perversions of the universal natural, enmity, strife, war, deviousness, murder and mayhem out of power, but in power they enforce the New Order quite often even more brutally than the governments they rallied to overthrow as revolutionaries. Now they kill revolutionaries. Same old cycle. Her choices became clearer. She needed to find somewhere all those things were taking place and pick a side. Wherever there is a lot of anger, resentment, revolting sexual natures against the established universal traditions defined by species, categorially. Wherever there are classes more or less strictly defined, and the rich tend to stay rich and powerful, the middle class middling, and the lower working classes lower working class and poor. There you can stir up someone’s resentments against ‘the system’. She would go there and become a politician. A Queen Bee with her own hive in a new female Sith Lord/female Inquisitor alliance. She would go to a place like this and become a protestor and fighter in the streets, a partisan and erstwhile community activist for freedom for the afore-mentioned groups of historically abused and underprivileged people.

    And indeed, Reva did. Enter Stacy Abrams character, what does it look like, what they tell me was the short-lived relationship between ‘Fast Car’ Tracy Chapman and Alice Walker. That is to say, strange in ways belying the most obvious. I suppose that is why apparently it was relatively short lived. But how could two Queens, used and abused by men for varying reasons and in varying circumstances fulfilling their needs with each other be disappointed? Obviously they were sensitive to one another, sisterly, like Celie and Shug in a tender moment. How could Alice Walker and 'Fast Car' Tracy Chapman not be sensitive? Shug certainly was sensitive to Celie’s physical and emotional needs. One would have thought it was a relationship made in heaven but alas, it ended up being just as unfulfilling as relationships with men (minus the possibility for natural biological children), but the feminist class doesn’t talk about that contradiction, they just sell young girls and confused women on the idea that a relationship with a woman must by default be better…and there is no default in that trust me. That is the same as there is no default setting in a marriage between a man and a woman that the fact they understand themselves as men and women automatically means the relationship will work. They all take practice….just some more than others. Some of them if you practice regularly, you will end up with a baby, some you could practice until the kingdom came and no baby would come. Tracy Chapman is in vogue now with the liberal class saying how happily married she is to a woman (lol I think a White woman, but Tracy doesn’t discuss her sexuality); and how even though Country Music is some what notoriously in their eyes anti-LGBTQ (think Bud Light-Dylan Mulvaney), Tracy is laughing all of the way to the bank. This is ironic that they would celebrate this because, in other cases, liberal artists are patted on the back because they will not let their songs be used by politicians in campaigns they don’t like. Many a band turned down Trump’s request to use one of their songs as a campaign theme. Liberals are proud of that, but they make room for Tracy who they suggest is ‘laughing all the way to the bank’, and for that matter from what I understand, the song has been covered many times by musicians of all stripes and genres.

    I was in middle school when the Color Purple came out and I remember my feelings in the movie when Celie and Shug had the ‘lingering kiss’. I wasn’t creeped out, but not because I didn’t know what the implication was, or that it was bordering on wrong, whether understood or justified in this particular case or not. I recognized that Shug and Celie had been through a lot, and much of it was unfortunate and unfair, and much of it was generated by the men and socio-economic systems that used them? It wasn’t that great a leap to see why they might find solace in each other’s arms (all in the deep country like that). Shug was being used as blues singer, madam, prostitute, and sex slave, and Celie was being used simply as a slave in it’s most basic and fundamental physical, mental, sexual, and emotional understandings. That it was Black men doing it to both these Black women was emblematic of the tragedy. The Black man, who because he was judged negatively by the same standards of White mainstream beauty should have been the most sensitive to Black women, but he was not. The one(s) he was using and exploiting for her flashy, prostitute like embracing of her sexuality, and ‘good mulatto-ish looks’, he had nominal sympathy towards (Shug). Obviously he wasn’t sensitive to Shug or Celie in the abstract or detail. Danny Glover’s character only wanted to use them (Black women) for sex, and psychological and physical slavery (all really one thing), and the vanity of his own imaginations about what his seeming physical and psychological power over Black women meant. This same sensation and implication animates Black feminists today. It is not a coincidence that the Color Purple gets remade, and remade, and has become a feminist/womanist Black woman’s rite of passage. I wouldn’t be surprised if soon some Black woman patted herself on the back and made a children’s book and children’s movie out of it and book. Same exact plotlines and characters, force fed to our girls in the name of ‘liberating’ them from patriarchy and reliance and dependence on men. Sensing this, it engenders much resentment, anger and sexual frustration in Black men and women’s relationships.

