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Saving Gitche Gumee: The Unraveling of a Great Lakes Mystery
Saving Gitche Gumee: The Unraveling of a Great Lakes Mystery
Saving Gitche Gumee: The Unraveling of a Great Lakes Mystery
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Saving Gitche Gumee: The Unraveling of a Great Lakes Mystery

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About this ebook

Can one woman with a spiritually-inspired environmental mission overcome the efforts of a large military organization determined to hide its decades-old environmental scandal? In this sequel to the "In the Arms of Gitche Gumee" novel, the perilous journey of Velvet LeBlanc, a First American woman from Michigan's Upper Peninsula, continues.
Now, as member of Congress, she probes the origins of steel barrels which washed ashore on the beaches of Lake Superior. Little does she know that the barrels were a harbinger of a much greater environmental threat to Gitche Gumee and the people of her district, and that her investigation would unlock a decades-old secret far greater in scope and scale than she had ever imagined.
Her political journey is fraught with disappointment and even death, but one she feels compelled to continue despite overwhelming odds.
The resolution of this Great Lakes mystery and its aftermath will surprise even those who know the troubled environmental history of Lake Superior.
Release dateAug 30, 2023
Saving Gitche Gumee: The Unraveling of a Great Lakes Mystery

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    Book preview

    Saving Gitche Gumee - James P. Hill


    Copyright © 2023 by James P. Hill. All rights reserved.

    This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely incidental.

    Artwork by Nicholas Hill

    Graphics by Patricia Anderson

    ISBN 979-8-35091-410-8

    ISBN eBook 979-8-35091-411-5


    Chapter One

    The Search

    Chapter Two

    Return to the House

    Chapter Three

    Passing the Buck

    Chapter Four

    The Speaker Two-Step

    Chapter Five

    A Needle in the National Archives Haystack

    Chapter Six

    A Weekend of Reflection

    Chapter Seven

    On the Road to Duluth

    Chapter Eight

    The Missing Piece of the Puzzle

    Chapter Nine

    Veep Stakes

    Chapter Ten

    Going to the Mat in Congress

    Chapter Eleven

    Logrolling and

    Water Politics

    Chapter Twelve

    Food for Thought

    Chapter Thirteen

    The Deal

    Chapter Fourteen

    Subcommittee Countdown

    Chapter Fifteen

    Showdown on Capitol Hill

    Chapter Sixteen

    A Deadly Encounter

    Chapter Seventeen

    The Smoking Gun Letter

    Chapter Eighteen

    Return to

    Gitche Gumee

    Chapter Nineteen

    Piecing the

    Puzzle Together

    Chapter Twenty

    The Execution

    Chapter Twenty-One

    The Interview

    Chapter Twenty-Two

    The Marquette Mission

    Chapter Twenty-Three

    The Politics of Clean-Ups

    Chapter Twenty-Four

    Decision Time

    Acknowledgment and Dedication

    I again extend my deepest appreciation to my dear friend, classmate, and best-selling author Sue Harrison, whose knowledge, encouragement, and generosity gave me the strength to write this sequel to my first novel, In the Arms of Gitche Gumee.

    To my loving family, I dedicate this sequel. Your patience and support of my effort to write this fictional political story of my beloved Lake Superior has sustained me and given me the courage as an academic writer to venture further into the domain of the fiction writer.

    Chapter One

    The Search

    Talk not of wasted affection, affection was never wasted.

    —Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

    Arlington, Virginia

    Early Tuesday Morning, January 14, 2025

    A bolt of lightning momentarily illuminated the Virginia apartment of slumbering Michigan Congresswoman Velvet LeBlanc. It was followed by a gunshot-like thunderclap that jolted her out of a deep sleep.

    She awoke dazed, scanning the room for the source of the unwelcome intrusion.

    Another flash bathed her bedroom in an eerie, greenish light. She turned to see if her bedmate was also awakened.

    But Taylor Grant, her new field director, was still sound asleep. Comforted by his presence and assured that it was only a rare winter thunderstorm, she gently kissed his cheek and pressed her body against his.

    But another unfamiliar noise added to the morning tumult. This time it was not preceded by lightning. Rather, it was a sharp thumping, followed by a muffled voice.

    Taylor! Someone’s at the front door, Velvet whispered, gently nudging him.

    Taylor raised his head from the pillow.

    What time is it? he asked.

    It’s 6:00 a.m., she replied, glancing at the clock on the nearby bedstand.

    What?! Taylor exclaimed, throwing back the comforter and sitting up. Who the hell could it be at this time of day? He jumped out of bed and frantically searched for any piece of clothing to don.

