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Widdershins - Occult Detective: Book One
Widdershins - Occult Detective: Book One
Widdershins - Occult Detective: Book One
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Widdershins - Occult Detective: Book One

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Widdrshins - Occult Detective. Book One of the Widdershins Series.
Follow the fantastical tales of Widdrshins - Occult Detective. Along with his skeptical assistant Pragmella, Widdershins seeks to uncover and foil an evil cabal of dark magicians. Follow them on a cosmic journey as they encounter a cast of characters as unlikely as they are endearing, and confront villlians intent on using magic to control the world.
Release dateDec 22, 2023
Widdershins - Occult Detective: Book One

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    Book preview

    Widdershins - Occult Detective - Alex Roth

    Chapter 1: In which Widdershins Discovers the Cabal

    The flickering candlelight cast a warm glow over the antiquated shelves, each laden with tomes that whispered tales of forgotten lore. In the dimly lit corner of the dusty library, Detective Widdershins hunched over a worn manuscript, its pages adorned with intricate astrological diagrams and cryptic verses.

    Pragmella, his ever-practical assistant, stood nearby, tapping her foot impatiently. Widdershins, we've been in this library for hours. Are you sure there's anything worthwhile in that dusty old book?

    Widdershins, engrossed in deciphering the celestial puzzle before him, looked up with a twinkle in his eye. Ah, my dear Pragmella, this is not just a book. It's a portal to the cosmos, a key to unlocking the secrets woven into the fabric of reality.

    Pragmella sighed. More cosmic mumbo-jumbo. Can we get to the bottom of this cabal business without consulting the stars?

    But Widdershins was undeterred. He traced the intricate patterns on the manuscript with a finger, muttering incantations under his breath. The air seemed to hum with an otherworldly energy, as if the library itself acknowledged the detective's pursuit of the mystical.

    Just as Pragmella was about to voice her exasperation again, a voice echoed through the hallowed halls of the library. Detective Widdershins, you've stumbled upon the whispers of the universe, the voice crooned melodiously.

    The duo turned to see a figure cloaked in robes adorned with constellations. Quixotica, the astrologer of local renown, approached with an ethereal grace.

    Quixotica! Widdershins exclaimed, his eyes widening with excitement. We seek the truth hidden among the stars. Can you help us decipher the cosmic riddles that weave through this manuscript?

    Quixotica's eyes, as deep and mysterious as the night sky, gazed upon the manuscript. The celestial ballet is a dance of secrets, Detective. But beware, for in the pursuit of truth, you may unravel more than you can fathom.

    Widdershins nodded solemnly. Fear not, Quixotica, for I am ready to waltz with the constellations.

    Pragmella rolled her eyes, muttering under her breath, Waltzing with constellations? What's next, a tango with time itself?

    But as Widdershins and Quixotica engaged in a fervent discussion about celestial alignments and mystical energies, Pragmella couldn't deny a subtle shift in the atmosphere. It was as if the very air resonated with the cosmic discourse, and even she, the staunch pragmatist, felt a shiver of awe.

    Quixotica, sensing Widdershins' unwavering determination, leaned in and whispered, Beware the midnight crossroads, where the shadows of the unseen dance. There, the cabal's secrets may reveal themselves.

    With that cryptic advice, Quixotica vanished into the labyrinth of books, leaving Widdershins and Pragmella to contemplate their next move.

    So, midnight crossroads, huh? Pragmella scoffed, crossing her arms. Are we expecting the cabal or a midnight magic show?

    Widdershins grinned, Perhaps both, my pragmatic companion. But before we venture into the unknown, we must prepare. Gather the moonlit dew, the wand of whimsy, and my trusty hat—tonight, we dance with shadows.

    As the detective duo left the library, Pragmella couldn't help but shake her head. Dance with shadows? I'd settle for a cup of hot cocoa and a good night's sleep.

    The night air was thick with an otherworldly hush as Widdershins and Pragmella approached the rumored midnight crossroads. The moon, a luminous witness to their unconventional escapade, bathed the surroundings in an eerie silver glow.

    Widdershins stood at the crossroads, his robe billowing in the gentle breeze. Pragmella, arms crossed, cast a skeptical glance at her eccentric companion. So, Widdershins, are we waiting for the cabal or a cosmic taxi?

    Widdershins chuckled, The cabal, my dear Pragmella, often arrives in the most unexpected forms. We must be vigilant.

    Just as the words left his lips, a subtle rustle echoed through the stillness of the night. Shadows, like ethereal dancers, seemed to materialize at the crossroads.

    A figure cloaked in darkness emerged—a silhouette against the moonlit backdrop. Detective Widdershins, the figure spoke in a voice that resonated with a hint of irony, you have danced your way to the heart of our cosmic masquerade.

