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God is Good: Revised Second Edition
God is Good: Revised Second Edition
God is Good: Revised Second Edition
Ebook176 pages9 minutes

God is Good: Revised Second Edition

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About this ebook

God is Good is the story of the transformational power of faith in our everyday lives. While the world portrays God as wrathful and scolding, our Heavenly Father is the most loving kind of father. He wants for all of His children to live in safety, joy, health, and prosperity, fre

Release dateMar 24, 2023
God is Good: Revised Second Edition

Margaret Liu Collins

Margaret Liu Collins is called to share the Good News about God in every aspect of her life from her intimate life with her family to her business practices and philanthropy, and into her leadership and testimony in her Christian Community and beyond. She was born in Chongqing, China and attended high school, St. Stephen's Girls College, Hong Kong. She later graduated with a Bachelor's of Science degree from the University of California, Berkeley. After being a science teacher, she later became the founder and CEO of a real estate brokerage firm, Liu Realty, Inc., and is the founder and CEO of Liu International Management LLC. Margaret has served as a director of nonprofit organizations including Grace Cathedral, The Episcopal Dioceses of Northern California, California Pacific Medical Center, The University of California Berkeley Foundation Board, and the San Francisco Symphony. Her for-profit board memberships include: Cmos, ComplianceEase, and Servgate. With God's prompting, Margaret has supported her Alma mater, University of California, Berkeley, establishing a fellowship endowment, "T. O. Liu Memorial Fellowship" in Helen Willis Neuroscience Institute in honor of her father. In 2010, she established an undergraduate scholarship to provide financial resources for deserving students who come from families led by single parents. San Francisco Business Times, in 2011, named Margaret one of the "150 Most Influential Women in Bay Area Business". In 2016, Margaret endowed Chair Professorship in Traumatic Brain Injury to world-renowned neurosurgeon, Geoffrey T. Manley, MD, PHD, Professor and Vice Chairman Department of Neurological Surgery, UCSF Weill Institute of Neurosciences and Chief of Neurological Surgery, Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center. In 2013, she collaborated with her late Aunt, Qin Ziao-men to write a book about her beloved father A Twentieth-Century Chinese Profile Tien Oung Liu available on Amazon. Margaret and her adoring husband, Ted Collins split their time between homes in San Francisco and Sonoma County, taking special pleasure in watching their grandchildren grow. Margaret offers support for fellow Christians along with inspiring articles, videos, and resources on her website at:

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    God is Good - Margaret Liu Collins

    Copyright © 2023 by Margaret Liu Collins

    ISBN: 978-1-77883-052-5 (Paperback)

    978-1-77883-053-2 (E-book)

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    The views expressed in this book are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    BookSide Press




    聖公會加州教區第七任主教、United Religions Initiative 創辦


    The Rt. Rev.William E. Swing

    拜讀過劉文采女士的回憶錄,甚有共鳴。特别是作為美國亞裔移民,嘗試在繁複的生活中,回應耶穌基督賜予滿有聖靈的生命的這一方面,我深同此感。但願和她一般曾經歷過這樣生命旅程的人,也體會到聖靈如何讓你從過去的痛苦中解放出來, 重新得力,去迎接上帝為我們預備的將來。

    五旬節神學家、Fuller 神學院教授

    Amos Yong

    劉文采女士通過親身的經歷,由衷地寫出了她在信念和信心生活的見證。這真是我們這時代的一個滿有盼望的見證,是她對於信仰生命的見證,强而有力,誠實而充滿盼望。讀者即使沒有相同的個人經歷,也會感受到這震憾人心的見證。劉女士送給你的是:原來在逆境和困難時,仍可歡慶上帝的愛 那種和 我們憂戚與共的愛。

    三藩市 Grace 座堂永遠堂牧、Our Lady of Chartes 座堂榮譽法政牧師

    Alan Jones, Ph.D, O.B.E


    國際佈道家、Peggy Cole 聖工

    Peggy Cole

    我有幸曾和劉文采女士同工。從她處學習到很多專業和靈性的東西。她在我和友人於 2001 年創辦的監管科技公司Compliance Ease 裡任董事會成員。劉女士在中國正值動盪的1940 年代出生,少年時己經接受基督。即使生活不如意,她仍虔敬地跟隨祂,求祂指引。在這本書中,劉女士很清楚地描述她如何在一個偏愛男性的傳統家庭中成長,如何作為一個年青的單親媽媽,依靠神的力量,以微薄收入維持生計,如何不管受過蹂躪的經歷,仍用堅定的信心祈求主,以致她兒子在嚴重車禍中得免一死。她聽從神的話,把上帝作為她房產生意的伙伴,而祂真的讓她在財務上多多蒙福。劉女士的故事表彰出: 只要我們信任順服祂,聖靈會把我們的生命轉變,並帶引我們向前邁進。

    Compliance Ease 公司執行主席

    John I. Vong



    Charmaine Shen


    前言 出版緣起


    第一篇 神從毒害的關係中讓你得釋放並享自由


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