    I don’t know, but it’s so early, Velvet responded.

    Stay in bed, Velvet. I’ll take care of this. Pulling on a pair of shorts lying on the floor, he ran out of the bedroom and toward the living room door.

    FBI. Open up! a loud voice commanded as Taylor approached the door.

    He unlatched the deadbolt and partially opened the door. Five plainclothes men in dark outfits with FBI vests stood in the hallway.

    Is this the residence of Congresswoman Evangeline LeBlanc? the lead agent inquired, eyeing Taylor’s state of undress.

    Yes, it is, he replied. I’m her aide. Why are you here so early in the morning?

    Velvet emerged from the bedroom wearing a bathrobe and joined Taylor at the front door.

    I’m Congresswoman LeBlanc. What do you want?

    We have a warrant to search your apartment, he replied.

    Why? Velvet responded. What are you looking for?

    Let me see the warrant, Taylor demanded.

    The agent thrust a paper into Taylor’s hand and marched into the apartment, with four agents following close behind.

    This is outrageous! Velvet shouted. Taylor, what’s the warrant say they’re looking for?

    Glancing at the document, Taylor read aloud: All documents, electronic devices, records, and other evidence and materials related to the U.S. presidential election of 2024.

    What? Velvet cried out. This is about my vote for the Republican nominee for president? I’m calling Amy, as she reached for her cell phone to call her administrative assistant.

    Sorry ma’am, but we’re taking your cell phone and your laptop as part of this search, the lead agent warned, as another agent scooped up her phone after folding up her laptop.

    Oh my God. Taylor, please call Amy and see if she can sort this out.

    Taylor stepped into the hallway with Velvet at his side to make the call, only to find her neighbors staring at them through their partially opened doors. Several neighbors were talking on their cell phones and snapping pictures of the hallway scene.

    It’s all right, Velvet called out to the hallway onlookers. It’s just a misunderstanding. Sorry to have disturbed you.

    Then Velvet and Taylor ducked back into her apartment.

    They watched helplessly as agents rummaged through her desk and file cabinet while boxing up documents and electronic equipment.

    This drawer is locked, one agent announced, pointing to the top drawer of Velvet’s desk.

    The lead agent turned to Velvet.

    Mrs. LeBlanc. Do you have a key for this drawer?

    There’s nothing in there that would interest you, she replied. It’s just some personal belongings.

    Please open the drawer, or we’ll have to force it open.

    Really? You would actually break into my desk?

    The agent glared at her.

    All right. Give me a minute, as she walked toward a photo of her parents mounted on the wall. Reaching behind the picture, she plucked a key resting on top of the frame and handed it to the agent.

    Unlocking the drawer, the agent began collecting and bagging several objects, including her diary.

    This is so unnecessary. These are my personal belongings, and you have no right to them, she argued.

    But the search continued while Taylor remained on his long telephone conversation with Amy.

    While waiting for Taylor to report the results of his phone call, Velvet worried about the political impact of the search. Here I am, ready to attend the first day of a new Congress, and my morning begins with an FBI search. How much worse can this morning get?

    After Taylor ended his call with Amy, Velvet discovered it could indeed get worse—a whole lot worse.

    Velvet, Taylor began. Looks like one of your neighbors snapped a picture of us in the hallway and posted it on Instagram with the caption: Guess who’s sleeping with Velvet? You’re in your bathrobe and me only in my shorts. We’re standing in the hallway outside your apartment with your door open and an FBI agent in the background.

    Well, they’ve been accusing me of sleeping with you before, so this shouldn’t be big news, should it? she frowned. At least they’re finally reporting the truth.

    Yeah, but this is going to complicate my situation in the office when your staff sees this, Taylor cautioned.

    Taylor, I’m sorry it’s coming out this way. I know we should have been more discreet. But we’ve been through so much together. Now that my campaign is over and the House vote is done, the one thing I needed more than anything else was to be with you.

    He smiled, and they warmly embraced.

    I know we’ve got something special going on, she added, stroking his face. But you’re right. These are perilous times, and we need to be more careful.

    Taylor sadly nodded in agreement as he released her from his embrace.

    What’s important right now is finding out who’s behind this search, he added, shifting the conversation to political concerns. Amy is contacting both the White House and the Department of Justice.

    Do you think the search was politically inspired?

    Unless this is the new president’s way of putting some distance between you and her election. Prosecuting you would make it look more like she was not part of a ‘deal’ between you and the outgoing president that put her in the White House, Taylor replied.

    Velvet thought back to her meeting with the Republican presidential nominee just hours before casting the deciding vote in the House, resolving the failure of the Electoral College and electing a new president in the 2024 election.

