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Web Programming with Go
Web Programming with Go
Web Programming with Go
Ebook283 pages14 hours

Web Programming with Go

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About this ebook

Web Programming with Go is a must-have book for software professionals and web developers looking to harness Go's potential for creating excellent web apps. The extensive knowledge imparted by this book about Go's powerful libraries and packages is crucial for building scalable and efficient web platforms.


The book's core focus is on exploring deeply into the complexities of web development through the perspective of Go. The first step in building any web application is to review the fundamentals, which will serve as a foundation for the rest of the learning experience. As you explore deeper, you'll learn about the diverse ecosystem that supports Go. This book covers a wide range of issues, including the complexities of routing mechanics, HTTP requests, and Go's concurrency model, all with the goal of improving web efficiency.


The book uses the example of a "bookstore app" throughout the book, providing you with a practical touchpoint on every possible learning. With this iterative example, you can follow the development of a simple web app from its infancy all the way to a fully featured, robust platform. The later sections of the book focus on performance evaluation and debugging, which are frequently overlooked in other Go books.


This book takes you from the fundamentals of web development to the depths of Go, culminating in a strong online application designed to meet today's digital issues. This book promises to be your compass in the vast ocean of web development, whether you're an experienced developer or an enthusiast just getting started with Go.


Key Learnings

  • Master Go's efficient syntax and streamline coding with better performance.
  • Build robust web applications from scratch, ensuring scalability and responsiveness.
  • Seamlessly integrate APIs, enhancing app functionality and user experience.
  • Harness Go's concurrency, boosting app speed and multitasking capabilities.
  • Optimize data storage and retrieval with Go, ensuring data integrity and speed.
  • Develop resilient apps by mastering error detection and troubleshooting in Go.
  • Implement user sessions, enhancing user experience and data security.
  • Ensure app reliability through Go's comprehensive testing and debugging techniques.
  • Utilize Go tools for real-time performance tracking, ensuring optimal user experiences.
  • Safeguard user data and interactions through Go's top-tier security practices.


Table of Content

  1. Introduction to Web Development in Go
  2. Structuring Go Web Application
  3. Handling HTTP Requests and Routing
  4. Templating and Rendering Content
  5. Interaction with Databases
  6. Concurrency in Go
  7. Sessions, Authentication and Authorization
  8. Frontend and Backend Communication
  9. Testing and Debugging
Release dateOct 24, 2023
Web Programming with Go

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    Book preview

    Web Programming with Go - Ian Taylor

    Web Programming with Go

    Building and Scaling Interactive Web Applications with Go’s Robust Ecosystem

    Ian Taylor


    Web Programming with Go is a must-have book for software professionals and web developers looking to harness Go's potential for creating excellent web apps. The extensive knowledge imparted by this book about Go's powerful libraries and packages is crucial for building scalable and efficient web platforms.

    The book's core focus is on exploring deeply into the complexities of web development through the perspective of Go. The first step in building any web application is to review the fundamentals, which will serve as a foundation for the rest of the learning experience. As you explore deeper, you'll learn about the diverse ecosystem that supports Go. This ecosystem covers a wide range of issues, including the complexities of routing mechanics, HTTP requests, and Go's concurrency model, all with the goal of improving web efficiency.

    The book uses the example of a bookstore app throughout the book, providing you with a practical touchpoint on every possible learning. With this iterative example, you can follow the development of a simple web app from its infancy all the way to a fully featured, robust platform.

    The later sections of the book focus on performance evaluation and debugging, which are frequently overlooked in other Go books. This book takes you from the fundamentals of web development to the depths of Go, culminating in a strong online application designed to meet today's digital issues. This book promises to be your compass in the vast ocean of web development, whether you're an experienced developer or an enthusiast just getting started with Go.

    In this book you will learn how to:

    Master Go's efficient syntax and streamline coding with better performance.

    Build robust web applications from scratch, ensuring scalability and responsiveness.

    Seamlessly integrate APIs, enhancing app functionality and user experience.

    Harness Go's concurrency, boosting app speed and multitasking capabilities.

    Optimize data storage and retrieval with Go, ensuring data integrity and speed.

