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Tempted by Eden
Tempted by Eden
Tempted by Eden
Ebook196 pages

Tempted by Eden

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Two strangers on vacation. One intense attraction. No expectations, other than a night of mind-blowing passion.

Five years later, broke and desperate, Cora finds herself living a double life as she works at a kinky gentlemen’s club by night and as a PR specialist by day. A chance encounter at the club throws Cora into her mystery vacation man's path once again. But the only problem is… he doesn’t remember her. And to top that, her man is none other than the CEO of Hayes & Meyer Media, James Hayes. Arrogant. Dominant. Mega rich. And, her new boss.

But Cora isn't a quitter. And she will do anything to keep her job. She has to. She has people depending on her. All she has to do is stay away from James. Easy, right? If only she could ignore the tempting world of submission James has opened her eyes to...
Release dateOct 9, 2023
Tempted by Eden

Jade May

Jade May grew up beachside in Australia with her nose buried in books, getting swept up in fearless adventures and lost in the fantasy of the supernatural. As an adult, her preferences shifted towards epic romances, adoring the pure escapism of the genre. Jade is a marketer by day and writes in her spare time at night, mostly angst-filled romances that are hot and heavy (with a hint of kink) but always culminate in a happy ending. To write and provide escapism for others, is a dream come true for Jade. Jade May currently resides in sunny Sydney, Australia, along with her two favourite humans; her husband and son. Want to read more? Check out the FIRST chapter of Amber & Aaron's story:

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    Tempted by Eden - Jade May

    Cora, I’m going to ignore the fact you just threatened me and say this only once. Whatever game you’ve got going on… I’m not playing. Resign immediately and we’ll forget this ever happened. However, if you stay… I pause to drive my point home while staring directly into her eyes. I’ll make you regret it. You won’t win this war. I lace my words with venom while glaring at her. Grown businessmen have physically trembled when I have used my Dom stare on them before. I make my intent very clear in my eyes - don’t mess with me. Whatever she wants, she isn’t going to get. With the number of women that have been in my bed over the years plus my inclination towards power exchange play, Cora is sadly not the first woman who has attempted to blackmail me. It’s usually dealt with swiftly by my lawyer which sends them scurrying away. But something like this has never happened at Eden, which is precisely why I pay their exorbitant membership fees. To play in a safe place, privately. My eyes are momentarily drawn to her delicate neck as she swallows roughly at my ultimatum. My hand twitches with the need to wrap around her throat.

    Bring it on, she fiercely whispers back through clenched teeth. Spinning on her heel, she pushes past me and roughly jerks the door open, rushing out in a huff.

    Tempted by Eden


    Jade May

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

    Tempted by Eden

    COPYRIGHT © 2023 by Jade May

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press, Inc. except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

    Contact Information:

    Cover Art by Kristian Norris

    The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

    PO Box 708

    Adams Basin, NY 14410-0708

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    Publishing History

    First Edition, 2023

    Trade Paperback ISBN 978-1-5092-5071-4

    Digital ISBN 978-1-5092-5072-1

    Published in the United States of America

    Let’s escape to somewhere we only know.

    - Unknown



    His dark eyes stare me down, as if I’m prey ready for the taking. His black wavy hair is between tousled and slicked, like he’s just run his hand through it. With high cheekbones, straight nose, and a sharp square jaw line covered in day-old stubble, he looks as if he’s stepped straight off the runway.

    Standing with legs spread wide in a bespoke navy suit, he takes off his jacket and flings it over the back of the chair near the bed. He rolls up his white shirt to reveal his veiny muscular forearms, while never taking his eyes off me. He puts his hands in his pockets and… stares. His whole look and stance screams arrogance, power, and wealth.

    But it’s his dark eyes that draw me in, fierce and intense, meant to intimidate and demand submission. His intensity sends a shiver up my spine and goose bumps break out across my skin, which doesn’t go unnoticed. Nothing gets by him. It’s been five years, yet the sexual chemistry remains, like a live wire sizzling and sparking.

    Does he remember?

    He cocks his brow and his lips curve up in an arrogant smirk, knowing the effect he has on me.

    Come here, he growls.

    Damn, was his voice always this sexy?

    Deep and husky, it has a direct line to my core making me slick with need. I mentally snap out of my thoughts remembering where I am and what I’m being paid to do. Lowering my gaze to break the intense connection, I slowly pad towards him, one bare foot in front of the other as my toes sink into the plush carpet beneath my feet.

