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Awakening Through Love: Motivational Self-Discovery and Personal Development
Awakening Through Love: Motivational Self-Discovery and Personal Development
Awakening Through Love: Motivational Self-Discovery and Personal Development
Ebook279 pages

Awakening Through Love: Motivational Self-Discovery and Personal Development

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Embark on a transformative odyssey of self-discovery and growth with "Awakening Through Love." Guided by the timeless wisdom of Rumi, this book offers a profound and accessible exploration of the human experience, unveiling a path to understanding, acceptance, and enlightenment.

Rumi invites you to delve into the realms of self

Release dateOct 10, 2023
Awakening Through Love: Motivational Self-Discovery and Personal Development

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    Awakening Through Love - Farid Mostamand

    Awakening Through Love

    Motivational Self-Discovery and Personal Development

    Inspired by Rumi Teaching

    Dr. Farid Mostamand

    Dedicated to Shikib, Najim, and Aliya


    Part One

    Chapter 1: Navigating the Struggle: Embracing the Authentic Self on the Path of Self-Discovery

    Chapter 2: Unveiling the Essence Within: From Illusion to Truth

    Chapter 3: Embracing the True Self

    Chapter 4: The Journey of Love and Self-Discovery in the Religion of Love

    Chapter 5: Embracing Love's Pathway: Discovering Self and Divinity

    Chapter 6: The Pillars of Religion of Love

    Chapter 7: The Transformation: Dissolving the Illusionary Self (Fana)

    Chapter 8: Entering the Realm of Divinity Within – Mystical Union

    Chapter 9: The Mystical Moment: A Path to Transformation

    Chapter 10: Attaining the Summit: Enlightenment and Divine Realization

    Part Two

    Chapter 11: Rumi's Odyssey on the Path of Love

    Part One

    Chapter 1

    Navigating the Struggle: Embracing the Authentic Self on the Path of Self-Discovery

    An intense battle unfolds within us in the grand journey of understanding ourselves and growing personally. This struggle between our true selves and the illusion we've created profoundly shapes our lives. If we don't break free from this illusion, we remain confined within a self-made prison constructed from misleading perceptions and limiting beliefs. This self-imposed cage robs us of joy, fills us with sadness, and leaves us unsatisfied. Even surrounded by loved ones, we find ourselves isolated by the walls we've built. A yearning for something intangible nags at us—a desire for more. The remedy lies in embracing our genuine selves—an inner realm of authentic happiness, profound calmness, and boundless freedom.

    Setting forth on the path of self-discovery and personal growth is like embarking on a journey of love. But before we embark on this transformative expedition, it's crucial to understand the intricacies of the illusionary and authentic selves. The illusionary self, a mosaic of past and present, reality and imagination, external influences, and our inner world, is a guardian of our genuine identity. In the eyes of psychologists, this inner voice—the ego—is responsible for creating this illusionary self, a construct formed during our developmental years that we come to perceive as our true selves.

    Recognizing its existence and comprehending its impact opens the door to liberation. The illusionary self is not our true essence; it's a tale woven from memories, emotions, and thoughts. This realization signals our journey toward our inner divine realm—the realm of our authentic selves.

    As we mature, this illusion strengthens, influencing our thoughts, feelings, and actions. It molds our emotional landscape to align with societal norms, fears, and cultural conditioning. Thriving on competition and discord, the illusionary self often overshadows cooperation and harmony. It's easily wounded, imposes unrealistic expectations, and breeds discontent when our desires go unmet. Gradually, this fabricated identity overshadows our innate authenticity, keeping us captive within its realm, afraid to explore the unknown due to perceived societal judgments and imagined risks.

    Our true self is like a blank canvas, unburdened by the layers of illusion. However, life's experiences etch this illusion onto our psyche, obscuring our genuine essence. Achieving liberation requires us first to understand the nature of this self-imposed confinement. Rumi aptly termed it nafs, the self-centered self—a prison without visible walls. It thrives on the familiar, shielding us from the unfamiliar. Yet, it's our most formidable opponent on the journey of self-discovery.

    Our perception, often colored by dualities, gives birth to this illusionary self from memories that pose as undeniable truths. Untangling ourselves from these dualities dismantles the illusion—a phenomenon Rumi called fana, the dissolving of the self. Imagine this: you visit a picturesque Swiss mountain village; the breathtaking snow-covered peaks leave you in awe. However, subsequent visits don't evoke the same wonder. Why? The mind's impulse to categorize and remember replaces the present experience with a memory, obscuring the true essence.