    Develop resilient apps by mastering error detection and troubleshooting in Go.

    Implement user sessions, enhancing user experience and data security.

    Ensure app reliability through Go’s comprehensive testing and debugging techniques.

    Utilize Go tools for real-time performance tracking, ensuring optimal user experiences.

    Safeguard user data and interactions through Go's top-tier security practices.


    With new online technologies appearing seemingly out of nowhere, developers in this day must choose a language that can include speed, reliability, and efficiency into their work. This is where Web Programming with Go comes in, taking you on a comprehensive journey through the huge universe of Go's web capabilities.

    Go, or Golang as it is generally called, did not emerge by chance. It was a purposeful design by tech titans who saw a hole in the linguistic landscape and felt compelled to fill it with a language that was current, succinct, and innately equipped to deal with the issues of today's multithreaded online environments. Go was created with a concept in mind: to simplify the complex and emphasize the important, making it a joy for developers to choreograph programs that were not only functional, but also performative.

    Web Programming with Go is more than simply a how-to guide for functions, loops, and libraries; it's a manifesto for modern web programming. Each chapter peels back the layers of Go, guaranteeing that by the end, you have not only comprehended but also assimilated its philosophy. It is necessary to comprehend the why before the how. Why Go favors composition over inheritance, why Go's concurrency model is its finest achievement, and why Go could be the language you didn't realize you needed.

    This book's underpinning strength is its hands-on methodology. We believe in learning by doing, so a constant thread of a practical example - our beloved 'bookstore app' - runs through the book's tapestry. It, like you, evolves, grows, and scales. Our bookshop software stands as a tribute to the strength of Go, moving from a primitive model into a state-of-the-art application with each chapter as we delve into subjects ranging from routing mechanics to API integrations.

    The modern web is about more than just retrieving and presenting data; it's about integrating with a plethora of services, providing dynamic user experiences, scaling on the fly, and, most critically, ensuring performance doesn't deteriorate even while under strain. As you read this book, you'll notice Go standing tall, a beacon guiding you through these difficulties. You'll learn how to use Go's power to make sure your applications aren't simply useful, but also fast.

    Another noteworthy aspect of this book is its in-depth examination of debugging and performance evaluation. Debugging is more than just finding mistakes; it's about understanding your application, identifying its pain points, and addressing them. Go's vast toolkit makes this once-difficult operation practically intuitive, and this book assures you're well-prepared to employ every tool in Go's arsenal.

    We hope you find Web Programming with Go not only instructive but also transforming as you embark on this adventure. Whether you're a seasoned coder, an enthusiast, or someone at a crossroads of languages unsure which path to choose, this book aims to be your compass, guide, and, at times, mentor. As you turn the page, you're not just beginning a new chapter; you're embarking on what we promise will be an exciting journey into the world of Go. Have fun coding!

    Copyright © 2023 by GitforGits

    All rights reserved. This book is protected under copyright laws and no part of it may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or transmission of this work may result in civil and criminal penalties and will be dealt with in the respective jurisdiction at anywhere in India, in accordance with the applicable copyright laws.

    Published by: GitforGits

    Publisher: Sonal Dhandre

    Printed in India

    First Printing: October 2023

    ISBN: 9788119177943

    Cover Design by: Kitten Publishing

    For permission to use material from this book, please contact GitforGits at



    Chapter 1: Introduction to Web Development in Go

    Introduction to Web Development

    Opportunities for Go

    Go Toolchain


    Dependency and Package Management

    Testing and Benchmarking

    Setting up Go on Linux

    Installing Go

    Configuring Go Workspace

    Introducing Go Modules

    Setting up Tools and Libraries

    IDE and Code Editors

    net/http Package

    net/http Overview

    HTTP Servers and Clients

    Handlers and HandlerFuncs

    Routing Requests

    Data Request and Response

    Using net/http

    Introducing Bookstore Web Application

    Go RESTful Services

    Key Principles of REST

    Implementing RESTful Services with Go

    Go's Advantage in RESTful Development

    Building my First Web Server

    Initializing Project

    Crafting Basic Server

    Running the Server


    Chapter 2: Structuring Go Web Application

    Explore Go Modules

    Essence of Go Modules

    Transitioning to Modules

    Dependency Management with Modules

    Understanding Module Proxies

    Standard Go Directory Structure

    Designing Directory Structure

    Package Management and Vendoring

    Why Package Management Matters?

