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Bonding in Buenos Aires
Bonding in Buenos Aires
Bonding in Buenos Aires
Ebook140 pages

Bonding in Buenos Aires

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About this ebook

Argentinian Joaquin Perillo met MacKenzie and Kimberly at a cybersecurity conference two years ago. Another conference in Houston and video chats sealed his attraction for them both. Now they are visiting him in Buenos Aires, and he has so many plans for them—in and out of bed.

Canadian Kimberly is a security analyst by day and a Domme at Vancouver’s premier BDSM Club Kink at night. She can’t wait to see her men again so she can whip them into shape.

Texan MacKenzie is a computer geek who spends all his time with code. That is until he meets the beguiling Kimberly and the fun-loving Joaquin. Suddenly, he’s ready to break out of his self-imposed exile.

The triad have ten days to enjoy their ménage before they have to return to their prospective countries. Because their relationship can’t cross borders or become permanent…right?
Release dateMar 15, 2023
Bonding in Buenos Aires

Gabbi Black

Gabbi Grey has written a lot of words and is now focusing on sharing them with the rest of the world. She writes contemporary, gay, and dark erotic BDSM romances. She believes in happy endings.

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    Book preview

    Bonding in Buenos Aires - Gabbi Black

    MacKenzie was a stereotypical Texan with the accent, the hat, and the height. He towered over Kimberly and was nearly half a foot taller than Joaquin. That height was probably why Joaquin spotted him first.

    Another person came through to the passenger pickup area and stepped aside just in time for Joaquin to spot Kimberly and for her to spot him. He’d sort of hoped she might abandon her luggage and run to leap into his arms, but that wasn’t her style. Her green eyes lit with excitement, though, and both of them increased their pace just a bit.

    When they reached him, the moment hung. MacKenzie and Kimberly’d had ten hours to become reacquainted. Joaquin felt like he was behind by a step.

    Yet Kimberly, after scrutinizing him for a moment, dropped her knapsack, let go of her rolling suitcase, and held open her arms.

    He fell into them. He’d missed the spunky woman who barely reached his chin. As she rested her cheek against his chest, he smiled. Can she hear my heart beating? It beats for her.

    Totally cheesy. Yet when he met MacKenzie’s gaze, he spotted relief. Happiness.

    The older man’s skin around his eyes crinkled when he smiled. His brown eyes were a few shades lighter than Joaquin’s, but their hair was almost the same color—black.

    Over Kimberly, MacKenzie leaned in for a bro-hug. Not the hearty embrace Joaquin would’ve chosen, but he managed to peck a quick kiss to the stubble-laden jaw before the man could pull back.

    Praise for Gabbi Black

    Praise for AMBER EYES, Book One of the In Their Eyes Trilogy:

    There were times that I cried for Rielle, but I also marveled at her underlying strength. Gage was a very protective, caring man, and I was glad when he decided that he needed a happier future. I recommend this story, though beware of scenes that may trigger some people.

    ~Iron Canuck Reviews

    I really enjoyed the book. I loved Rielle and her journey to self-discovery that she didn’t need to be a slave anymore…to anyone. She learned how to stand on her own two feet with or without Gage. Even if you don’t like BDSM or tired of the same ole, same ole. Give this one a try. You won’t be sorry.

    ~Harlie Williams, Author

    Bonding in Buenos Aires


    Gabbi Black

    Passport to Pleasure Series

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

    Bonding in Buenos Aires

    COPYRIGHT © 2022 by Gabbi Black

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press, Inc. except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

    Contact Information:

    Cover Art by Diana Carlile

    The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

    PO Box 708

    Adams Basin, NY 14410-0708

    Visit us at

    Publishing History

    First Edition, 2023

    Digital ISBN 978-1-5092-4855-1

    Passport to Pleasure Series

    Published in the United States of America



    Chapter One


    They’ll be here.

    As Joaquin Perillo paced the floor at Ministro Pistarini International Airport, he repeated the mantra. Kimberly and MacKenzie had made the flight from Dallas. If either—or both—had missed it, they would’ve called. Neither had emailed from the plane, though. They’d be exhausted. First Kimberly’d flown from Vancouver, Canada, to Houston. There she’d met up with MacKenzie. They’d hopped on a short flight to Dallas, then connected with their ten-hour flight to Buenos Aires.

    To visit me.