    Thus I am sure Reva, Third Sister, Inquisitor and her new protégé, Stacy Abrams character, as it were is grooming to some extent the talented young Black female force wielder named Stacy; now upon the scene, full of anger, resentment and the physical training and pressure to back it up. That is to say she can beat up human men, alien men and women races and kill them with light sabers and other weapons, and has basic Jedi (Force) training. This political Inquisitor hidden Sith Lord, played by Reva (Third Sister), is hiding her identity as a Sith Lord, and grooming a young Padawan assistant in the form of our own Stacy Abrams in my new screenplay.

    It is rumored she partly controls Stacy by sexually using her in a relationship neither can publicly acknowledge, threatening to reveal to any man that dare love Stacy, the fact that she fucks female senators which obviously, no regular male humanoid can compete with. At the same time, she is training Stacy with various Sith Masters in varying schools and arts of Sith Mastery including the thing that tempted Anakin, raising people from the dead like you know who.


    The Rise of the Sith Lords Part II

    The Rise of the Sith Lords: A Black Political Novel - Chapter II

    The casual Sci-Fi fan may be wondering, how do Sith Lords seduce good planetary and interplanetary people and beings from all over the human/alien spectrum? How is their power so strong that not even Jedi are immune to it and only the strongest Jedi do not ever succumb to it. And far more than often, far, far more often than the Jedi would like to admit, they get seduced by the Darkside. The rule is the same for both.

    A Sith master encourages you to feed on your anger and resentment. Are you angry at being poor, the ‘Federation’ owes you a living wage. They have been mining and trading on and with your planet for generations, X,Y, And Z weren’t fair to you and they owe you. Feed your anger and resentment at that, stew on, and in it. Someone stole your social justice (as though it had ever existed anywhere but the minds of elites), and you must demand they give you social justice or you will take it back by being disruptive, antisocial, and ignorant of quite common social sensibilities. Someone stole your human dignity, your human rights and now you are going to demand that they give it back to you or you will extort it (or worse from them), these institutionally designed government and economic organizations designed to use you and rob you.

    Are you angry and resentful sexually, and sexually unfulfilled on whatever your home planet is; and by your traditional home planet's sexual norms and traditions? That is somebody else’s fault too. That is because instead of you being free, 'authorities' are limiting you to the sexual habits of biology, tradition and history, and they are not making you happy, so you must invent new forms of sexuality in order to cover all the aspects of your newly found freedom once you disrespect, disconnect, and divorce yourself from traditionally biological and religious sexual roles. You aren’t unhappy because you are precisely divorced from biology and religion, but you have believed the Sith interpretation that you are sexually unhappy quite because traditional biology and religion have stifled you, imprisoned you, and you aren’t free enough; thus the only way to prove you are indeed free is to do the exact opposite of what eons of biology, tradition, history, and religion have stifled you with. That is the way to prove your freedom, by doing the opposite of what tradition and religion tell you. The only thing is, only fools and adolescents believe that is the actual path to freedom. But the Sith are unconcerned. All they want to do is harness the feelings of anger and resentment against the system, tradition, biology, and traditional religion. Keep feeding the anger and resentment. Stoke it until it burns and then harness the energies unleashed by the collective anger and resentment. That is the other side of the Civil Rights Movement that MLK, Joe Lowery, Hosea Williams didn’t see. They didn’t see the rise of Li’l Nas X, Ru Paul, Sam Smith, BLM, and socialist atheist abortionist Black Democrat social justice warrior/lawyer ideology as the ‘natural’ outgrowth of their endeavors. To be honest they’d be revolted by such a thought. But the religious, ethical, bible based motive in the traditional 1950's-60's Civil Rights Movement got replaced, hijacked, and warped. 