    Need of Vendoring

    Implementing Package Management

    Model-View-Controller (MVC) in Go

    Understanding MVC

    Benefits of MVC

    Applying MVC to GitforGits Bookstore

    Programming Main Application Object

    Defining Application Object Structure

    Crafting Main Application Object

    Decoding the Script

    Configuration and Environment Variables

    Implementing Configuration and Environment Variables

    Dependency Injection


    Benefits of Dependency Injection

    Implementing Dependency Injection

    Health Check Endpoints

    Setting up Health Check Endpoints


    Chapter 3: Handling HTTP Requests and Routing

    Backbone of Web

    HTTP Requests and Routing

    HTTP Methods

    Navigate User Interactions

    Request-Response Paradigm

    Request Phase

    Response Phase

    Handlers and HandlerFuncs

    Understanding HandlerFuncs

    Explore Routes

    Routes as Connectors

    Route Patterns and Dynamic Routing

    Route Grouping and Hierarchical Routing

    Routes Programming

    Setting up Routes

    Dynamic Routes and Route Variables

    Middleware in Routing

    Error Handling and Custom 404 Pages

    URL Parameters

    Types of URL Parameters

    Implementing Dynamic URL Parameters

    Grouping Routes


    Sample Program: Structuring Endpoints

    Navigate Web Routing with Gorilla/Mux

    Setting up Gorilla/Mux

    Configuring Gorilla/Mux for Optimal Performance

    Error Handling in Go

    404 Not Found Error

    500 Internal Server Error

    Rate Limiting and Request Throttling


    Rate Limiting for GitforGits Bookstore

    Performing CRUD Operations

    Creating Book

    Reading Book Details

    Updating Book

    Deleting Book


    Chapter 4: Templating and Rendering Content

    Dynamic Rendering Overview

    Templates Deep Dive

    Symphony of Variables



    Nested Templates in Action

    Constructing the Framework

    Carving the Header

    Crafting the Content

    Sealing the Footer

    Design Main Page Layout

    Structuring Base Layout

    Designing Header

    Building Dynamic Content Area

    Outlining Holistic Footer

    Handling Forms and User Inputs

    Laying Groundwork

    Dropdowns, Radios, and Checkboxes


    Processing Form Data

    Template Caching


    Go's Template Package

    Deploying Cached Templates

    Safe HTML Rendering

    Need for Safe Rendering

    Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

    Contextual Encoding

    Template Debugging

    Scenario#1: Malformed Templates

    Scenario#2: Missing or Mismatched Data

    Scenario#3: Incorrect Logic or Conditions


    Chapter 5: Interaction with Databases

    Introduction to Persistent Storage

    database/sql Package


    Install Drivers

    Connecting Database

    Crafting and Executing Queries

    Insertions, Updates, and Deletions

    Managing Database Connections

    Sample Program: Design Robust Database

    Nature of Data

    Books as Core Entity

    Categorizing Books as Genres


    Book Reviews


    Inventory Management

    Leverage ORMs

    Strengthen Database Indexing

    Primary Indexing

    Secondary Indexing

    Primary vs. Secondary Indexes

    Composite Indexes

    Covering Indexes

    Partial Indexes

    Manage Database Connections

    Connection Pooling

    Integrating Connection Pooling

    Tuning Connection Pool

    Connection Health Checks

    Advanced SQL Queries





    Chapter 6: Concurrency in Go

    Age of Rapid Applications

    Concurrency for Parallel Execution

    Go's Concurrency Paradigm

    Go’s Goroutines

    Understanding Goroutines

    Sample Program: Concurrent Book Searches

    Goroutines Channeling

    Need of Channels

    Using Channels

    Buffered Channels

    Closing Channels

    Multiplexing Channel Operations

    Up and Running with Synchronization

    Importance of Synchronization



    Combining WaitGroup and Mutex

    Implement Concurrent Cache

    Parallelism vs. Concurrency

    Unveiling Parallelism

    Sample Program: Book Recommendation Function

    Do's and Don'ts


    Chapter 7: Sessions, Authentication, and Authorization

    User Sessions Overview

    Store Session Data

    Session Storage Options

    Secure Cookie Handling

    Secure Cookies Overview

    Implementing HTTPOnly Attribute

    Secure Cookies with Secure Attribute

    SameSite Attribute

    Encrypting Cookie Values

    Implement User Authentication

    Setting up Database

