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My Life's Journey: Challenges & Triumphs from D.C. to DR
My Life's Journey: Challenges & Triumphs from D.C. to DR
My Life's Journey: Challenges & Triumphs from D.C. to DR
Ebook149 pages

My Life's Journey: Challenges & Triumphs from D.C. to DR

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Born on November 22,1961 Dr. Kevin Wilbon Sr. was raised in the urban parts of Washington. D.C. He is one of six siblings and is a retired US Army Military veteran of twenty four years.

Coach Dr. Kevin Wilbon Sr. is an Alumni of Central Texas College of Killeen Texas, National- Louis University of Chicago Illinois, Touro U

Release dateJan 25, 2023
My Life's Journey: Challenges & Triumphs from D.C. to DR

Coach Dr. Kevin Wilbon

Coach Dr. Kevin Wilbon Sr.Success - it's a subjective term but most commonly associated with career and money. For me, success is growth; it's the essence of pushing your limits and becoming better. It's how I managed to have a stellar career of 24 years to retirement in the military amassing numerous awards, to study and receive five different educational college degrees, the 5 championship rings in high school sports that I've received as a head coach and assistant coach, the 6 prestigious honor societies that I've been inducted to, the coaching and mentoring of youth and adults in my 30 plus years of teaching, and doing all of this coming from the urban streets and neighborhoods of Washington D.C. Most people believe that there's an element of privilege often associated with career success. I, on the other hand, am a believer of hard work. It was a concept instilled in me by my parents, Phyllis Elizabeth Brooks Wilbon and Calvin Wilbon Jr. My name is Coach Dr. Kevin Wilbon Sr., and this is my story...

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