    If you were free to do what you want, and not have to follow rules like Jedi and mere mortals who can’t afford to surgically or otherwise alter their born alien species identities and sexualities, that would represent your freedom and you would be happy. Aren’t you angry at traditional biology and religion for holding you back from being free and happy to love who you want to love? Don’t you resent that they have been doing this to people like you for generations and generations? Feel your anger and resentment boiling, brewing, steeping, and stewing within you, an unholy volcano of erstwhile love, but actually anger and resentment at tradition. And one day you will lash out. And in that one day the Sith Master gets the supreme tool of manipulation. Is it Padme, is it Omega (from the Bad Batch Star Wars series and Wanda Sykes Character) is it Tracy Chapman, is it Reva? And in that one day the Sith convinces them that they have sinned an ultimate sin and there is no redemption from traditional religion or sexuality and thus there is no where to go back to, and thus they must continue along the painful paths of the Darkside, anger, resentment, and pain...and make continual versions of the Color Purple in perpetuity like Alice Walker, the other Black Moses (the original being Harriet Tubman in Negro Women Fetish Mythology). The die has been cast, thus completing your initial training to the full Darkside, living a life of lashing out in anger and resentment at every traditional force for traditional good and traditional biology in the galaxy because you feel judged by it, nay even condemned by it. (And thus the exponential anger and resentment). Note they never can tolerate Christian moralizing unless they themselves are using the same 'moralizing' on their opponents in an effort to point them out as hypocrites, or mocking it.

    The ‘anger and resentment complex’ not only works on regular everyday humanoids and extraterrestrials scattered throughout the universes and the outer rim, it works on planets, confederations, confederacies, federations, towns, cities, communities and families. A good Sith Lord, knows that no matter where he or she is in the universe and the outer rim, playing the 'anger and resentment' card works. A Sith knows quite well that in any settlement, literally, any settlement, down to the family scale, family members can always be played against other family members. Classes, communities, cities, towns, planets and systems can be played against and off one another based on 'anger and resentment'. The good Sith Lord pumps each side to think that the opposition owes them something that they must take by disruption, cantankerousness or outright villainy, as in the proletariat ‘seizing the means of production’. It is easy for the Sith, as it quite precisely should be. For a Sith Lord doesn’t have to invent anger and resentment, inventing it out of the blue as it were. Nay, nein, and no, in every family, class, community, township, city, planet, system of planets, universal region of planets there are always hot spots of old and ancient anger and resentment; always percolating, always bubbling beneath the surface, deep down on our terrestrial ocean crust floor's volcanic spouts. This is at every level.

    And there are even more places for resentment in any family, nation, planetary system etc. Depending on the culture, of the males and females and their families, the dominants will be stronger than the others. It doesn’t matter which side is right, the Sith Lord doesn’t create the conflict, he or she merely takes advantage of the chaos generated by the conflict. Then and there the Sith Lord presents him or herself as a fair arbiter and indeed the Sith Lord is! For he or she has taken the full measure of each side’s anger and resentment. Let one side win (give it advantages), then the other is in perpetual chaos, the only thing remaining true, is that the Sith Lord dominates all because each side feels it owes its success to your ‘help’ and support.

    Chapter II Part II

    Enter Stacy Abrams character (I musn’t forget to think up an awesome Sith Lord name for her, worthy of a true bona fide, trained by Sith Masters, uniform and way of being).