    This example underscores the artifice of the illusion. It emphasizes that our experiences aren't inherently real; they pass through the filter of our memories. This realization forms the foundation of our journey on the path of love toward our genuine selves. Dwelling within the illusionary self is like watching a replayed movie—it robs us of the present moment, where true happiness and inner peace reside.

    Our mind, the chief editor, doesn't just capture images; it shapes them to fit its narrative. This embellishment often veers from reality, yet the illusionary self presents it as truth. This distortion breeds emotions and judgments, often divorced from current reality. Picture encountering someone who triggers past negative memories. The illusionary self summons these memories, casting a shadow over the present interaction. Consequently, our perception becomes skewed, and we react based on past experiences rather than the individual before us.

    Breaking this cycle requires embracing the present moment, devoid of the ghosts of the past. This journey entails wresting control from the illusionary self and replacing it with a genuine connection to our true selves. By shedding the chains of illusion, we liberate ourselves to revel in the brilliance of our authentic essence. Remember, the portal to self-discovery opens when we release the grip of the illusionary self and venture into the realm of our true being. To echo Rumi's words, You cannot enter yourself if you persist in staying with yourself.

    We unveil our inner divinity in understanding the divide between illusion and reality. This journey continues as we delve deeper into the chapters that lie ahead.

    Chapter 2

    Unveiling the Essence Within: From Illusion to Truth

    As we continue on the path of self-discovery and personal growth, our journey takes us deeper into the heart of our existence. This chapter serves as a crucial extension of the exploration into the realm of the illusionary self. Here, the intricate fabric of our identity begins to unravel, and a fundamental question emerges: Who am I?

    From the moment of our birth, we possess a pristine awareness untouched by the world's influences. This pure consciousness remains intertwined with the divine essence within us—a connection to our authentic self that transcends time and space constraints. However, as we navigate life, our experiences shape and mold us. We learn societal norms and notions of right and wrong, and gradually, our identity begins to take shape.

    Amid these lessons, our authentic essence becomes obscured, hidden beneath societal conditioning and personal influences. Parental guidance, crucial for survival, becomes intertwined with our emerging identity. The voices of our caretakers, imprinted with fears and protective instincts, create boundaries and guidelines—cautioning us against engaging with strangers, consuming certain foods, or uttering specific words. Yet, while safeguarding us, these valuable teachings also imprint our sense of self, forming the foundation of our self-perception.

    Teachers, peers, and the broader society further contribute to this evolving sense of self, gradually merging with our internal dialogue. The echoes of parental advice become our inner monologue—a fusion of external voices with our intrinsic thoughts. As we mature, these external voices morph into our narratives, shaping our beliefs, aspirations, and doubts.

    Within this transformative process, the illusionary self takes shape. Like a painter adding layers to a canvas, we infuse our thoughts and experiences into the fabric of our identity. Though a mosaic of our creation, this nascent illusionary self wields significant influence, overshadowing our authentic core—the essence with which we were born.

    Our focus becomes attuned to negativity in this state, inadvertently amplifying its resonance. We unconsciously repeat self-critical mantras: You're not smart enough, You're not attractive enough, You're not good enough. Over time, these repetitions take root, morphing into beliefs that the illusionary self clings to, further reinforcing its grip.

    Fueled by our propensity to magnify negativity, this cycle becomes a formidable barrier to our growth. We find ourselves imprisoned by these beliefs, grappling with self-doubt, and held back from realizing our true potential. The illusionary self thrives on this confinement, further solidifying its hold through the repetition of negative self-talk.

    Rumi's wisdom shines as he emphasizes that our authentic happiness and potential reside within us, in our true essence—a fragment of the universal consciousness. Often, we misconstrue the source of happiness, seeking it in external achievements such as career success, material possessions, or relationships. This misdirected pursuit reflects the workings of the illusionary self, veiling the genuine wellspring of happiness deep within us.

    The illusionary self fosters transient pleasure, but it's a mirage, dissipating as quickly as it emerges. That new car, once a source of elation, fades into the mundane. This cycle of seeking external validation perpetuates the illusion's power over us, keeping us trapped in its web.

