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War Tower
War Tower
War Tower
Ebook316 pages4 hours

War Tower

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Book Three of the Crucible Steel SagaAn intergalactic warlord. Eight wayward airships deployed to escape the wrath of high-command justice, there on a tiny planet, swirling in a distant corner of the galaxy known as Andromeda.Dark shadowy beings forming an endless Wall of Shadows.An insurmountable foe.The return of Inghen Ruaidh Borson (Red Girl: Shield Maiden)In an alliance to save the world.

Release dateApr 12, 2021
War Tower

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    War Tower - Joseph Leo DeCelle

    General Thule Pagani’s Saxon Armies

    Central Wessex, Britannia

    With a tree-lined ridge as their vantage point, an army of Thule Saxons anxiously viewed the quiet village below.

    Bloodthirsty eyes set upon death and plunder, awaiting word to proceed from their general: a Saxon military genius named Thule Pagani. Thule…his army’s namesake.

    What are we waiting for? This village stands no chance once we have entered. What say you, General? said one of his soldiers, while the others stood staring.

    Fools…you look like a pack of rabid dogs, staring down the carcass of an ibex! Proceed if you must. But remain vigilant. I have known far too many an ambush to come about in villages such as this. We must be on our guard, men…at all times, said the general, while motioning his hand for his horde of barbarians to proceed toward the village.

    Grinning like lunatics, the soldiers quickly made their way down from the tree line and on to a narrow road, which seemed no wider than a simple goat path.

    Swords gleamed on the horizon. But soon the smell of death was in the air, causing some of the soldiers to cover their mouths to prevent the inevitable vomit!

    Soon a sense of calm made its way through the ranks, as the stench began to dissipate somewhat.

    Now they were upon the village, perplexed by what they were witnessing.

    What fools! Not so much as a proper gateway, let alone a fence. They are asking to be slaughtered! said a soldier near the front, with a whispered laugh.

    The village remained eerily silent. Not a soul to be found as they drew closer and closer.

    General Thule, what do you make of this, my lord? Perhaps it is wash day for the lot of them? said another soldier, causing the general to cover his mouth to keep from bursting into laughter.

    Perhaps you are correct…wash day no less? said the general with a nod.

    Motioning his men to break off and begin a flanking maneuver, the horde continued their cautious advance. Too immersed in their lust for blood and plunder to realize the potential trap that lay before them.

    Fires raged in a three-sided split-roofed iron worker’s shed.

    Look at this…I have seen better kept pigsties than this! I do hope his skills with iron are better than his skills of organization, said one of the soldiers.

    What would you know of organization? Your wife does everything for you! said a soldier standing nearby, causing them all to cover their mouths to contain their laughter.

    Just then, the fires ceased! Followed by a heaviness in the air. Instantly struggling to breathe, the soldiers began to panic.

    General Thule, what can this be? cried a soldier.

    Prepare yourselves, men! the general commanded, while his eyes continued darting frantically in all directions.

    With swords drawn and shields at the ready, the entire Thule-Saxon army now stood frozen in fear.

    There is an evil presence here, men…prepare for battle.

    Soon a thick black haze began to rise up from the ground. By the time it had reached a near three meters in height, this black haze slowly began to close in all around them. A massive shadowy black ring, writhing and pulsating, like waves of intense heat rising from the desert floor, during midsummer.

    The entire army was forced in upon itself.

    Backs to one another, men! Prepare yourselves, the general repeated. Their eyes grew wide with panic, as ghostly dark images began to appear from within this haze. Racked with fear as they realized this thick black haze was an army of ghostly shadowy figures!

    General Thule, my lord, what shall we do? cried a soldier.

    But the general said nothing, as he continued to stare deep into the darkness before him. Finally coming to his senses, he then instinctively raised his sword to prepare to strike. His entire army would soon follow.

    But alas, this would be all the time they would have to prepare. Once the dark mist fell upon them, the soldiers violently began slashing away. Yet this was of no use.

    As the mist began to drift over them, one by one, they began to fall. Within moments, the entire Thule-Saxon army had fallen. Gasping as if poisoned, their deaths were immediate and unstoppable.