    They’d both left behind humid and hot climates to come to Argentina in August. Essentially winter. Although winter was relative. Compared to Canada in January, his city was downright balmy. And the last snowfall in this place was almost twenty years ago—nothing compared to the severe winter storm that hit Texas two years ago. No, his companions would enjoy temperate daytime temperatures and, hopefully, hot, steamy nights.

    You’re getting ahead of yourself.

    Well, perhaps. But unlike when they’d met in Houston last year, this wasn’t a business trip. Unlike when they’d met in Geneva the year before, they weren’t strangers. While he was outgoing and gregarious, MacKenzie was shy and reserved. Kimberly was somewhere in between. Yet they’d all wound up in a bar at the hotel in Switzerland.

    Okay, I must be dreaming. Because there’s no way you two sexy guys are here for the security conference.

    Joaquin was sitting on a stool with a guy next to him. He’d been paying attention to his phone and not the man. A situation easily rectified when he turned to greet the short woman and get a good look at the guy.

    Holy Lord.

    He held up his conference badge. Guilty as charged.

    The other man pushed his Stetson back from his forehead. Uh, me too, ma’am. I’m, uh, MacKenzie. I’m from Texas.

    The woman stuck out her hand. Kimberly. From Canada. Her blonde hair shone in the crappy light of the hotel bar. She pivoted.

    Joaquin. Argentina.

    Great. Her green eyes sparkled. So let’s grab a table. I really want to discuss the new privacy protocols from the European Union and how it’ll affect the gathering of data.

    Joaquin could think of much better ways to spend his evening—but the brash Canadian and reticent Texan captured his attention, and he followed to a booth where they engaged in a lively discussion about cybersecurity and privacy rights of data users.

    By the end of the evening, they’d exchanged business cards as well as a promise to keep in touch.

    Houston last year—MacKenzie’s turf—and now his two close friends were visiting him for a vacation in Argentina.

    MacKenzie was a stereotypical Texan with the accent, the hat, and the height. He towered over Kimberly and was nearly half a foot taller than Joaquin. That height was probably why Joaquin spotted him first.

    Another person came through to the passenger pickup area and stepped aside just in time for Joaquin to spot Kimberly and for her to spot him. He’d sort of hoped she might abandon her luggage and run to leap into his arms, but that wasn’t her style. Her green eyes lit with excitement, though, and both of them increased their pace just a bit.

    When they reached him, the moment hung. MacKenzie and Kimberly’d had ten hours to become reacquainted. Joaquin felt like he was behind by a step.

    Yet Kimberly, after scrutinizing him for a moment, dropped her knapsack, let go of her rolling suitcase, and held open her arms.

    He fell into them. He’d missed the spunky woman who barely reached his chin. As she rested her cheek against his chest, he smiled. Can she hear my heart beating? It beats for her.

    Totally cheesy. Yet when he met MacKenzie’s gaze, he spotted relief. Happiness.

    The older man’s skin around his eyes crinkled when he smiled. His brown eyes were a few shades lighter than Joaquin’s, but their hair was almost the same color—black.

    Over Kimberly, MacKenzie leaned in for a bro-hug. Not the hearty embrace Joaquin would’ve chosen, but he managed to peck a quick kiss to the stubble-laden jaw before the man could pull back.

    His eyes widened in surprise as he touched his fingers to the spot.

    How we greet each other. Joaquin offered a mischievous grin as he pulled them off to the side and away from the hordes of arriving passengers. We’re very free with our affections here. So you better get used to it. Even between men, we are welcome to express our happiness at seeing one another after a long time.

    The Texan’s cheeks pinkened. Slowly—ever so slowly—a grin emerged. Yeah, I think I can get used to that.

    Well, you better. Kimberly snagged MacKenzie by the back of the neck and dragged him into a full-on, tongues-involved kiss.

    MacKenzie’s eyes widened in surprise. After a moment, he pulled their companion close. When the kiss ended, he whispered, Yeah, I can definitely get used to this.

    Let’s get into my car and head to my place. It’s about an hour’s drive, and it’ll be rush hour. Joaquin snagged Kimberly’s rolling suitcase.

    As she hefted her knapsack over her shoulder, she shot him a dirty look.

    He smiled to himself. The woman was a firecracker when it came to women’s liberation. She butted up nicely with his Italian sense of courtesy that his mother’d ingrained in him. His parents had been more traditional in their roles, but Joaquin preferred to let his companions have some say in the degree he could exert his authority.

    Kimberly’d made it clear—she was in charge.

    MacKenzie, dear man, just went along for the ride. More than once, Joaquin’d witnessed the large man acquiesce to Kimberly’s commands.

    His compact car waited

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