    Recognizing the distinction between pleasure and genuine happiness becomes crucial as we embark on this journey. Our lives often become an unending quest for pleasure, confusing it with true happiness. The illusionary self fuels this cycle, leading us down paths that ultimately disappoint and keep us trapped in addiction and discontent.

    Awakening to the truth that happiness emanates from within marks a pivotal juncture in our journey. The illusionary self, cunning in its allure, thrives on instant gratification and validation, while the true self radiates peace, authenticity, and enduring joy.

    Our journey necessitates dismantling the illusionary self and cultivating an unwavering awareness that discerns between fleeting pleasure and lasting happiness. We must shatter the shackles of illusion to dive into the vast ocean of our true selves.

    As the puzzle of our identity unfolds, the question Who am I? takes on profound significance. We encompass more than our external achievements, appearances, or societal roles. Our core essence, buried beneath the layers of illusion, yearns for recognition.

    In seeking this profound connection, the religion of love becomes our guiding light. We free ourselves from the illusionary self, breaking the cycle of pursuing pleasure and embracing our true essence—the key to unlocking boundless wisdom, inner peace, and unwavering happiness.

    The path of self-annihilation (fana) beckons us to transcend the illusionary self. This path demands discipline, patience, and unwavering commitment. As we traverse this road, the grip of the illusion loosens, replaced by the radiant clarity of our authentic selves.

    To recognize our true essence, we must first dissolve the illusionary self, allowing the radiance of our divinity to illuminate our path. Like a pearl within its shell, our true self yearns to break free, traversing the boundless expanse of the inner ocean.

    Throughout our journey, we encounter the various stages of self-dissolution—true self, higher self, divinity within—each signifying a step towards revealing our authentic essence. The illusionary self gradually relinquishes its hold, paving the way for the brilliance of our inner divinity.

    From the moment of our birth, we retain a rope to our true selves. However, the illusionary self begins constructing, orchestrated by our surroundings, endeavoring to sever this vital connection. By age seven, the illusionary self gathers strength, poised to confine us within its walls. Once entangled, its grip tightens, employing every stratagem to maintain its imprisonment.

    Pursuing external sources for happiness begets perplexity, igniting questions about our life's purpose, direction, and destination. We grasp these shallow anchors, questioning whether life revolves around securing a prestigious job, uniting with a beloved partner, nurturing offspring, inhabiting a lavish abode, and cruising in luxury cars. If this notion elicits affirmation, it signals immersion within the realm of the illusionary self. Alternatively, if the response is negative, an awareness dawns—an acknowledgment that life encompasses dimensions beyond the visible. This realization marks the threshold for embarking on the journey of the religion of love, kindling the connection to our authentic selves, where answers to our inquiries reside. Clarity dispels all uncertainty, and decisions manifest effortlessly.

    And so, the inquiry emerges: Who am I? The response echoes: You are the pearl concealed within the shell. The imperative beckons—to shatter this confining shell, liberate oneself, and plunge into the boundless ocean of existence.

    This chapter weaves a tapestry of transformation—a process encompassing the dismantling of illusion, the revelation of our true self, and the subsequent unveiling of higher states of being. As we embrace Rumi's wisdom, we untangle the layers of deception and step into the radiance of our divine essence, guiding us on our pilgrimage of personal growth and self-realization.

    Chapter 3

    Embracing the True Self

    After delving into the complexities of the illusionary self in the previous chapters, let's uncover the true self—an essence resonating with the Divine. Rumi's wisdom beautifully captures this idea: You're not a drop in the ocean. You're the entire ocean in a drop. This realization sets us on a journey along the path of the religion of love, guiding us toward a profound connection with the Divine essence within us.

    We've all felt moments when life seems to transcend the tangible, hinting at something more profound. This sensation marks the beginning of our quest to connect with our true selves, an endeavor to align with authenticity.

    When it comes to emotions, the illusionary self can be loud and tumultuous, while the true self speaks softly from the heart's sanctuary. Fear drives the illusionary self, while love propels the true self. This difference is a compass guiding us to distinguish between moments trapped by illusion and those embraced by authenticity.

    Being vigilant during this journey is crucial. Recognizing fleeting instances when we briefly inhabit the realm of the true self is essential. These moments may be brief, but they leave us yearning for more.