    Not one of them would survive.

    A new enemy was afoot. And this was only the beginning.

    Dark figures and the hand of doom were nothing new to the ancient world.

    Battles for world domination by both human and other-worldly forces had been waged, fought, and won throughout the centuries. These battles would become the stories of legend. Yet this was different.

    This mysterious Wall of Shadows was unique unto itself. Never before had such a thing been imagined.

    Something so deadly. Something from beyond this world.

    Cisalpine, Gaul

    Crossing a dangerous portion to the countryside in Cisalpine, Gaul, near the Rubicon border, the Norman army moves with nervous apprehension.

    We must be cautious, men…the armies of Germania are said to roam these lands. They will fight until the very last of us has bled out, should they have their way! said one of the soldiers, causing the rest to stir, holding back their laughter with some effort.

    You have been told far too many bedtime fairytales, my dear boy, said the Norman general. Perhaps you would do better to listen to the tales of your grandfather instead. After all, he fought in many a great battle. At least these tales will carry with them some speck of truth! Again, the men fought hard to contain their laughter.

    Just then, a strange darkness fell upon them as they began to enter a large clearing in an otherwise heavily wooded area.

    Look upon this clearing, men…it’s as though no tree had ever been allowed to grow here, said a soldier. Further putting into words the image before him, he added, A huge lush green meadow. The grass low and level. As though a herd of mountain goats were sent here to graze.

    Arching his back, another soldier complained with unease, The air feels much heavier here. My chest feels as though it has been pressed to the ground under the foot of a brown bear.

    Feeling a similar pressure, the others began to nod their heads in agreement. Laughter would not follow.

    Let us move swiftly through this clearing then. The forest seems a much safer location, said the Norman general.

    Yet once the entire army had entered this strange clearing, a dark shadow began to rise up from the ground, there at the tree line of the forest.

    One, two, three, to nearly four full meters, arose this dark shadowy mist. Writhing and swaying, surrounding the entire clearing.

    The Norman army stood frozen in their tracks, knowing not what to do. Then all at once, the dark mist began to advance toward them, coming at them in a circular closing pattern from all directions.

    The soldiers instinctively turned to face the mist. Backs to one another, they drew their mighty swords.

    But as the mist drew closer, the soldiers frantically began to clamber tighter and tighter together.

    What is this, General? What can this be? a soldier whispered nervously.

    Gasping as they began to realize this strange dark mist was in fact an army of individual beings!

    Steady, men…strike as they fall upon you, he replied, firmly.

    As the mist fell upon them—just as the Saxon army—so too would they begin to strike violently at the figures within this strange black mist. But like the Saxon’s, this Norman army’s efforts would prove to be of no use.

    Silently drifting through them, the evil shadowy mist, sending them to the ground in an instant.

    In the blink of an eye, this entire mighty Norman army had fallen.

    And just as the Thule-Saxon army, so too would this vast army be left to lie in silence, there in this peaceful clearing.

    Anglo-Saxons, Northumbria

    In the northeastern region of Britannia, yet another Saxon army moves toward a clearing, just south of Deira, Northumbria. Destination: the Northumbrian coastline, where word was sent that a vast Viking army was soon to port.

    We shall wait for them upon the cliffs near the coastline, as they arrive. Once they have set foot upon our soil, we shall send a rain of arrows down upon them. We will spare enough of their men to man one ship. They shall be allowed to return to their homeland, where they might warn others of the death that awaits them, should they dare this journey a second time, said the general, causing his entire army to cheer.

    Yet their own clandestine journey to the coastline would be cut short, as the dark Wall of Shadows had found them as well. Soon, they too would be surrounded, a mere hundred meters from their coastal destination. And just as the other armies, so too would they be left in the silence of death.

    Not one soldier spared.

    The Assyrian armies would soon meet a similar end. Their bodies soon to be entombed under windswept layers of ancient desert sands. Who would be next?

    Who was this enemy, and why have they come? And perhaps far more importantly, can they be defeated?