    Registering New User

    Logging In an Existing User

    Managing User Sessions

    Logging Out User

    Protect and Secure User Passwords





    Up-to-date Algorithms

    Implement and Operate OAuth

    Understanding OAuth

    Setting up OAuth

    Redirection and Callbacks


    Chapter 8: Frontend and Backend Communication

    Frontend-Backend Overview

    RESTful API Overview


    Stateless Interactions

    Client-Server Architecture

    Uniform Interface

    Layered System

    State Representations

    Build My First API

    Project Initialization and Import Packages

    Defining Book Structure

    Sample Data

    Creating Endpoint Function

    Setting up Server

    Testing Endpoint

    JSON and Its Importance

    Basic JSON Structure

    Program Data Fetching

    Setting up Endpoint

    Interacting with Database

    Goroutines and Channels for Data Fetching

    Why Concurrency in Data Fetching?

    Sample Program: Concurrent Data Fetching

    Authenticating APIs

    Importance of API Security

    What is API Authentication?

    Using API Tokens for Authentication

    Generating and Validating Tokens

    Middleware for Authentication

    Integrate External APIs

    Choose and Communicate Third-Party API

    Sample Program: Integration of Payment Gateway


    Chapter 9: Testing and Debugging

    Testing and Debugging Overview

    Go Testing Package


    Powerful Assertions and Flow Control

    Performance Benchmarks

    Testing Web Applications

    Initiating Testing

    Setting up Environment

    Test File Structure

    Fetching a Book

    Executing Test

    Refining Test with Mock Data

    Enhancing Test

    Handling Multiple Test Cases

    Table-Driven Testing

    Utilizing Helper Functions

    Parallel Testing


    Mock Dependencies

    Introduction to Mocking

    Why Mock Dependencies?

    Creating Mock Database

    Using Mock in Tests

    Tracing and Logging

    Performing Logging with Go's log

    Integrating Advanced Logging Libraries

    Error Tracing

    Application Performance Profiling

    CPU Profiling

    Block Profiling

    Memory Profiling

    Errors and Troubleshooting

    N+1 Query Problem

    Data Race Conditions

    Memory Leaks

    Broken Authentication Flows

    Inefficient Data Handling

    Input Validation Failures

    Incorrect Error Handling

    Dependency Update Failure

    Hardcoding Configuration

    Unsafe Concurrency Handling






    Targeted at experienced programmers in other languages and Go beginners interested in mastering web application development, and professionals seeking to update their web development toolkit with Go.

    Codes Usage

    Are you in need of some helpful code examples to assist you in your programming and documentation? Look no further! Our book offers a wealth of supplemental material, including code examples and exercises.

    Not only is this book here to aid you in getting your job done, but you have our permission to use the example code in your programs and documentation. However, please note that if you are reproducing a significant portion of the code, we do require you to contact us for permission.

    But don't worry, using several chunks of code from this book in your program or answering a question by citing our book and quoting example code does not require permission. But if you do choose to give credit, an attribution typically includes the title, author, publisher, and ISBN. For example, Web Programming with Go by Ian Taylor.

    If you are unsure whether your intended use of the code examples falls under fair use or the permissions outlined above, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at 

    We are happy to assist and clarify any concerns.

    Chapter 1: Introduction to Web Development in Go

    Introduction to Web Development

    In 2007, Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson at Google came up with the idea for the Go programming language, which is also referred to as Golang. Their intention was to address the complexities and deficiencies that they saw in other languages. What began as an exploratory project with the intention of resolving common criticisms of popular languages such as C++ and Java, particularly in terms of scalability and concurrency, eventually resulted in the release of Go 1.0 in the year 2012. Not only was this a watershed moment in the history of the language,

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