    Sith Lords love chaotic places, but remember, part of their hustle is to appear above the chaos. Do not fool yourself, it’s a secret cabal. They cannot say they are Sith Lords. That is to say, they cannot say it publicly, in the way an artist, intellectual, or successful business person might, that they owe their personal energy and ambition to unrestrained feelings of alienation, resentment and anger maniacally driving them to do whatever it takes to excel. No, the Sith Lord claims to be above that. In order to hide that from the public they must appear in their professional positions to be above pettiness (when they really are not). They must appear to be good, doing good, and doing something for good. This they repeat over and over again. Over and over, how good they are because they want to ‘free’ everybody from tyranny and oppressive political, economic, and religious structures. No, they are not articulators of chaos, they are doing good. I will hip the reader to these other Sith Lords eventually, whose names I do not have to make up because they are weird enough today to be completely appropo in a galaxy, far-far away. They are the Queen Bees. Sith Lord Kamela, Sith Lord Raphael Warnock/Warlock (the fallen abortion LGBTQIA+ promoting angel), Sith Lord Katanji Brown, Sith Lord Kecia Bottoms, Sith Lord Andre ‘straight out of Dixieland’ Dickens, and there are others. 

    It doesn’t matter what their names are or where they arise, the aim, schema and modus operandi is the same, anger and resentment about what the ‘lower races’, ‘lower classes’, or sexual deviants are owed. And they are angry and resentful about it on behalf of the ‘lower races’ and ‘lower classes’, even though they feel the same exact way about the lower classes, sexual deviants, and ‘deplorables’ as the traditional elites. But they have been educated in the elite world, so they can tell the ‘lower races’ and ‘lower classes’ they represent them and use their history to accentuate anger and resentment about what has happened to them over the past 40, 400 or 4000 years. Sith Lord Kamala may end up being President of the United States by the sheer biological attrition of old smokin Joe Biden with one foot in the grave and enough Ginseng, Red Bull Energy Drink, and medication in his body to render a small horse catatonic.


    The Rise of the Sith Lords Chapter III

    The Rise of the Sith Lords a Black Political Novel - Chapter III

    Let us deal with the actual mechanics of Sith Lord Stacy Abrams, and how she converts otherwise normal, sane, relatively happy Jedi and ‘normal’ humanoids and aliens to the Darkside. Here again it is about anger and resentment. A Sith master must find out what the potential initiate is most angry and resentful about. It could be from their childhood, class, race, sexuality, family issues, etc. Sith Lord Stacy was angry about being overweight and body shamed all her life. They didn’t want to let her into the Jedi Academy because she was overweight. It took a Jedi Council court ruling for Stacy to be admitted to Jedi Academy. But that humiliation didn’t compare to what she faced when she actually got to Jedi Academy. They ‘joaned’ her, and there were some Jedi tricks either she couldn’t do, or looked crazy doing. Seeing Luke, Rae or even Yoda doing flips through the air, or even on the ground like a gymnast is fine, but watching a 250-pound woman flipping ‘gracefully’ is something of an entirely different order. Seeing a 250-pound woman wielding a light saber is not so scary when we consider the very real fact that all the opponent has to do to avoid getting dispatched (killed) by a 250 pound obese female or male Jedi is run from them. Literally. And if their powers of ‘the force’ aren’t strong enough to hold you back, even a fat Jedi has lost the battle.

    Is (affirmative action/DEI for fat Black Padawans with emotional and sexual issues) how the Jedi Temple Academy was forced to train Stacy on the light saber with her other Jedi initiates and peers? Can she run and exercise with Yoda on her back through the jungles and swamps for hours at 250 pounds?  Did Stacy have to get a waver to continue her Jedi training without the ‘physical requirements’? Stacy compensated however, very well, by developing her powers of holding physical objects in place (holding them back from forward progress), and moving them like Yoda raising Luke’s X-Wing fighting. Another example is Dearth Vader pushing, pulling, and choking various things. Did you know that one of the Jedi mind tricks is masturbating without hands? So after getting tired of her opponents simply running from her, she developed her powers of holding, gripping, pushing and pulling, and choking; and would simply draw her opponent to her so she did not have to chase them. It was effective, but not exactly noble or chivalric. Yoda and the other top Jedi like Mace Windu sensed ‘much, much resentment, fear, and anger in her' because of the weight issue and other problems fitting in with her peers at the Yale Sorority Houses of the Jedi Academy. Stacy resented them for not asking her to join, and she resented and hated herself for even caring what they think deep down. So she lashed out in anger and resentment at them and herself by claiming the Yale Jedi Temple Sororities were all fat phobic, racist and sexist. This made her position at the Jedi Academy even more unfulfilling and unsatisfying. No one wanted to be friends with her, or partner with her on projects. As she lost further control of her emotions, her mind-force gripping, pulling, and pushing came so natural to her, she’d do it accidentally. One Jedi Academy associate of Stacy’s woke up to find herself floating through the air banging against the door to her dorm room. Stacy was dreaming about her, and such was the power of the ‘Force’ in Stacy that in her dreams she could move, pull, and suspend people and objects in reality. To the point that, one day, she ended up killing the girl accidentally. Pulled her so hard, she went headfirst into the door. Of course it went unsolved, because even with Yoda and Mace, a disturbance in the force doesn't always corelate to exactly who the culprit is.

