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The Beginning of Everything
The Beginning of Everything
The Beginning of Everything
Ebook254 pages2 hours

The Beginning of Everything

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The Beginning of Everything rolls out on many levels. First of all, it is a narrative about the most sparsely documented times in history. Characters are brought to life in action and dialogue, providing images of how life must have been. Vivid details decorate their environment and sensitively reveal their personal thoughts and emotions. Nature, in all of its peaceful glory, majesty, and power, both soothes the sensitive soul and horrifies the reader with scenes of unspeakable power and wrath. Time stands still as the ingenious, creative order of all that we know comes to life. Shocking revelations bear indisputable truths as the reader's eyes are opened to what was right before them all the time on the pages of the Holy Scripture. The controversial clash between so-called science and faith finds common ground in the truths that overpower assumptions. Challenging questions are asked and answered in precise and convincing revelation, such as: "Was Adam's wife named Eve in the garden?" Or, "Was sunlight the light that shined when 'Let there be light' was spoken?"

Release dateMay 3, 2018
The Beginning of Everything

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    The Beginning of Everything - Roy DePolitte


    The Beginning of Everything

    Roy DePolitte

    Copyright © 2018 Roy DePolitte

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    New York, NY

    First originally published by Page Publishing, Inc. 2018

    Scripture verse is taken from the New King James Version® (NKJV). Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used with permission according to HarperCollins Christian Publishing Gratis Use Guidelines.

    ISBN 978-1-64138-692-0 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64138-693-7 (Digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37

    Chapter 38

    Chapter 39

    Chapter 40

    Chapter 41

    Chapter 42

    Chapter 43

    Chapter 44

    Chapter 45

    Chapter 46

    Chapter 47

    Chapter 48

    Chapter 49

    Chapter 50

    Chapter 51

    Chapter 52

    Chapter 53

    Chapter 54

    Chapter 55

    Chapter 56

    Chapter 57

    Chapter 58

    Chapter 59

    Chapter 60

    Chapter 61

    Chapter 62

    Chapter 63

    Chapter 64

    Chapter 65

    Chapter 66

    Chapter 67

    Chapter 68

    Chapter 69

    Chapter 70

    Chapter 71

    Chapter 72

    Chapter 73

    Chapter 74

    Chapter 75

    Chapter 76

    In the beginning was the Word,

    and the Word was with God,

    and the Word was God.

    He was in the beginning with God.

    All things were made through Him,

    and without Him nothing was made that was made.

    …And the light shines in the darkness,

    and the darkness did not comprehend it.

    —John 1:1–3, 5

    God Speaks to the Man

    Chapter 1

    The Beginning of Everything Regarding Our Existence

    The man had no memory prior to what he was currently experiencing. He didn’t even know what experiencing something meant. He could feel the slow rising and falling of his chest. It was like something that he would later call the breath of life. ¹ The warmth of the sun was on his skin as he inquisitively touched his arm. He began to look around, not even knowing that what he saw was through his eyes, or what eyes were, or how they worked. He was like a baby who just responds to his environment, but he was not a baby. He was a fully grown man. A soft haze was in the air high above his head, protecting his skin from harm that would later come from a force he would come to know as the sun. It was actually impossible for the sun to harm him in any way. But he didn’t know what harm was either.

    The air that he breathed was pure, clean, and stable. The levels of oxygen in the air near him, and ozone higher up in the atmosphere, would continue at those levels for only the next 1,600 years or so; then it would be much weaker until the end of this world’s existence.²

    Unknown to him, the invisible Spirit who made him gave him the aptitude to comprehend the meaning of His words, which the man would soon hear. Along with this unlearned ability, the Spirit gave the man immediate intelligence to comprehend certain concepts for which he had no previous experience—shapes, movements, colors, creatures—all of science that he would need to perform his occupation. Later, humans would have to start as infants and learn all these things over many years. But not this man. He was made immediately ready to experience and operate within his world.³

    He was sitting on dry land. There were no thorns or thistles, just the trees, grasses, plants, earth, and stones. His surroundings were lush with vegetation—flowering plants, fruit trees, and grasses, all in an endless array of colors, shapes, sizes, smells, tastes, and textures.⁴ Within his world, there were animals of every variety—large, small, tall, long, short, miniscule, and enormous.⁵ Some had smooth skin. Others were furry, and still others had feathers. Some crawled, some walked, some ran, some swam, and others flew. All came into existence only yesterday and today.