    Widdershins, undeterred by the enigmatic greeting, raised an eyebrow. Ah, the cabal reveals itself. Pray, who are you, the puppeteer pulling the strings?

    The figure stepped forward, revealing a face obscured by the interplay of moonlight and shadows. Call me Mercurion, the Weaver of Illusions. We anticipated your celestial investigation.

    Pragmella leaned towards Widdershins, whispering, Weaver of Illusions? Sounds like a title from a bad fantasy novel.

    Widdershins shot her a glance, suppressing a grin. Let's see what illusions Mercurion is weaving tonight.

    Mercurion extended a hand, and suddenly, the crossroads transformed into a surreal spectacle. Ethereal illusions danced around them—phantom figures and spectral lights that seemed to defy the laws of reality.

    Widdershins, however, remained steadfast. Your illusions may dazzle the senses, Mercurion, but I see through the veil. What is the cabal's true purpose?

    Mercurion chuckled, the sound echoing through the mystical landscape. The cabal's purpose, Detective, is to challenge the rigid constructs of reality. To reveal that the boundaries between magic and mundanity are but fragile threads.

    As the illusions continued to swirl around them, Pragmella muttered to Widdershins, Challenge reality? I think they've taken the whole 'thinking outside the box' a bit too far.

    But Widdershins, ever the idealist, met Mercurion's gaze with a determined glint. Challenge accepted, Weaver of Illusions. But remember, the dance of reality is a delicate balance. Upset it, and chaos may ensue.

    The Weaver of Illusions, acknowledging Widdershins' words, gestured toward the shifting illusions. Detective, your journey has just begun. The grand dance of reality awaits your next step.

    As the midnight crossroads returned to their mundane guise, the Weaver of Illusions dissipated into the night, leaving Widdershins and Pragmella to contemplate the cosmic paradoxes they had just encountered.

    Pragmella sighed, Reality, illusions, and a mysterious weaver. I feel like I'm stuck in a cosmic play with no script.

    Widdershins chuckled, Ah, my dear Pragmella, perhaps the best scripts are written when we dance with the unknown. Let's continue this cosmic adventure, for the cabal's secrets are but threads in the tapestry of reality.

    And with that, under the moonlit sky, Detective Widdershins and Pragmella embarked on a journey where reality and magic waltzed together in the grand cosmic ballroom of the unknown.

    Chapter 2: The Mysterious Astrologer

    The following morning dawned with an air of anticipation as Detective Widdershins and Pragmella, ever the pragmatic counterpart, set out to seek the wisdom of Quixotica, the mysterious astrologer. Quixotica's dwelling, nestled on the outskirts of town, beckoned like a beacon of celestial guidance.

    A meandering path led the duo through a lush forest, where sunlight filtered through the canopy, dappling the ground with a dance of shadows and light. Widdershins, resplendent in his cosmic-patterned robe, marched with an air of expectancy, while Pragmella trudged alongside, skeptical eyes scanning the surroundings.

    Quixotica, the astrologer who dwells in seclusion, is said to possess insights into the cosmic dance, Widdershins explained, his eyes fixed on the unseen horizon.

    Pragmella sighed, adjusting the strap of her practical satchel. Insights into cosmic dance? I hope this astrologer doesn't take us on a starlit stroll again. We're looking for concrete information, not celestial waltzes.

    As they reached the outskirts of the town, the cottage of Quixotica emerged like a quaint mirage. It stood on the edge of a clearing, surrounded by an enchanting garden where celestial flowers bloomed in patterns that mirrored the constellations above.

    Widdershins approached the door, adorned with a cosmic wreath, and gave it a series of mysterious knocks—three short, two long, and a rapid succession of rhythmic taps.

    The door creaked open, revealing a figure draped in robes adorned with zodiac signs. Quixotica, with eyes that seemed to hold the secrets of the cosmos, welcomed them with a knowing smile.

    Detective Widdershins and Pragmella, seekers of cosmic truths, what brings you to my humble abode? Quixotica's voice resonated like a melody, a harmonious blend of wisdom and enigma.

    Widdershins inclined his head respectfully. Quixotica, we tread the path of cosmic investigation. The stars have whispered of a hidden cabal, and we seek your guidance in deciphering their celestial code.

    Quixotica's gaze, deep and penetrating, seemed to weigh the intentions of the detective. The cosmic code is intricate, Detective, and the cabal's influence extends beyond the veil of ordinary perception. But fear not, for I shall offer what insights the stars permit.

    With a graceful wave, Quixotica invited them into the celestial sanctuary. The interior of the cottage mirrored the night sky, adorned with tapestries that depicted constellations in exquisite detail. Celestial instruments, mysterious crystals, and ancient scrolls occupied every nook and cranny.

    Widdershins, eyes gleaming with anticipation, perused the celestial artifacts. "The cosmic symphony plays its tune, Quixotica.

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