    That is when Jedi Temple Academy initiate Stacy Abrams got put out of the academy. Yoda and Mace were like, we are Jedi, not therapists and social workers! We cannot fix her, and she is a danger to everyone around her. Yoda said that he 'corrected' Stacy in class and apparently, she felt some type of way. That’s because when Stacy was on the toilet taking a shit, and reflected to herself that I, the mighty and powerful Yoda, look like a little turd, mixed with Kermit the frog and no lie, after sensing Stacy’s thoughts, I Yoda could smell the effects of Stacy’s bathroom work and location; reflecting that it almost made him throw up in his meditation. This bitch done gone too far, I’m the great Yoda. Mace Windu’s complaint was that Stacy was always on some racial shit. She came to him one time in an astral presence, presumably and ostensibly for the sake of privacy and asked why there weren’t any more ‘Black and Brown Jedi’ or ‘off world alien species’ in the top leadership positions of the Jedi Council? Why weren’t the Black and brown Jedi playing a more prominent role in important missions? Mace shut her down and refused to listen to her arguments, preferring instead to double down on the idea that being a Jedi was a privilege beyond race or alien-ness, and that it was just a magic coincidence that the fate of the universe and the best positions went to White humanoid looking Jedi all the time. Stacy countered Mace's argument immediately, Mace, what was your last assignment...'snakes on a plane', while Anakin, Obi-Wan were off to fanciful distant systems, planets and lands, saving the universe; surely you're not that stupid Mace!", Stacy railed! 

    Then Stacy started calling Mace a sell out to the Black and Brown and other minority or non-humanoid Jedi recruits. The Jedi of African descent Stacy felt, needed to start their own organization of Negro Jedi initiates to advocate on our behalf, because everything is Leia, Luke and Han, or aliens or token gangster, pimp, dope and liquor hustler Lando Calrissian. Stacy was tired of Black and Brown people being stereotyped in space. The White mainstream Jedi council is controlled by White mainstream Jedi and thus, it is institutionally racist against nigger Jedi, fat Jedi, Jedi with nonstandard sexual habits and equipment, and Jedi from other species. And Jedi whose parents and lineage wasn’t right were discriminated against. Thus in Stacy’s mind, the council needs more minority representation, the council needs more fat representation, more Jedi with developmental disabilities (like ‘the good doctor’ tv show). The Jedi Council needs to be modernized to look just like America (or rather the universes) and not simply be dominated by White mainstream humanoid Jedi institutional interests.

    So obviously you see why Yoda and Mace ended up expelling Stacy from Jedi Academy for causing division and disunion in the Jedi Temple Academy; not only in the academy but in the Jedi ranks in total, and that was unacceptable. Leaving with all her personal belongings in a cardboard box, and Jedi master security escorting her out, she looked back at the academy adjoining the Jedi Temple and yelled ‘I’ll be back, I’ll be back." And an uber took her to the interplanetary airport.