    He studied the colors of something that was moving. This was a strange and pleasurable entertainment for his eyes. The movement came from a cat, a large cat, progressing along directly in front of him. Its fur displayed light and dark brown patterns over a much lighter background. There was no threat of danger.

    A flower projected upward from the surface near where he was sitting. It was red and yellow, with a green stem below those colors. All of these brilliant, vibrant hues were perceived by his eyes, but not named or defined yet. A sweet smell permeated the air around many of the plants. A strong aroma was upon the fruit that hung from the trees and around the flowers. Tartness was on, within, and near others. The descriptions of sweet and tart were merely sensual, experiential receptions on his body. They were not named or defined. They were just invisibly and sensually received by his body. His awe at this was pleasurably intense. He knew only the good that surrounded him, because everything was only good!⁶

    Having seen some animals using their legs, he decided to wobble and twist his own torso. Soon he was rising from the dust, standing on his perfectly balanced and effortlessly coordinated legs. He wondered if he could actually move along the surface of the ground, like the animals did. So he started. With every twist and motion, this movement changed the appearance of what he saw.

    Stooping down, he moved closer to the first flower he had seen, and noticed many others nearby, varieties of endless colors, tones, and shades. He reached out his hand and gently touched the softness of the petals. Leaning his face downward, he felt the invisible aroma enter into his lungs. His hand touched the stem below the flowers and immediately noticed its firmness compared to the soft, powdery petals above. He lowered his hand until it touched the earth. This flat surface was harder than the flowers and partially covered in soft green grasses. He moved from flower to colorful flower, running his hands through them, enjoying the feeling and the smells that stimulated his body.

    The animal that would later be called a jaguar continued to look at him, but in a peaceful, nonthreatening way. She had never experienced harm, nor injury, nor killing.⁷ The man moved over to her and gently touched her pelt. The beast lay still as the man ran his hands through the fur on her back. She began to purr and continued resting peacefully. He could feel a different kind of life in this creature than what was in the flowers. He felt a certain affiliation with this beast, a camaraderie that was not with the plants of the earth. He sensed no danger. He perceived no threat. He didn’t know what threat was, nor danger. The beast had no conscious or subconscious intention of harming him, nor any other animal. The man rose and slowly walked upon the earth. As he did, he observed a large variety of these creatures and plants. Their diversity was endlessly amazing and overwhelming.

    Suddenly, a loud trumpeting sound came from the trees behind him. He quickly twisted around, not in panic or fear, but with intense interest and childlike excitement and curiosity. It turns out that his ears were receiving an invisible reverberation from a large male elephant. The blast resounded through the land—beautiful, powerful, loud, and breathtaking. He was feeling that his senses were open to receive all the smells, sights, sounds, and surfaces that his being could take in.

    Soon he experienced a slight churning urge from within his torso, and something inside him compelled him to move toward the green herb growing near his feet. He had just seen some of the animals biting off the herbs and grasses with their mouths, and these plants did not come back out. So he instinctively used his hands to pull up some of the plants from the earth and put them in his mouth. After imitating the animals by grinding his teeth on the herbs, this food passed from his mouth into himself. Upon repeating this process for a few minutes, he no longer felt the urging coming from his stomach. This relief and satisfaction felt good. And the taste was positively stimulating to his mouth.⁸

    A small furry animal darted in front of him and dashed into an opening. It had four legs and moved quickly along the surface of the ground. The man decided to try to move quickly. He moved his legs faster and faster. Each step sped his movement along behind the quick animal. Although he could not catch up with it, he felt the sensation of his hair in motion, the blur of the stationary objects to his side, the rapid approach of what was in front of him, and the departure from the place where he had started. Looking around as he ran, he was slightly confused, and very excited. There was a strange sensation throughout his entire body. When he stopped, he saw and felt his chest rise more rapidly than before. The breath within him was pulsing at an accelerated pace, and he felt even more alive!