    The Visitors: Commander Haplorr-Arxix

    The stage was set for rebellion. Commander Haplorr-Arxix, leader of the Lavania-Zon Federation, had been waiting in the wings, waiting for his moment to strike against what many on the planet of Cassia-Serac thought was a government out of control. Corruption. Inestimable corruption.

    Light-years of inconstant invasions had brought the high command to its knees. Only to rise again under an even more corrupt regime. This must be stopped! was the common cry. Yet who would dare step forth? Commander Haplorr-Arxix, longtime trusted soldier and ready commander of the planet’s federation armies, felt it was time.

    I am the one, he said to his most trusted soldiers. If not I, then who? This planet is doomed either way. We must infiltrate this corrupt government ourselves. For it is merely a matter of time before this new system crumbles. It is up to us to salvage what we can. You…you, my most trusted soldiers, together we shall storm the halls of parliament. We are few, yet they have become weak—weakened by the excesses of power. Greed is what drives this new regime. Greed shall be their downfall. Prepare yourselves…soon we’ll begin.

    His small army stood proud, ready to serve their commander. Yet behind the scenes, someone else was waiting. Waiting and listening. Listening to every word that was said. A traitor? Or perhaps a jealous rival officer, longing for his chance at glory? For although Commander Haplorr was ready to step forth, he was certainly not the first to consider such a deed.

    Soon, word was sent that a traitor had indeed been to see the high command, telling all he knew of Commander Haplorr’s plan.

    What is this you say? Commander Haplorr? Bring him to us at once! He shall be tried, and he shall then be convicted. Penalty of death! said the Chancellor.

    Penalty of death! chanted the high command. Penalty of death!

    Soon there was no one who hadn’t heard word of this. Panic ensued. Though not merely between Commander Haplorr and his soldiers, for it seemed the entire planet was now in chaos. Soon many more uprising rebellions would form. Yet for now, all eyes were upon the commander and his small army. Penalty of death.

    We must leave this dreaded planet at once…there is a traitor in our midst, it appears. If I find that it was one of you—you, whom I have trusted with my plans from the very beginning… He paused, struggling to hold back his anger. Let he who has betrayed me, remain here. Let him meet his coward’s end. For even though he is in better standings with the high command, let us not pretend that he shall remain in their good graces, once we have left this retched planet. This traitor shall be judged, tried, and ultimately put to death. For you see, there is no true system of justice here on Cassia-Serac…here it is merely a swift trial, followed by a painful, agonizing death.

    This speech, not unlike many before it, carried within it the riveting urgency and strength that had brought these soldiers to where they now stood: at the brink of exile. For this last act of defiance was the signature of their death warrants.

    And although his desire to rule his planet was treason in and of itself, his word of warning A swift trial, followed by a painful, agonizing death could not have been truer.

    The leader of this wayward band of rebels was none other than the commander of the entire starship armada. A tall shadowy figure—not unlike any other on the planet—yet beholding of a natural technical military genius beyond compare. The questions constantly raised by those in the high command were, as the commander would in time begin to realize, driven by fear and jealousy.

    Fear and jealousy—the seeds of deceit.

    Left with little time to plan, the leader was forced to commandeer his own airships. Eight in total would soon be deployed. Destination: Unknown.

    Hidden deep within the Aurora Borealis, inconstant waves of airships had been in search of host planets such as Planet Earth since the beginning of time.

    Beings from other worlds, perhaps other dimensions, silently drifting through the atmosphere, undetected.

    The brilliant green hue of the Northern Lights, the perfect camouflage for these silver-gray warships. For they indeed were nothing less than warships.

    These visitors had not come in peace, searching for safety in our corner of this vast universe.

    These were indeed warships. Enemy warships. Some massive and unstoppable, carrying warlords and their deadly armies. Vast armies. Some had journeyed to earth millions of years ago, in search of gold in order to repair the depleting atmosphere of their own planet. Only to be trapped here with no way to return. In time, they would succumb to the heavily oxygenated atmosphere, coupled with an intolerable gravitational force. In her own way, Mother Earth had brought an end to these gold-thieving creatures. Yet this would not be the first time she had risen to other-worldly foes.

