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Destiny's Spring
Destiny's Spring
Destiny's Spring
Ebook140 pages

Destiny's Spring

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About this ebook

Desirae Fontaine, better known by her friends as Destiny, is on her way to see her friend Peyton in Blue Cove. Having gone through a lot in her life the past few months, Destiny needs some downtime to reset her life.

Her adventure begins on the plane when she meets a sweet older woman named Mila Ferris. Their conversation during the flight leads to her sharing her heart with the kind woman and ends with a bit of unseen magic in a bag of jellybeans.

Evan Parker has his own hardships to overcome and could use the help of the kind old gentleman who comes with a little magic of his own.

Can two lonely hearts find love and two weary fairies find help in helping Anything can happen. It’s Destiny’s spring.
Release dateApr 12, 2023
Destiny's Spring

Iona Morrison

I am a multi-published, award winning Amazon best selling author who writes romantic suspense with a touch of the paranormal. I enjoy writing fiction. The character development, their stories, and the twists and turns in the plot intrigue me. Once I let the characters loose I can't wait to see where they take me. I'm hooked from the first words on the paper and I have to keep writing to see how the story ends. Layer by layer I build it until I come to the happy conclusion. I live in Colorado with my husband and family. I am a member of the RMFWPAL (Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers Published Authors League) and have enjoyed becoming involved in my community as one of the many authors living in Colorado. I invite you to read one of my Blue Cove Mysteries and see for yourself why Blue Cove is a special and unusual place.

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    Destiny's Spring - Iona Morrison

    How you must miss the dear man. He sounds like such a lovely individual. I have always believed that grief is proof that love existed and still does only now in a different way. Mila handed her a tissue. Missing someone keeps their memory alive to us. I think that’s why it comes and goes but never really leaves. My good friend Aelfric was lost to me many years ago and I still mourn his loss to this day. Mila sighed.

    I never thought of it like that. Destiny dabbed at her eyes with the tissue.

    My sister often reminds me that life is like a dance and missing someone is like having a limp. We who live continue to dance only now it’s with a permanent hitch in your step. You get used to dancing with the wobble eventually. Some days you hardly notice it and other days it is more pronounced.

    Praise for Iona Morrison

    Key to the Past is a suspenseful, romantic fantasy about two detectives named Matt Parker and Jessie Reynolds. With a compelling story line, relatable characters and mind-bending twists and turns, author, Iona Morrison, has delivered a truly remarkable book. This book is a page turner that will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish!

    ~ Review by the Book Excellence Awards

    Searching for Closure is a great book. A mystery is mixed with a great romance story and fantasy it is excellent. The plot is compelling, the characters are interesting. I recommend.

    ~ Julie, BooksShelf Reviewer

    If you love paranormal suspense, mysteries around murder, weddings and the charm of romance, you will love ‘As The Page Turns’.

    ~ Theodocia McLean

    Destiny’s Spring


    Iona Morrison

    Jelly Beans and Spring Things Series

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

    Destiny’s Spring

    COPYRIGHT © 2022 by Iona Morrison

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press, Inc. except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

    Contact Information:

    Cover Art by Tina Lynn Stout

    The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

    PO Box 708

    Adams Basin, NY 14410-0708

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    Publishing History

    First Edition, 2023

    Digital ISBN 978-1-5092-4805-6

    Jelly Beans and Spring Things Series

    Published in the United States of America


    Dedicated to my husband Rob who is the reason I believe in the magic of falling and staying in love. Total opposites in almost every way, we managed to make a great life together and have fun as we did.

    Chapter 1

    Desirae Fontaine made a stop at the airport gift shop to pick up a sweet treat for her flight. As soon as she boarded the plane and stored her carry-on luggage in the overhead bin, she settled in her seat. Fastening her seat belt, she opened the bag that held her newly purchased magazine and jelly beans. The red and purple ones were her absolute favorites, and the blacks she would discard in the trash when the flight ended.

    Desirae was her legal birth name but for as long as she could remember her grandpa had called her Destiny. He often told her that Desirae Fontaine was a mouthful to call his little spitfire with carrot red curly hair, patting her head lovingly as he said it. Though her hair color had tamed slightly over the years, her height was still on the petite side, which made her lasting friendship with her beautiful tall friend, Peyton Reynolds, all the more awesome. Destiny often felt like a monkey standing next to a gazelle as she stood beside her graceful friend. Thankfully, Peyton never saw her that way. To her, she was simply Des her best gal pal. She probably wouldn’t have thought much about her size, but others often teased them because of the disparity in their heights. Privately, she had found a way to hold her own with her amazing friend and not feel inferior.

    Destiny’s one claim to fame was her long legs even though she was short. Because of them, she had taken ballet lessons for many years and still loved to dance. Oh, and some folks thought she had a pretty decent singing voice too.

