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Licking, Lusting & Alien Lizards
Licking, Lusting & Alien Lizards
Licking, Lusting & Alien Lizards
Ebook53 pages36 minutes

Licking, Lusting & Alien Lizards

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The crews of inter-stellar space transports often make stops at space stations. Some space stations double as resorts for travelers on extremely long voyages. Providing entertainment and other creature comforts. Kim is a twenty-five-year-old human lesbian crew member of one such vessel is eagerly looking forward to relaxing on the Mitilian space station.

On her first night there, she meets up with Da'an, a sexy and curvy member of a reptilian species from a distant world. Kim and the Da'an make friends quickly and are soon dancing and drinking together. Their camaraderie quickly evolves into a romantic interlude. Kim learns that Da'an is quite experienced in the ways of the world and is more than willing to teach her Terran friend all she knows.

They each discover the physiological differences between their species and find them quite fascinating even arousing. Da'an marvels at Kim's hair and her belly button, things the alien doesn't have. Kim is enthralled with Da'an's frisky tail and all the tricks it can do along with the fact that Da'an has no anal opening. As Da'an said to her human friend, each would be a fun toy to play with.

PublisherTenth Muse
Release dateApr 11, 2024
Licking, Lusting & Alien Lizards

Sherry Stone

Sherry Stone is the pen name of a thirty-seven-year-old single mother of two teenaged boys. A former college instructor and medical consultant. She has now begun to devote her time to writing. Science fiction and Romance are her passions, and she loves to spice her stories with some steamy erotica, just to give her work a punch other writers lack. Born in Birmingham AL she is an avid Crimson Tide Football fan. She currently lives just outside Cincinnati, OH

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    Book preview

    Licking, Lusting & Alien Lizards - Sherry Stone

    Licking, Lusting & Alien Lizards

    Copyright 2024 Sherry Stone

    Published by Tenth Muse at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    'Author's note: All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    About Sherry Stone

    Other books by Sherry Stone

    Connect with Sherry Stone


    Bill Blackburn

    Chapter One

    I was acting as enthusiastic as a girl on Christmas Eve. Only I hadn’t paid much attention to the well-displayed information regarding the space station I was heading to. Since this wasn’t a run-of-the-mill space mission. Nor was it a quick run to Mars; It was to be the fifteenth inter-solar flight but my first. That meant we would need to stop along the way at least twice for supplies and R&R. Usually the stations were galactic versions of Walmart and Disney World.

    Two months since our last stop, I was hoping to get lucky over the next few days as I was being hustled into a Photon-propelled low orbit elevator that would take me to the space station that had been assembled in a high-altitude factory, to save the expense of taking off from the ground.

    The low orbit elevator is where I met the rest of the crew also heading there. They too had been preparing for their three-day pass of fun and frivolity, on the Mitilian space station. We all looked so different dressed for the clubs, and not in our drab uniforms. All with hopes of getting lucky.


    The raucous blare of the live Earilllian rock band made my head spin as I made my way through the crowd in the Git Tar Club. I stumbled as I tried to dodge the large, round body of an Ansorissian, who must have consumed too many cups of Natau and ran right into someone.

    I felt strong arms wrap around me, while my face was pressed against soft black cloth. In front of my nose was a smooth expanse of green skin exposed by the open neck line of the creature's dress. It smelled faintly of a combination of grass and cinnamon.

    I pulled away and looked into a round face that wasn't far from human, except for the color. The lips curled away from a wide expanse of teeth in a way that might have been a smile, and the two black eyes seemed almost to have a

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