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আলোর দিকে - Towards Light
আলোর দিকে - Towards Light
আলোর দিকে - Towards Light
Ebook37 pages10 minutes

আলোর দিকে - Towards Light

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"Alor Dike (Towards Light)" is a poignant Bengali play penned by the distinguished author Anupam Roy. The narrative revolves around the transformative journey of a young boy named Anirban. As the storyline unfolds, Anirban undergoes a series of impactful incidents that shape his character and ultimately lead him to embrace the fervent spirit of patriotism.

Anupam Roy's masterful storytelling skillfully portrays Anirban's evolution, capturing the essence of his emotional struggles and the profound experiences that compel him to redefine his purpose. With evocative scenes and compelling dialogues, the play delves deep into the themes of identity, sacrifice, and the pursuit of a greater cause, resonating with the readers and leaving a lasting impression of resilience and the power of unwavering determination.

"Alor Dike (Towards Light)" serves as a captivating exploration of the human spirit's resilience and the profound impact of pivotal life events that shape one's ideals and beliefs. Anupam Roy's literary prowess brings forth a tale that resonates with the readers, inviting them to reflect on the significance of personal growth and the enduring pursuit of a higher calling.

PublisherAnupam Roy
Release dateOct 28, 2023
আলোর দিকে - Towards Light

Anupam Roy

Anupam Roy, born on January 6, 1982, in the serene town of Kalna, Burdwan district, West Bengal, India, is a distinguished poet and author based in Murshidabad, near Kolkata, in India. His academic journey led him to the esteemed University of Burdwan, where he pursued a Master of Arts in English, a discipline that would become the canvas for his storytelling. Literature is Anupam Roy's first love, and it serves as his medium for connecting with the human experience and delving into the intricate tapestry of human emotions. He has authored numerous books, each a testament to his literary prowess and his ability to encapsulate the essence of human existence. His writing is characterized by lyrical beauty, evocative imagery, and keen observation, often transforming everyday moments into poetic expressions that explore the complexities of human relationships. Beyond his literary pursuits, Anupam Roy is a revered figure in West Bengal's literary circles and beyond. His work transcends cultural boundaries, resonating with readers from diverse backgrounds, a testament to the universality of his themes and the depth of his insights. Anupam Roy's writing often delves into the profound connection between nature and human existence, celebrating the beauty of the natural world while exploring the depths of human emotions. His eloquent words and poignant storytelling continue to inspire and captivate readers, leaving an indelible mark in the world of Indian literature. An ongoing exploration of the human condition, Anupam Roy's literary journey invites readers to embark on a voyage of self-discovery and reflection through the power of literature. His ability to convey life's complexities in simple yet profound terms solidifies his status as a cherished figure in Indian literature, touching the hearts and minds of those privileged to read his work.

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    আলোর দিকে - Towards Light - Anupam Roy

    আলোর দিকে - Towards Light

    Anupam Roy

    Published by Anupam Roy, 2023.

    While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.

    আলোর দিকে - TOWARDS LIGHT

    First edition. October 28, 2023.

    Copyright © 2023 Anupam Roy.

    ISBN: 979-8223340294

    Written by Anupam Roy.


    Title Page

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    আলোর দিকে - Towards Light


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    Further Reading: Joan of Arc: Unveiling the Untold Secrets

    Also By Anupam Roy

    About the Author

    এই ক্ষুদ্র নাটকটি আমার কন্যা কাব্য কে উৎসর্গ করলাম 

    আলোর দিকে

    রচনা : অনুপম রায়


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