    To attain lasting unity with the true self, we must navigate the challenging terrain of the religion of love. This journey requires commitment, discipline, and a relentless effort to shed the illusory façade we've constructed.

    Interestingly, even those who seem surrounded by companionship can feel profound loneliness when disconnected from their true selves. The authentic self guides and supports us, while the illusionary self seeks to sever these ties. At the start of our journey, we become aware of the divine spark within us.

    As we travel the path of love, the true self gradually emerges as an encouraging presence, urging us forward. It walks alongside us, an independent force yet intrinsically linked to us. Completing this journey brings about a profound transformation—a liberation from the illusionary self and immersion in the realm of divinity. In this state, the illusionary self fades away, leaving room for the true self to take control.

    In the realm of desires, pleasure can often masquerade as happiness, a confusion the true self helps us untangle. While external experiences provide satisfaction, true contentment comes from within. Understanding this difference is crucial before embarking on the journey of love. Without this understanding, life can become a maze of pursuits for fleeting happiness, leading to disillusionment and addiction.

    The illusionary self is skilled at trapping us in the allure of instant gratification. This temporary euphoria can become a habit, further imprisoning us within its grasp.

    In our pursuit of happiness, we often search in the wrong places, unaware of the wellspring within us—an innate, eternal happiness residing in our divine essence. Different names are attributed to this essence: authentic self, God self, higher self, inner essence, inner self, or the divine within. To some, it embodies the spirit of God. Rumi refers to this connection as heart intelligence.

    Reconnecting with the universal consciousness begins with discovering our innermost selves. Happiness, wisdom, peace, freedom, and love await us through this reconnection, bridging the gap between our authentic essence and the universal whole.

    The true self and the higher self signify the dissolution of the illusionary self (fana). Our connection with divine energy depends on how much the illusionary self dissolves. In the realm of the higher self, the illusionary self fully merges into the divine essence. Here, the boundaries of self disappear, leaving a profound void—an existence beyond mere being.

    The dissolution of the illusionary self, fana, cannot be rushed. It demands patience, determination, and adherence to the religion of love's principles.

    Some awaken from their slumber to embark on the path of self-annihilation, while others remain trapped in unconsciousness. Don't heed the call of procrastination—awaken early and tread the path of religious love.

    Rumi's philosophy resonates—an exploration of the illusionary self, a journey to reunite with the source, and an innate understanding of our essence. Through self-mastery, darkness transforms into light—a journey to grasp our essence, innate and reborn.

    Chapter 4

    The Journey of Love and Self-Discovery in the Religion of Love

    As we set foot on the path of self-discovery, a remarkable expedition unfolds—one guided by the principles of the Religion of Love, also known as Mazehab Ishq. This journey explores the authentic self, a quest for connection with divinity that reshapes our existence. Within this narrative, the illusionary and true selves engage in a profound battle, echoing the eternal struggle between darkness and light.

    Unlike conventional religious doctrines, the Religion of Love defies rigid structures. It exists beyond the walls of institutions and dogmas, offering an open avenue to seekers of all backgrounds. In this realm, the grand cathedrals and temples pale in significance, for this journey transcends external rituals and embraces the essence of the heart's awakening.

    At the heart of Rumi's philosophy lies the concept of Ishq, Love—a motif intricately woven into the tapestry of his poetry. Understanding Love in Rumi's context is fundamental to deciphering his verses. To Rumi, Love signifies the path to unity with the beloved, serving as the cornerstone upon which his beliefs are built. It becomes the compass guiding us to the heart of our existence.

    Within the embrace of Mazehab Ishq, a boundless journey unravels—a journey akin to scaling the steps of a tower toward the divine source. Love is the engine propelling this expedition, a potent force propelling us toward our aspirations. However, Love is not solely an individual experience; it embodies a connection—with the beloved, ourselves, and the universe.

    A profound struggle exists between Love and selfishness, between the ego and the heart. This struggle taints our very existence, causing us to veer off course. Material attachments morph into selfish desires, obscuring the purity of Love. Both forces, love, and greed, vie for dominance within us. If the ego prevails, love remains stifled, overshadowed by self-centeredness. This scarcity of love dampens its power to drive us on the path of devotion.

    The journey of self-discovery begins with purification. Rumi aptly describes this process as

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