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Raven's Hollow Spring Magic
Raven's Hollow Spring Magic
Raven's Hollow Spring Magic
Ebook138 pages

Raven's Hollow Spring Magic

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Spring is in full bloom in Raven’s Hollow, a small town in the Colorado Rockies with a population of unique townspeople. Blaze, a dragon shifter, and Wynter, a witch, are neck-deep in wedding preparations, when Wynter’s mother, Jade, goes missing after opening her new antique store, and attending the Simon estate sale where she procured an ancient jelly bean machine. Frantic with worry, Blaze and Wynter track her last movements via the store’s ancient, grainy, security footage. What it reveals is nothing short of shocking. As deputy sheriff, it’s Blaze’s responsibility to find his soon-to-be mother-in-law. But at what cost?
Release dateJul 10, 2023
Raven's Hollow Spring Magic

Tena Stetler

Tena Stetler is a best selling author of paranormal romance. She has an over-active imagination, which led to writing her first vampire romance as a tween to the chagrin of her mother and delight of her friends. After many years as a paralegal, then an IT Manager, she decided to live out her dream of pursuing a publishing career. With the Rocky Mountains outside her window, she sits at her computer surrounded by a wide array of witches, shapeshifters, demons, faeries, and gryphons, with a Navy SEAL or two mixed in telling their tales. Her books tell stories of magical kick-ass women and mystical alpha males that dare to love them. Well, okay there are a few companion animals to round out the tales. Colorado is home; shared with her husband of many moons, a brilliant Chow Chow, a spoiled parrot and a forty-five-year-old box turtle. When she’s not writing, her time is spent kayaking, camping, hiking, biking or just relaxing in the great Colorado outdoors. During the winter you can find her curled up in front of a crackling fire with a good book, a mug of hot chocolate and a big bowl of popcorn.

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    Raven's Hollow Spring Magic - Tena Stetler

    Does it work? He dropped in a penny and twisted the handle. A couple of jelly beans rolled out. Is that all? He jiggled the handle. It turned another quarter turn, and gears whirred. The glass globe sparkled. Etchings of countries around the world appeared as it tilted and slid to the side. On the opposite side, a control panel slid out, revealing a panel filled with tokens in the center. The group gasped, and silence ensued for several beats.

    What the heck? flew out of Wynter’s mouth as she clutched at her chest. With her other hand, she reached out to touch the machine, only to have her hand slapped away with a pair of black gloves Blaze had pulled out of his pocket.

    No one else touches this—or anything in here. He slipped on the protective gloves and removed one of the tokens, holding it up to the light. "It’s inscribed in Latin around the outside. My Latin may be rusty, but rursus in tempore means a turn in time."

    He picked up another token and read the inscription. "Fatum suum aspicientis moderator. Beholder controls its destiny. Carefully, he returned the tokens to their slots, turning his attention to the control panel. Look here…"

    Wynter pointed at the panel. There’s a slot for one token in the control panel. You don’t suppose this is a—

    Praise for Tena Stetler

    "Chocolate Raspberry Magic - With magic, animal

    interactions, a stunning seaside setting, and the best

    cabin ever, this book had everything a paranormal

    romance reader loves."

    ~Reviewer, Marilyn Barr

    "A Witch’s Quandary - A captivating tale about the

    corrupting pursuit of power & the triumphant magic of


    ~InD’tale Magazine

    "An Angel’s Wylder Assignment - The story is

    engaging with a beautiful setting in Wylder, WY, but

    it’s the characters that make this story fun to read. This

    western, paranormal book was enjoyable."

    ~ Reviewer: Still Moments Magazine

    Meringue Snowflake Magic I adored these characters! A captivating and warm holiday read. Perfect for the season or anytime of the year.

    ~ Mary Morgan, award winning author

    Raven’s Hollow Spring Magic


    Tena Stetler

    Jelly Beans and Spring Things Series

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Raven’s Hollow Spring Magic

    COPYRIGHT © 2023 by Tena Stetler

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press, Inc. except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

    Contact Information:

    Cover Art by Kristian Norris

    The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

    PO Box 708

    Adams Basin, NY 14410-0708

    Visit us at

    Publishing History

    First Edition, 2023

    Digital ISBN 978-1-5092-5032-5

    Jelly Beans and Spring Things Series

    Published in the United States of America


    To my READERS for whom I write the stories! To my husband, my very own white knight and hero. To all the wonderful people in my life, personal and professional, that help me realize my dreams every day. My editor, Lill Farrell, rocks! She makes my books shine. The staff and authors at The Wild Rose Press are the best.

    Other Books by Tena Stetler

    Published by The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

    A Demon’s Witch

    A Warlock’s Secrets

    A Vampire’s Unlikely Alliance

    An Angel’s Unintentional Entanglement

    A Magic Redemption

    A Witch’s Quandary

    Charm Me

    Charm Me Again

    A Witch’s Journey

    A Witch’s Holiday Wedding

    Hidden Gypsy Magic

    Chocolate Raspberry Magic

    An Enchanted Holiday

    Mystic Maples

    A Witch’s Protocol

    An Angel’s Wylder Assignment

    Meringue Snowflake Magic

    Security Force of Two

    Chapter One

    Settling into a New Town, New Life Is Business as Usual or Is It?

    Wynter Dahl strolled along the sidewalk on her way to Raven’s Hollow City Hall. Her briefcase swung to and fro at her side with the upgrade plans tucked inside. She had an appointment with Mayor Rork to discuss revamping the town’s computer security system.