    And hopefully, it would not be her last. For there was a new enemy afoot. A seemingly unstoppable force. One that would require her great strength once more.

    For man himself, it seemed, was simply no match this time.

    Fleeing Their Planet: The Spacetime Parallax

    The armada—simply named Cas-Sec Coalition—had for many years been the pride of Commander Haplorr-Arxix. Referred to by his soldiers as Commander Haplorr, efficiency and order ruled above all else. The shadowy mist that formed their bodies seemed in constant motion. Speech was nothing more than thoughts sent through space and time. The shape of a head, and yet no recognizable facial features to speak of. Merely a tall slender shadow, writhing, ever moving. As if never at peace. Never settled.

    Cassia-Serac…a planet consumed with these unsettled beings. Civil war, a constant threat.

    War itself, forever on their minds. This was the driving force of the high command.

    It would now be the reason Commander Haplorr and his small band of faithful soldiers would be forced to flee. For in the jealous-paranoid minds of the high command, another rebel was planning to overthrow the government. Yet this time, it was true.

    Spacetime Portals

    So close was he to a master plan that had he remained, Commander Haplorr would have breached the inner circle of the high command. For he had been a trusted leader. A brave and faithful soldier in his own right. So much so that the news of his planned overthrow came as not only a shock but a complete disappointment to those high-ranking officials. For although this was a new regime, many of those from the former council remained. The end result: corruption merged and then compounded.

    Commander Haplorr? Never would he attempt to deceive his own government! said one of the chairmen.

    But as they would begin to understand, the words relayed by this traitor were completely true.

    Appalled and greatly angered by the words of this double-crossing messenger, the council wasted no time attempting to put an end to this.

    If what you have said is true, the commander must be brought before this council at once! was of course, the response.

    A swift trial, followed by a painful death. This was all that awaited the commander, as well as his soldiers, should they remain there on Cassia-Serac.

    Narrowly escaping a doomed battle, the commander and these eight warships were cast out in all directions in their desperate attempt to flee their impending death warrants.

    Once they were well into deep space, the eight ships would soon relocate one another, and in a V-shaped attack formation, they would begin their search for a spacetime portal.

    The Spacetime Portal: a fold in time that would allow their ships to travel through time and space. The ability to transport themselves to worlds beyond real-time travel. Light-years, for example, could be ventured in a matter of moments, if not sooner.

    Knowledge of these portals was, of course, nothing new. Many had embraced this method of travel for millions of years.

    And although time portals were nothing new to the inhabitants of Cassia-Serac, never had there been a time when a journey through such a portal hadn’t been located beforehand, planned for in advance.

    In other words, what Commander Haplorr and his faithful soldiers had done by leaving so abruptly was send themselves on a path to nowhere.

    If the high command does not track us, the darkness of space itself shall claim us. Either way, we are doomed, said one of the soldiers, who was also piloting one of the eight spacecraft.

    Giving up so soon? Have you no sense of victory? If a portal exists, we shall be the ones to find it, said the commander from his own ship.

    Yet as time progressed, their thoughts would become desperate.

    Just then, a ship from the left wing of the formation quickly reported, There, Commander Haplorr! There…it remains at a great distance, yet I believe we have found our stargate!

    The distance was indeed great, causing those aboard these eight vessels immense concern.

    Yet once again, luck was on the side of the commander. Entering the fold, soon they would be transported to another time and place.

    Anywhere would be welcomed, said one of the other soldiers, piloting yet another of the eight vessels.

    Careful what you say…careful what you wish, replied the commander.

    Spacetime fold. Doorway or portal or even stargate. Whatever the title, this was the only method of deep space travel.

    The commander and his soldiers had won! At least for the moment. For there remained the problem of destination; this must still be dealt with: the problem of destination.

    A Small Blue Planet, Deep Within the Milky Way Galaxy

    Part 1

    The Journey

    Entering near the edge of a violent asteroid field, the eight tiny airships were quickly forced to maneuver out of harm’s way.

    That was close, Commander, said one of the pilots.

    Close and extremely dangerous…flying blindly through space, only to reappear at the mercy of an asteroid belt? We should consider ourselves lucky to have not met our end, said the commander.