    Chapter III Scene II

    Now former Jedi trainee Stacy books a flight but pays a homeless overweight woman about the same size and height to get on and fly to the outer rim. Stacy tells her she will pay her way back and that the funds are already there, but Stacy has no intention of paying the woman’s way back. She would be a liability and apt to tell of her real identity and possible whereabouts. So Stacy heads out to the slums of Coruscant and with her Jedi ‘Yale style’ training she fashions herself a new identity as Lawanda Page, social justice warrior/lawyer Community Organizer, Community Activist, Advocate of women and abortion rights, Advocate of the LGBTQIA Community, and Advocate for Alien non-humanoid species, in the underbelly of the Coruscant family of planets and systems. She becomes an advocate for and of the sexual extremists, the atheists, and the socialists. The worker is owed not just living wages but wages and benefits packages that God doesn’t even give. Call me a liar? Does God act like he owes plants animals, or are we not thrown out into reality, relying on His providence, beneficence, mercy, and species specific cultural and individual tools to feed, clothe, house, and protect ourselves and our loved ones. Has God given anything, any entity a ‘living wage’? Does He act like He owes a newborn impala ‘daycare’ or ‘food stamps’ because it’s a good idea? Or rather if the kid impala doesn’t learn how to run, and get to moving fast, quickly learning what it means to be born with a set of impala physical resources, parental resources and cultural (pack, flock, herd, etc.) traditions; something is going to eat that kid impala sooner rather than later. With the protections of culture (pack, flock, herd, etc.), parental involvement, and the fact that ‘old’ impalas exist, and new ones are being born, an impala stands a fair chance, a fair chance, not an owed chance to survive existence in this global biodome and his or her habitat and environment. People are self-righteous, selfish Jedi and defying nature when they argue somebody, some government, some other race, owes you something more than human dignity and respect?

    But Stacy Abrams, aka Lawanda Page’s desire is not to foster logic. Lawanda’s agitation is meant simply to ferment chaos; protesting this and protesting that, demanding social justice for the handicapped, the retarded, the minorities, the historically oppressed, the alien; and damn it, you don’t have to work for anything, all you have to do is protest the government and make a nuisance of yourselves demanding what other people owe you. Lawanda Page started a movement amongst the marginalized, disaffected, Black, brown, transsexual, trans species, interplanetary immigrants, former and wayward Jedi who wonder why the fate of the entire universe and its political systems, big as it is, is always dependent on what some White people are going through, and the Kylo Ren and Rae style ridiculous self-absorption with finding out who they ‘really’ are and all sorts of nonsense things that come from having way too much free time; and having parents that have too much drama in their lives. This White self-absorption is to the point of narcissism and then the icing on that cake is that that the fate of the entire universe depends upon how White people play out their internal angst, dread, and father issues…what gall, what hutzpah, what cajónes? What arrogance, what vanity, what complete irrationality? Nobody but the ones that look White humanoid are the heroes and have independent thoughts and ideas?

    According to Lawanda Page, clearly this oppression and repression by the dominant galactic traditional regimes proves the need for revolution by the aforementioned historically oppressed groups. Representation and revolution and she would be at the vanguard of it! Lawanda met other ‘Queen Bees’, Sith Lord Associates, on the down low, and others in the open, but all knowledgeable in the same skill set of anger, resentment and what the White man owes you. She met Sith Lords she didn’t know were Sith Lords at the time. She thought they were just people that have similar political interests and proclivities and seemed natural allies but they were actually Sith Lord Masters in anger and resentment. They were all attracted to each other like a magnet. Sith Lord Elizabeth Warren, socialist atheist feminist, ersatz Pocahontas. You have Sith Lord Pete Buttigieg, who if nothing else, is cursed with a last name so weirdly ironic to his sexual lifestyle. It’s the joke no one will tell, because it would keep on giving like the old-fashioned Henny Goodman joke ‘hey, take my wife, no literally’ (bad um dum cymbal crash) or Rodney Dangerfield starting his jokes off with ‘I don’t get no respect’. Sith Lord Keisha Bottoms, AOC, Ilyan Omar, Kamala, Feinstein who is Palpatine’s niece, ‘Killa Kam’ Kamala Harris, Jada Pinkett, Ketanji Jackson, Oprah Winfrey all ‘Queen Bee’ Sith Lords trained in the skilled use and manipulation of anger and resentment.