    Stopping right in front of him, not quite touching yet close enough to be breathing the same air, I keep my eyes focused directly in front on his chest, admiring how the shirt stretches across his muscles. Lifting his hand, he lightly drags his finger from my wrist up my arm and over my collarbone, caressing the hollow of my throat. My body heats to nuclear levels as my breathing quickens in an attempt to suck in enough air. He lets out a dark chuckle, realizing I’m now panting.

    He slowly wraps his hand around my throat, not squeezing but enough of a presence for me to understand he is in control. With one hand wrapped around my throat, he lifts my chin with two fingers from his other hand forcing me to gaze into his dark eyes.

    Kneel, he commands.

    Chapter One

    Cora—Five Years Ago

    What’s the difference between a G-spot and a golf ball?

    A guy will actually search for a golf ball.

    They burst out laughing and I have a quiet giggle into my drink. The more intoxicated they become, the worse their jokes get.

    What’s the difference between a hooker and a drug dealer?

    A hooker can wash her crack and resell it.

    I snort out a laugh and sneak another look over my shoulder at the four gorgeous men. I’ve been eavesdropping for the past twenty minutes as they share crude jokes trying to one-up each other. It’s been highly entertaining while sipping my martini. Hitting up a dive bar in the capital of Malta is turning out better than I expected. Despite the soccer paraphernalia falling off the walls, the tables and chairs covered in a layer of grime, and the bartender smoking and coughing into the drinks, I’m glad I’m here. Doing laundry at my hotel wasn’t exactly a close second.

    Listening to the faint Val-let-ta chant from the city in the background, I smile to myself as I think about my epic European trip, which has now sadly come to an end. This trip was always on the cards after I finished my communications degree. But like the saying goes, life happens while you are busy making other plans. I still managed to finish my degree, only three years later than expected.

    Mom passing is what life had in store for Dad and me. So, at the age of twenty-four, my grand solo trip, (a decade in the making) has finally happened thanks to Dad’s insistence.

    My heart aches at the thought of Mom.

    I take a deep breath and mentally shake my head to clear the impending dark thoughts.

    Shit, the bartender is heavy handed tonight.

    The guys sitting at the bar roar with laughter again.

    Damn, I missed that one.

    The drunker they get, the worse their jokes become which makes them laugh harder. Not only are they entertaining, but the four of them stand out—they are American and very easy on the eyes. With only two other couples quietly nursing their drinks in the back corner, they are certainly unmissable.

    Downing the rest of my martini in one go, I roll my head on my shoulders to release the tension in my neck and decide to call it a night. Despite being on vacation, it’s well and truly past my bedtime. I approach the bar, stopping beside them, to pay my tab and grab a bottle of water.

    What did the leper say to the sex worker?

    Knowing this one, I couldn’t resist. Keep the tip.

    There’s a slight pause, then they howl with laughter making a bigger scene than they already were.

    Nice ooone, The tall, skinny, and blond slurs. What’s a place like you, doing in a girl like this? The others groan at his cheesy and botched pick up line.

    Ignore him, he’s had too many. Gorgeous dark eyes stare back at me. He’s a level of beautiful that is hard to comprehend. I try to blink away my shock, still staring, cataloguing his face. Dark brown eyes, black tousled hair, strong square jawline, and lips that are pillowy, making me want to bite into his lower lip.

    My gaze drifts lower to his muscular chest and arms; he’s built but still lean. His white t-shirt stretches deliciously across his shoulders and outlines what I assume to be a six… no eight pack. He’s wearing dark blue jeans and sneakers, giving him a relaxed and nonchalant look.

    Christ, he belongs on the front cover of GQ.

    Caught blatantly checking him out, he smirks and raises his eyebrow.

    Enjoying the view?

    I feel the heat rise from my chest into my cheeks, burning bright red.

    Absolutely, I smirk back.

    Thank goodness for liquid courage.

    Jonathon, he seizes my hand in a firm grip without me offering it. His long masculine fingers are slightly calloused, and his touch sends a jolt of electricity straight to my sex.

    Cora, I gasp out, sounding completely breathless taken off-guard.

    Nice to meet you, Cora. Australian? Take a seat, Jonathon orders instead of asks while pointing to the stool behind me.

    Yep, from Sydney. And where I’m from, ordering instead of asking is considered rude.

    And where I’m from—New York by the way—eavesdropping is considered rude.


    My cheeks redden at being caught out again. I hate when I blush as there is no hiding it—it starts from my chest, covering my entire face including my ears.

    I blush when I’m embarrassed.

    I blush when I’m angry.

    I blush when I’m aroused.