    Her life had been a piece of cake compared to Peyton’s growing up. Destiny could think of all kinds of mischief for the two of them to get into and they did. Thankfully, Peyton’s parents rarely paid attention to what she did, or she wouldn’t be alive for Destiny now. And at the moment, there was no one else she would rather turn to when her own life was in such a quandary. The invitation to come to Blue Cove for a visit came at the perfect time. Being with her friend was exactly what she needed. Destiny reached for her phone and sent a quick text before she had to turn off all electronics.

    Peyton, I’m on the plane and we’ll be taking off soon.

    Try to relax. I know how much you love to fly.—

    Ha, ha.— Destiny smiled. Peyton knew her so well. —I can’t wait to see you, it’s been too long.

    See you soon, Des.

    Destiny shut off her phone and leaning back in the seat she braced herself for takeoff, which was her least favorite part of any flight. The dreaded nervous butterflies were already flittering around in her stomach, and they hadn’t even pushed away from the gate yet. Her attention was soon taken by an older woman walking the aisle looking for her seat. Her salt and pepper hair was pulled into a neat chignon, and her clothes were quite stylish. But even from where Destiny sat it was the woman’s merry eyes that captured her interest. And then she stopped in the aisle by her seat.

    Ah, here we are. The woman smiled at Destiny. Looks like I’m to be your neighbor for the duration of the flight. I do love to fly, don’t you? She bent down and pushed her small bag under the seat. She quickly sat fastening her seat belt across her lap.

    I’m always happiest when we land. Destiny grinned popping several red jelly beans into her mouth and chewing them with gusto as the plane pushed back and started its taxi to the runway. Would you like some? she asked holding up the bag of colorful candy.

    I would love a few, dear. She sorted through them pulling a couple of black ones from the bag and took a tiny nibble. My favorite flavor. I’m a bit of an oddball. Her lips turned up at the corner.

    I’m partial to the reds and purples myself. You can have all the black ones you want. She extended the bag once again after pulling out several purple. Tucking them in her mouth when the plane started its ascent, she hoped if she chewed them slowly they would keep her ears from popping until the plane reached altitude.

    Destiny had no idea what to expect from her trip other than a bit of relief from the stressful past few months. Her mother’s illness had come on the heels of the death of her beloved grandfather. She had missed her vacation in Arizona with Peyton because her mother was too sick for her to leave, which was a bummer. And then Peyton was shot while helping Detective Kincaid on some strange case, and it was touch and go for a while. All at the same time, it was a lot to deal with. Add to that the stress of finishing her law degree and her bar exam and she could use more than a little downtime.

    Unlike Peyton, she had never known her father. Maybe she should be grateful for that. He left her mom when she was pregnant with Destiny. Her grandpa was the father she never had. Between him and her mother, she had all the love a child could ever want.

    Is this your first trip, dear? The older woman beside her asked.

    No, but it’s been a long time since my last flight. I’ve been looking forward to this trip for a while. Destiny couldn’t help but smile at the twinkle in the woman’s eyes.

    What’s your name? We still have a while to be seatmates. The lady patted her hand. My name is Mila Ferris.

    Ms. Ferris, it’s nice to meet you. My name is Destiny. A name I owe to my grandpa. She swiped at the tears that started to roll down her cheeks.

    There, there, dear. Are you having a rough time? I’m quite good at listening. Why don’t you tell me your troubles. Mila squeezed her hand with a look of concern on her face.

    That was all the encouragement she needed. For the first time in months at thirty thousand feet in the air, Destiny began to bare her heart to a complete stranger with the kindest sparkling eyes. The moment had been a long time coming and the emotions had been building for months. After the first words came out of her mouth it was as if a dam had burst. She sniffed, wiped her eyes, and told Mila all her troubles.

    How you must miss the dear man. He sounds like such a lovely individual. I have always believed that grief is proof that love existed and still does only now in a different way. Mila handed her a tissue. Missing someone keeps their memory alive to us. I think that’s why it comes and goes but never really leaves. My good friend Aelfric was lost to me many years ago and I still mourn his loss to this day. Mila sighed.

    I never thought of it like that. Destiny dabbed at her eyes with the tissue.

    My sister often reminds me that life is like a dance and missing someone is like having a limp. We who live continue to dance only now it’s with a permanent hitch in your step. You get used to dancing with the wobble eventually. Some days you hardly notice it and other days, it is more pronounced.

    The captain’s voice came over the speaker. Prepare the cabin for landing.

    Wow, time went fast. How can I ever thank you for listening to me? You’ve been kind, and I’m sorry for taking up so much of your time. Destiny held up her bag of jelly beans. Would you like a few for the road?

    "I don’t

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