    The Black female Sith Lords have completed their takeover of Black culture and control Black culture by harboring, sheltering, and arming every two-bit resentment every disenfranchised group has presently, and has ever had in the history of the existence of the galaxy. And they score a major coup when they get Disney to underscore, support and promote that very same socialist, atheist, LGBTQIA agenda. 


    The Rise of the Sith Lords Part IV

    The Rise of the Sith Lords a Black Political Novel Chapter  IV

    You don’t owe the Republic, the Empire, the 1st, 2nd or 3rd Order, the Security Council, or whatever government is in power, they owe you!

    That was Lawanda’s slogan during her first campaigns. Its effectiveness was due largely to the fact that it could be adapted to fit many, many different contexts and situations; on-world, off-world and in nearly planetary systems. Somebody is always going to be disgruntled, and fodder thinking their dis-ease is someone else's fault. Radicalized poor White men, Proud Boys, militias and the like, could be told that the ‘government’, the economic, and cultural elites hasn’t been listening to them and it better listen…or else. The homeless, the queer loving, militias; all can come bask in the dank dungeons of anger and resentment politics. White feminists with Ivy League educations are pissed off, burning bras, being gay, and refusing to marry or engage in a traditional sexual relationships men. Surely, White American and European women are the vanguard of female suffering in the world, ergo feminism; but compared to women in Afghanistan, women in certain parts of Africa getting forcibly circumcised, Dalit women in India getting raped on the way to and from the outhouse, yes, indeed it is White women in America and Europe who are suffering under patriarchy and need an anti-male revolution. Yes, absurdities like that become real when we look at our lives through the lens of anger and resentment as opposed to reason, logic, and Godliness.

    Lawanda, current social activist, community organizer, lawyer and politician…former Jedi Academy student. Sith Master now of anger and resentment. How did she get here, on the cusp of real power? Let us go back ladies and gentlemen, let us think of the next few chapters as flashback episodes. What was Stacy’s childhood like? How did she go from Stacy, to Jedi Padawan, to Lawanda, to Sith Lord Master? How did she get converted to the Darkside? These will be eerie and strange episodes to the reader; as grotesque and macabre as any horror film. Stacy’s parents were both Jedi who fell in love at the Temple and thus when the Yoda, Mace and the other Jedi authorities found out in a Jedi confessional/therapy type set up that borders on mental harassment, where they probe your mind looking for lies, inconsistencies, deceptions, etc., intentional or not. And the Jedi ‘advisors’ not coincidentally, similar to Inquisitors some say, use the information for you and against you as the situation requires.

    Stacy’s mother and father were indeed strong minded, but their love was stronger, and it showed. The attachment was palpable, and it didn’t take a Jedi Master to see it. Though they faked it as long as  possible, when her mother got pregnant with her, that meant her mother was out of the Jedi Order and her position teaching at the Jedi Academy. Think about it, you can’t have a pregnant female Jedi (unless it was Leia and she never was an ‘active’ Jedi, though apparently, she was a ‘licensed’ Jedi). Well, you could but not in the Star Wars universe. They could only go on diplomatic missions. You couldn’t have a Jedi mother or father going into battle with his baby in an armed jogging baby stroller, or in a carrier on his back, or in a sling across their chest. If you got kids, you can’t be out there fighting and shit. It’s in poor taste. Think about it. You’re a killer, the Goliath of your times, and a Jedi (male or female) comes out there with his baby. It’s disrespectful. As a matter of fact, it would be so disrespectful as to really piss one’s opponent off and make them angry. Tactically and strategically, you can either kill the warrior or kill his baby. Presuming he never brought his baby you would not have the opportunity, but that he or she did, now you have two targets of equally high value. It’s a win, win situation for you as long as you win. If you win you have killed the father, and then can do what you will with the child, even to the point of enslaving or selling them. If you kill the child, then whether you allow him to live or

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