    She paused to listen to the different bird songs as their wings whooshed overhead. The scent of lilacs and pink and white apple blossom petals floating on the spring breeze made her giddy. Still, she couldn’t shake that ominous feeling of foreboding. The last time I felt like—I’m not going to think about it.

    Sucking in a breath, she banished the unpleasant thoughts to the back of her mind. Things were different now. Spring, her favorite season, had sprung at Raven’s Hollow in the Colorado Rockies. Brightly colored tulips, hyacinths, and daffodils filled barrels set out in front of stores on Main Street and City Hall.

    Across the street, Agnes, Jodi, LoraLee, and Milly, the town’s self-appointed welcoming committee, exited the beauty shop. Wynter waved at them. Looking good, ladies. She had encountered the women when she relocated to the town via the witness protection program. She shuddered. Bad memories. No one was supposed to know she was there. Yet, the ladies had knocked on her door holding casseroles, cookies, welcoming flowers, a flyer for the holiday cookie contest, and offers of help before she even unpacked, in what seemed a lifetime ago. However, in reality, it had been only a few months.

    The women smiled and waved as they continued walking down the block.

    Arriving at her destination, she paused to glance at pots of brightly colored pansies on either side of the doorway. She tugged open one of the heavy glass doors etched with various paranormal creatures in an idyllic meadow scene. Funny, I never noticed those before.

    A cheerful tune about the devil in Georgia played in her backpack. Yanking the phone out of her bag, she checked the screen and smiled. Hi, Mom. How’s the antiquing going?

    Fantastic! You won’t believe the treasures I’ve found for the store at the Simon estate sale. I acquired a box full of antiques that the estate manager said may have questionable histories. Can you imagine? Of course, he probably said that, so I’d take the whole lot. She snickered. It worked. But I negotiated him down to what I consider a fair price. I can’t wait to go through it.

    That’s wonderful, but Mom, I gotta—

    Her mother continued without taking a breath but lowered her voice. The other acquisition will not be for sale. It’s an antique jelly bean machine with gold filigree, a crystal carved globe, and a mysterious history.

    That’s great, but I had a meeting with the mayor five minutes ago, so I’m late, and I really need to continue this call later. Tell you what, Blaze and I will come to see your treasures later this afternoon when we stop by to discuss wedding invitations. Fair enough?

    The wind taken out of her sails, her mom sighed. Sure. But I’m telling you, never seen anything like it. Magical, I tell you. See ya later.

    Wynter disconnected the call, sprinted across the tile floor, and skidded to a stop in front of the reception desk. She glanced at the wall of mirrors behind it and grimaced at her wind-tousled appearance. Good morning, Mandy. Is Mayor Rork in? I’m a bit late for our meeting.

    Mandy smiled. He’ll never know. The mayor had to go out for a few minutes. He said to sit tight. He’d be right back. Can I get you something to drink? There are cookies in the waiting area.

    No thanks. I’ll just run up to accounting. Be right back. She took the glass elevator to the second floor, trotted down the plush frosty-gray carpeted hallway to her best friend Syndi’s office and knocked on the door.

    Come in, her friend called out cheerfully.

    Hey, Syndi. How’s the new job? Wynter smiled wide, entering the office.

    Great. Her best friend stood up from behind the oak desk. I love this job much more than my old one that got us thrown into the witness protection program. If I’d only known what my previous investment firm’s upper management was doing, I never would have put my life or—my friends—at risk. Heck, I wouldn’t have taken the job in the first place. Dirty scoundrels. If it hadn’t been for your fiancé, Blaze, rescuing your family and me, the assassins might have killed us all.

    She paused for a beat and heaved a heavy sigh. Anyway, that’s behind us. Onward and upward to a more interesting and safe life. Straightening things up around here is a breeze. Because the city left my position vacant for so long, the fairies’ expenditures remained misfiled, elves’ dues came up missing, and the shifters’ ranks became terribly underreported. Now with the errors corrected, the rough seas are turning into smooth sailing.

    Yep, water under the bridge and good riddance. Wynter shook her head in amazement. Wow, look at you handling the town of magic folk like you were born to it. She offered Syndi a high five.

    Her friend met the high five. Well, not quite. She lowered her voice and glanced around. Yesterday morning Jenny Flowers, a fairy that owns the apothecary and crystal store, popped in to pay taxes on her shop, and I squealed. Loudly. Talk about embarrassing. People, uh, creatures, just appearing out of thin air and hovering is extremely disconcerting. However, I’d left my door open. My assistant, Dora, saved the day again. She rushed in, made introductions, and found the necessary paperwork to clear up Jenny’s business license and taxes, all without making me look like a bumbling mortal. Whew. Syndi made an exaggerated gesture of wiping her brow with her hand, then giggled.

    Don’t I know it. First time I saw kids with pointed ears, unfurling wings, and sprouting fur playing on the snowy slope outside my cottage window, I freaked. She raised her arms and let them drop to her sides. Thank goodness Blaze appeared at my door.

    Lucky you. Is Dark Wind Cyber keeping you busy?

    More than. The phone is ringing off the hook, keeping my sister-in-law, Tammy, really busy. We’ve picked up ten new clients just this week. I’m here to meet with Mayor Rork over the security updates the city contracted.

    "That’s great. How’s your mom doing with her new antique store? I heard

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