    Once again, luck was on his side. Once they were well beyond the asteroid belt, the search for an inviting host planet could begin.

    Many a star system was viewed. Slowly, the commander began to realize just how beautiful these star systems really were: bright bold colors, spinning in all directions.

    This is nothing like the planet systems of Andromeda. So much beauty. So much splendor, he said to himself. A passing moment of appreciation. This, and nothing more.

    Soon a strange bright glow came into view.

    Strange, this star…what causes it to burn so, I wonder?

    Proceeding toward it, the commander and his soldiers would soon realize the level of intense heat this strange bright glowing orb was capable of emitting.

    Impressive, said the commander. Impressive and deadly.

    Drifting deeper into space, out of harm’s way, the commander noticed yet another swirling orb. This one, however, was unlike any he had ever seen before.

    So beautiful this shade of color. This…this shall be the one.

    Informing the others that this strikingly beautiful planet was the one chosen, the planned directive could now commence.

    One, two, three…the third planet from this bright burning star. Let us see what surprises such a world might possess, said the commander to himself.

    Yet entering this world would not be so easy. An atmosphere so dense, so protective, that it would cause these eight airships to break formation in an instant upon impact.

    The commander and one other ship would land somewhere in the isles of Britannia. With this second ship crash landing, causing severe damage to the craft, but not the crew.

    Four of the airships would land deep within the southern hemisphere. With the remaining two landing in the east, deep within the heart of South China’s Song Dynasty Empire.

    However, the search to find one another would be brief.

    Soon the destruction of this inviting host planet would commence. For although the option to negotiate was there, the commander’s intention was far from negotiation with its inhabitants. Wherever and whatever they may be.

    The atmosphere on this new planet was nothing like theirs. But all this was about to change.

    Starting with the armies of the world.

    Little did the commander know the resistance he would face. For the inhabitants of this new planet were not about to give up so easily.

    Strengths from every continent. Rulers from nations who had never met were about to unite.

    The battle for Planet Earth was about to begin.

    Part 2

    The Resistance

    While a meteorite or shooting star might go undetected, eight large fireballs soaring through the atmosphere toward earth had in no way gone unnoticed.

    Many from nearby kingdoms, towns, and villages hurried to view firsthand what had fallen from the skies. The airships at that point, nothing more than a caution-fueled curiosity. Only later would word be sent of the annihilation of the armies. And this only by chance, as several young boys from a nearby Deira village had been secretly tracking the path of the Anglo-Saxon army as they made their way toward the Northumbrian coastline to plan their defense against the forewarned Viking raid.

    One look at the fallen bodies of these soldiers would be all that was needed to convince anyone and everyone that the stories told by these young boys of the wall of shadowy figures were completely true. Soon apprehension was the mood of the day. Soon there would be no one who wasn’t in fear of this alien invader.

    Again, what could have been a negotiation and a peaceful welcome would no longer be a possibility.

    There was a price to pay for death and destruction. But would the inhabitants of earth possess the ability to strike back if forced to do so?

    Ghana Empire, West Africa: Saharan Desert

    Southeast of the huge Western Sahara, past the City of Takrur, following the Senegal River, just to the north of the Niger, one could trace the path of many towns and villages leading to the thriving City of Gao, birthplace of Ghana Empire’s beloved ruler. With the mighty Niger River as its lifeline trade route, the people of this great city, as well as all the towns and villages to the west, were blessed with a bountiful existence. Forever grateful, they knew only peace and respect for these rivers and for the lands they called home. Far enough south of the burning desert, yet still close enough to know its all-consuming power. Forever grateful for the life-giving nourishment these massive ever-flowing rivers provided.

    The ruler of this empire was named Tunka Manin, King of Wagadou. Harsh lands were these, further north. Harsh lands filled with danger. Dangerous creatures roaming about during the night. But far more dangerous were the roaming bandits. Bloodthirsty barbarians known for taking souvenirs: the heads of their victims! These dangers and his desire to raise a family would bring the king closer to the Senegal River, where his own armies could maintain

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