    Basically, I’m an open book with my emotions playing out across my face. With my white porcelain skin, thanks to my mother’s northern Italian genes, it’s impossible to hide. If I could change one thing about myself, it would be to school my emotions better. My mousy brown hair sits long and wavy down my back, my big brown doe eyes are outlined with black winged eyeliner and my freckles are still visible through my light foundation. I’m wearing black skinny jeans and a forest green tank top that hugs my slight curves with black ballet flats to complete my look. I’m no model material being petite at five foot two inches, but I consider myself fortunate with my looks.

    Before I have a chance to respond, he demands, How much have you had to drink?

    Excuse me?

    Turning to the bartender, Jonathon orders me a water.

    It’s a simple question Cora, how much have you had to drink?

    What’s that got to do with anything? I snap back with a frown.

    As the bartender places down a bottle of water and proceeds to pour it into a somewhat suspicious looking glass, I hear his friends have moved on from crude jokes to bad pickup lines in the background.

    I take a seat at the bar eyeing the bottle of water that I desperately wanted in the first place. There’s no sense in denying myself hydration to make a point, so I grab the bottle instead of the glass and take a long sip, enjoying the cool liquid sliding down my parched throat.

    Because… I don’t fuck drunk chicks, he deadpans.

    The water goes down the wrong way, making me cough and splutter all over myself and the bar.

    What the fuck?

    Here, let me help you with that, he picks up a napkin from the bar, leans in close and wipes the water dribbling down my chin.

    Let’s hope you swallow better than that. He winks.

    I redden once again and feel the familiar pull of arousal in my abdomen start to drift lower.

    Clenching my thighs, I scoff at his audacity. Arrogant much? It’s a shame you’ll never find out. I cock my brow and shoot him a smirk of my own.

    He leans in even closer and I breathe him in, a delicious combination of cologne, whiskey, and mint.

    He studies my face and drops his gaze to my lips.

    Your blush is gorgeous, Cora. Let’s make a deal, shall we? If I can make you blush again in the next minute, I’m coming back to your hotel room.

    And if I don’t, what do I get?

    My tongue… in all three of your holes as I tongue fuck you into oblivion.

    Well… that’s a win-win situation if I ever heard of one.

    Flames lick my cheeks and we both know I’ve already lost before I agreed.

    Gulping down the rest of my water, I agree huskily, Deal.



    Leo sweetheart, please come out and put your shoes on! I yell after my four-year-old.

    Noooo, I don’t wanna go! He shouts back from his secret hiding place in his bedroom.

    Please Leo, we do this every morning, I plead with my son from the living room while packing his backpack.

    Kindy sucks. I can hear the pout in his little muffled voice.

    Language, Leo! I scold.

    Where does he pick this up from? And why are we always yelling in this house!?

    I hear my Dad retching in the background. He had his latest round of chemo yesterday so no doubt he will be spending the next couple of days with his head in the toilet.

    He was diagnosed with bowel cancer three months ago. Losing mom in a freak car accident almost seven years ago now, changed our lives forever. We never had the chance to say goodbye. One minute she was laughing in the kitchen while preparing a lamb roast for dinner, and the next she was gone as she popped out to the shops to pick up some rosemary. I’m not sure what’s worse, not having the chance to say goodbye or seeing your loved one suffer and slowly deteriorate before your eyes. Dad and Leo have such a close bond. I can’t bear the thought of losing Dad as well.

    Sighing, I make my way to the bathroom to check up on him. Quietly knocking on the door, I ask softly, Are you okay, Dad?

    Yes darling, I’m fine. Just the usual.

    Can I get you anything?

    No, I’m okay. I’m just gonna stay in here today, he replies sounding despondent.

    You should try and rest in bed, Dad. I’ll put a bucket and some towels in your room when you’re ready to come out.

    Thanks love, I’ll be out in a minute. You need to leave soon or you’re going to be late again. Say goodbye to pumpkin head for me. He quickly pushes the words out before he starts to heave again. He sounds utterly exhausted.

    Will do. Love you, I respond, not sure he can hear me through the door over his heaving.

    Making my way to Leo’s bedroom, I stop in the doorway and smile as I watch him hide under the covers of his bed.

    Who would have thought a one-night stand with an amazing lover, while using two forms of contraceptive would result in the creation of this beautiful boy? I call him my miracle baby—he was always meant to grace this Earth. I always wanted to be a mother but being a single parent at twenty-five was not what I had in mind. Nevertheless, this smart, sensitive, kind boy is a blessing I’m thankful for every day. He’s my whole world and I wouldn’t change a thing.

    Jonathon left my hotel room in the early hours of the morning while I was asleep, leaving a note thanking me for an

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