    Surely the new Republican president wouldn’t punish me after my vote made her president. But her thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of Taylor’s cell phone.

    It’s Amy, Taylor nodded to Velvet.

    Velvet watched Taylor grimace as he listened on his phone.

    Let me talk to her. Velvet signaled to Taylor, as she couldn’t wait any longer, and Taylor handed her his phone.

    Amy, what the hell’s going on? Who sent the FBI?

    I don’t know yet. I called the White House, and they said they knew nothing about it, Amy replied.

    Do you believe them, Amy?

    The person I talked to was new and said he would try to find someone more senior to respond to my call, but everyone is just trying to find their way around the White House. It’s only been a few days since the new Republican administration was installed, and they’re scrambling to get up to speed.

    After a long pause, Amy continued.

    But I don’t think it’s likely the White House pushed for the search. It’s just too soon.

    Then who, Amy?

    Maybe someone in the prior administration, Amy guessed.

    "Surely the former president wouldn’t want such a probe, especially since The Washington Post published a transcript documenting our conversation, which Democrats say was a bribe," Velvet exclaimed in disbelief.

    I just don’t know yet, Velvet.

    Well, keep on this, Amy. It’s humiliating, and I need to know before this gets out of hand.

    Velvet motioned to Taylor, who was now fully clothed and talking to one of the FBI agents.

    Taylor, excusing himself, walked out of earshot of the agent to speak with Velvet.

    Taylor. Have the agents told you anything more about the reason for this search?

    They just keep referring me to the warrant and nothing more. This is really screwed up, he replied.

    After twenty minutes of searching, the lead agent ordered his team to bag up their materials, handing Velvet a list of the items seized.

    Sorry for the inconvenience, Congresswoman. We have what we came for. A phone number is on the list if you have further questions.

    I have a dozen questions, Velvet replied in frustration.

    But the agents marched out of her apartment without another word, and Taylor and Velvet stared in disbelief at the apartment’s disarray from the morning invasion.

    When the front door closed, Velvet burst into tears.

    Why can’t they just leave me alone?

    You and I both know it’s not fair. But we’ve been through so much already, and we can overcome this too, Taylor replied softly.

    I know you’re right, but sometimes it’s just so hard.

    Gazing at each other, they knew another stiff political battle lay before them. And this was no time for self-pity.

    After a quick hug, Taylor left for his apartment to change his clothes, while Velvet grabbed a copy of her first-day schedule on her desk and began mentally prepping herself for a consequential first day in Congress.

    I have to focus on my spiritual task: saving Gitche Gumee at all costs.

    Chapter Two

    Return to the House

    There is no act of treachery or meanness of which a political party is not capable; for in politics there is no honour.

    —Benjamin Disraeli

    Capitol Hill

    Tuesday, January 14, 2025 (noon)

    Velvet and Taylor arrived at her Longworth office to the raucous applause and whistles of her staff, whom she had not seen since casting her decisive House vote a week earlier.

    She had been conducting her congressional business electronically and by phone from her Arlington apartment, with Taylor serving as a courier to her office for issues requiring physical documentation.

    But in less than an hour, the new Congress would convene for its first formal day of business, and Velvet intended to be on the House floor as the newly reelected congresswoman from Michigan’s First Congressional District. However, unlike her previous position as a Democrat in the last Congress, she would do so as an independent member of Congress, caucusing with Republicans.

    Amy, her administrative assistant, deftly corralled Velvet upon her arrival and gently guided her toward her private office.

    Congresswoman, there are some urgent matters that need your attention before you leave for the House floor, Amy advised.

    Velvet, noting the serious tone in Amy’s voice, excused herself from a staff conversation.

    I’ll talk with you all again after we get some housekeeping things taken care of, she called out, walking into her office with Amy and Taylor and closing the office door behind her.

    All right Amy, what more do you know about the FBI raid this morning?

    Not much, except my sources tell me it was not the new administration that initiated or even knew about it.

    Well, that’s somewhat of a relief, Velvet responded. So who, then?

    "Likely a senior DOJ holdover. The speculation is that he or she read the phone transcript in The Post about you asking the former president for an investigation into the Corps of Engineers barrel dumping in exchange for your vote for his Republican successor, and he or she saw this as a potential bribe. The best guess is that the search was ordered to seize evidence just in case the new Justice Department leadership wanted to investigate it."

    Here we go again. Even you paint that conversation as more than just me working to benefit my district.

    And congressional Democrats are screaming for the FBI to preserve any evidence you might have, should you become a target of a future investigation, Amy added.

    "What are the chances the DOJ will take

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