    This was the perfect man—yet not musclebound like weight lifters that mankind would know of later in this world’s history. Flawless strength and agility were fashioned within all of his muscles and his senses. He was made fully grown on this day, masterfully created.⁹ And he was as beautiful as a person could be. If one pictured Michelangelo’s David, enhanced to absolute perfection, it would be just a hint of his likeness.

    As he continued to move his body along the surface of the earth, he saw something large lying flat in the distance. It had a glistening light upon its flat surface. No grasses grew out of it. He walked toward it, not knowing that it was a body of water, not knowing what water was. He arrived at the bank of the small lake and reclined back to the ground. He saw a red object hanging from a tree. After pulling it away from the tree, he began eating it, just as he saw the monkeys do. Its sweet juice satisfied his mouth and created fragrant aroma within his nose in a most wonderful way. He felt the juice flow down his chin and neck. It was all sweet and magnificent. This too filled his stomach, even more substantially than the herbs.

    Then the Spirit Who Created All Things spoke to him.

    Hello, Adam. I am going to tell you how you got here, and how everything around you was made. The man listened calmly, yet intently. There was no reason to fear the voice of the speaker. It was strong, yet kind, and totally trustworthy to his spirit.

    The Spirit continued, "What you are experiencing is the beginning of your life.¹⁰ Many other creations were made today, and still others in the days before this one.¹¹ Yet I am the only being that has never had a beginning. I have always existed. I am all-powerful, all-intelligent, all-knowing, and I rule sovereignly.¹² All that I do is perfect and good.¹³ You will not comprehend the meanings of these things very well right now, but be at peace with this deliberate ignorance, and remember all that I will tell you.

    "I am different from anything or anyone you will ever know. One perplexing example is that I am one, like you, but also three. Do you see those three stones on the ground? They are three. I am one, but at the same time I am three.¹⁴ Nothing else is like this. I am three together at all times and separate when I want to be, but always One. One part resides in My invisible dwelling place, away from the world that you know.¹⁵ One is the Spirit who talks to you now, and roams where I want to go.¹⁶ One will become like you and walk upon the earth.¹⁷ Yet although I am separate at times from the other parts of Me, I am always only One. So when I speak of Myself as ‘Us,’ I am referring to these three persons, but I am still only One. Do not be concerned about understanding this. You will never be able to grasp it completely while on this earth, nor will anyone coming after you. I tell this to you now because there are some things about Me that are as true as this ground upon which you sit but that you must believe without understanding. You accept it because I have said it. This is crucial to your relationship with Me and your eternal continuance of life with Me.¹⁸

    I am the One who makes everything that exists and that will exist.¹⁹ Now I’ll tell you about everything that was made before you received your being and the consciousness of it. Listen carefully. Your remembrance is very important. You will impart these facts to other humans, who have not been made yet, over a period to be known as the next 930 years.²⁰

    The Spirit continued, The area where you sit may be called a ‘place.’ It is the location where things are for a time. It also could be referred to as a ‘space.’ There is a very different thing called ‘time.’ Remember when you were first sitting, then stood, walked over here, then sat down?

    Yes, the man instinctively replied.

    "You were in one place, then you moved. Now you are here. This is ‘time’ existing with ‘place.’ You ‘were’ ‘there.’ ‘Now’ you are ‘here.’ That is what ‘time’ is—one event giving way to another. It is not visible like things in ‘places.’ Everything exists within ‘time’ and ‘space,’ except for Me. Your beginning was today.²¹ I had no beginning and will have no end. ‘Time’ does not contain Me. I always was. ‘Space’ does not encompass Me. I am beyond and within all. Nothing is like this, except for Me.

    "There is a measurement of time called ‘day.’ Five ‘days’ ago

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